cameras in the rooms at local spas ???

In case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and good night!
It's just one more possibility you have to make peace with like contracting an STD, getting caught in an LE raid, your SO finding out etc.
  • JDSC
  • 03-06-2019, 07:40 PM
Pure in Richardson had a camera in the shower room
Expect to be on camera as soon as you hit the parking lot.
Rooms generally not.
The lobby is one thing the room is unacceptable just ask Robert Kraft. Even at L0 places people change clothes in there so it would be illegal to put a camera in the room, I know I would be keeping a keen eye out at a new place.
  • jorge
  • 03-09-2019, 07:01 AM
i have always assumed that all of my amp activities were being broadcast live to paying subscribers in korea. i hope to meet my fanclub one day.

true story: a guy i know was accused of relieving himself in a room at a popular amp. as he was being walked out, masseuse told mamasan something in korean about a camera.
None of this has anything to do with the reason the girls are worrying about cameras in rooms.

Read about the recent Florida busts. Notice they had live action video of the football owner getting a tug? That was because the feds used "sneek and peak" warrants for the first time to bust massage parlors, a huge game changer.

Google that type of warrant, and you'll completely understand why the girls are worried.
foejdls's Avatar
Get a camera detector and sweep the room prior to undressing while you are alone.
If a camera is found, question the owner and walk out
Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 07-17-2019, 10:26 AM
Has anyone ever wondered about those broken, missing and open ceiling tiles? You should.

Back in the day, spas like Cleo and Aloha had cameras in the room. Fact.

I'm sure with today's technology they are in just about every room and are stealth from a sniffer.
Just keep a pocket size Portable Jammer for Video Transmission Systems. Flip it on before you go in. Easy Peasy
Ralph Fults's Avatar
My main concern since the closures. Luxury worries me the most. Cameras everywhere, more than most. Newest, yet there were cracks and holes with camera angles in ceiling from the first. Very public place, like Orchid Day Spa where Kraft was busted. (Why open in such an area?) Security guard with badge always watching. Often a white van outside the entrance like that donut van at closed Bali. More conservative girls than most. Could be a honeypot. At least some other places are more out of the way and less an public nuisance. And they use camera detectors. I don't know if Luxury does.
Guest090819's Avatar
10 years ago in LA, visiting an amp, the girl said "wait", then put her face to the mirror in the room and cupped her hands over her eyes, clearly looking to see if there was someone behind it. Then she relaxed and we continued. Afterwards, I did the same and could make out that there was a room behind the mirror. On my way out, I saw what appeared to be a lawn maintenance guy near the front door who just happened to be wearing a headset connected to walkie talkie at his hip. That was my last visit there.
If there are cameras in the room how do I get copies of my performance? I been tearing it up at Blue. Even had Vicky point at my rock hard member and ask "medicine?". I said hell no, healthy diet, perfect BMI, and time spent with a hot AMP chick.

Any AMP owners reading this please burn me copies of my visits.

I want something to show the attendants in the old folks home as they shove mashed up peas in my mouth and ask "So Will, what did you do before you became a drooling vegetable sitting in your own waste?" I can mumble "I banged the hell out of hot K-girls. Cue the video."
DaddyJ's Avatar
Thanks for the reminder, I had forgotten that the bears used to be a good team with a great offense. And yes, the lobbies have cameras