TAKE NOTICE - Hobbyist Creedo

I will be honorable and a gentleman where appropriate, but there are some people in this world that will never have my respect. So, I cannot agree to be 100% respectful of all women all of the time--my POS aunt being among them. Any woman I am BCD with, will be treated like a lady [unless she asks otherwise ]
cabletex7's Avatar

"I will respect women of all ages and in every circumstance."
Originally Posted by TheDogger
Married men paying for sex. Would that be considered being disrespectful to their wives or would their be a special exemption for that? Just askin'. Because I'm sure they don't want to be breaking any oaths.
AshrDashr's Avatar
I always treat people with respect, until they give me a reason not to. That's just who I am and how I will always be.

Doesn't mean I am naive or a pushover, because I do give as good as I get. I just choose for myself when that is and don't let others choose for me.
Married men paying for sex. Would that be considered being disrespectful to their wives or would their be a special exemption for that? Just askin'. Because I'm sure they don't want to be breaking any oaths. Originally Posted by cabletex7
Ssssshhhhhh. Don't bother these people while they're patting themselves on the back for being great.
AshrDashr, that is exactly my attitude toward this subject. I treat all people with repect untill they give me reason to do otherwise. I expect the same in return.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
You can still be firm and hold people accountable for their actions all the while being respectful. Being respectful doesn't equal no balls or a pushover. I've seen examples of it here on the board many times.

Also does being a hobbyist mean all morals go out the window? Just asking....
cabletex7's Avatar
The whole idea of taking an oath to be respectful is lame. Really? That's what's going to stop you from being disrespectful?

Also, mandating levels of morality on a board like this? What is and is not appalling? Now that's irony. Note, I'm not talking about rules. We already have rules.
Mojojo's Avatar
I always treat people with respect, until they give me a reason not to. That's just who I am and how I will always be. Originally Posted by AshrDashr
Well put!
Wayward's Avatar
Ssssshhhhhh. Don't bother these people while they're patting themselves on the back for being great. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Why do they keep doing that? They should all be patting me on the back for being great. Sheeesssh.
I vow to put all women up on a pedastal!.................>
Just high enough so that I can see up thier skirts!
Also does being a hobbyist mean all morals go out the window? Just asking.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Love this question!
Morality is not standardized. What is morally acceptable to you may not be to me. There has been shit I read that doesn't sit right with me. There is shit I do that others would find appalling.

Agreed. The credo is lame. Kind of like the honesty statement in school, I promise not to cheat and report any cheating I see. The scene in Dazed n Confused with Randall "Pink" Floyd's refusal to sign the football oath thingie came to mind.

If I agree to this credo, what happens if I break it? A spanking, I hope.

A pledge is nice in spirit, but in reality its best as furniture polish.

Also does being a hobbyist mean all morals go out the window? Just asking.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
that gives those who choose to license to say and do whatever they want. They figure since we're not on the church board we're cave people.
dearhunter's Avatar
When do we pass around the offering plate.......and sing "rock of ages"?
Wayward's Avatar
I vow to put all women up on a pedastal!.................>
Just high enough so that I can see up thier skirts! Originally Posted by Gator42
Spoken like a true Gentleman.

If a crackho hits me in the forehead with a 2x4 then respect isn't what will be bouncing around in my head. We should all use our own moral compass and be respectful at first blush, until anyone demands to be treated differently.

1 post closer to a thousand and no banning on the horizon, strange days indeed.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Love this question!
Morality is not standardized. What is morally acceptable to you may not be to me. There has been shit I read that doesn't sit right with me. There is shit I do that others would find appalling.

Agreed. The credo is lame. Kind of like the honesty statement in school, I promise not to cheat and report any cheating I see. The scene in Dazed n Confused with Randall "Pink" Floyd's refusal to sign the football oath thingie came to mind.

If I agree to this credo, what happens if I break it? A spanking, I hope.

That was my whole plan. I mean I was hoping that if I ever broke it that one the fine providers on this board would come spank me but naw you had to go and let them all know the plan lol.

A pledge is nice in spirit, but in reality its best as furniture polish.

I think this was the OP's whole idea. Originally Posted by OneInAMillion

Spoken like a true Gentleman.

If a crackho hits me in the forehead with a 2x4 then respect isn't what will be bouncing around in my head. We should all use our own moral compass and be respectful at first blush, until anyone demands to be treated differently.

1 post closer to a thousand and no banning on the horizon, strange days indeed. Originally Posted by Wayward
So defending yourself is considered disrespectful? I didn't think that was what respect meant. Am I wrong? Just asking....

I don't think that being respectful has anything to do with being a pushover. Being respectful also doesn't mean putting women up on a pedestal either. Just my POV on the topic, maybe I'm wrong.