THE OBAMA SURGE...........

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is no way, under any scenario, that this is good idea.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey assup, if that's the case then it should be a snap for you to refute and shoot down all of his "outrageous bullshit". You should be happy to hand whirlaway's ass to him every day. But you don't. Why not? Hmmm... Either you don't know how or it's not really "outrageous bullshit". Which is it, assup? Originally Posted by lustylad
Obviously you don't pay very good attention, Junior.
lustylad's Avatar
You blame Obama for everything and you know it you lying piece of shit. Just like this paste some bullshit editorial from a bullshit newspaper that makes up bullshit statements like 9 million Haitians are coming to the US. And, then we make the quantum leap to 9 million Haitians voting in the next election. Total fucking fabrication made up by the Washington Times and parroted reliably by idiots like you. And, utterly illustrative of the fear that fat, old, bald, white cocksucking republicans like you are feeling these days as they twirl down the shitter into irrelevance. Originally Posted by timpage

Hey timmytard, your reading comprehension is way off today. Did you read the article? Nowhere does it say "9 million Haitians are coming to the US.” It does state that the US Citizenship and Immigration Services agency has authorized the issuance of new green cards for up to 100,000 Haitians. Is that not a factual statement? Nowhere does the article “make the quantum leap to 9 million Haitians voting in the next election.” It does state that the same agency has solicited a printer to handle an anticipated “surge” of 9 million green cards to be issued “to support possible future immigration-reform initiative requirement.” Is that not a factual statement?

You're the one making “total fucking fabrications”, timmytard. Why don't you stick to the facts instead?
lustylad's Avatar
Obviously you don't pay very good attention, Junior. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Could you possibly be any lamer? Come clean with us...

____ I, assup, am too stupid to refute arguments in this forum, even when they are clearly "outrageous bullshit".


____ I, assup, denounce arguments I don't like as "outrageous bullshit" whenever they ring true and cannot be easily refuted.

Check a box. Gotta be one or the other. Which is it, dipshit?

Hey timmytard, your reading comprehension is way off today. Did you read the article? Nowhere does it say "9 million Haitians are coming to the US.” It does state that the US Citizenship and Immigration Services agency has authorized the issuance of new green cards for up to 100,000 Haitians. Is that not a factual statement? Nowhere does the article “make the quantum leap to 9 million Haitians voting in the next election.” It does state that the same agency has solicited a printer to handle an anticipated “surge” of 9 million green cards “to support possible future immigration-reform initiative requirement.” Is that not a factual statement?

You're the one making “total fucking fabrications”, timmytard. Why don't you stick to the facts instead? Originally Posted by lustylad
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on Friday threw open the door to as many as 100,000 Haitians, who will now move into the United States without a visa. Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican, rightly and accurately denounced enabling Haitians awaiting a U.S. visa to enter the country and legally apply for work permits as “an irresponsible overreach of the executive branch’s authority.”

This was just the beginning. The immigration agency earlier this month had solicited a printer able to handle a “surge” of 9 million green cards “to support possible future immigration-reform initiative requirements.” In an ordinary year, about 1 million green cards are issued, and over the life of this contract the company is expected to produce up to 34 million cards, a figure representing an increase of the population of the United States by 10 percent.

The cards do not come with automatic voter registration, but that’s obviously what the scheme portends. President Obama’s promised “executive actions” to bring about this enormous wave of amnesty constitute a transparent and cynical ploy to expand the Democratic voter base, creating a permanent majority. Republicans running for the House and Senate should demand that Mr. Obama lay his green cards on the table now, before — and not after — the Nov. 4 elections. No other campaign issue carries as much of an impact on the future of the nation.
I read it. Did you?
lustylad's Avatar

...The cards do not come with automatic voter registration, but that’s obviously what the scheme portends...

I read it. Did you? Originally Posted by timpage

Ok, so you admit you fabricated the facts that were stated in the article. Now you are moving on to where the author interprets those facts. Fair enough. You are not entitled to your own facts, but you are entitled to a different interpretation of the facts. So tell us why YOU think the US Citizenship and Immigration Services agency is unilaterally preparing to issue green cards to 100,000 Haitians and 9 million new immigrants.

Go ahead - we're listening.

Ok, so you admit you fabricated the facts as stated in the article. Now you are moving on to where the author interprets the facts. Fair enough. You are not entitled to your own facts, but you are entitled to a different interpretation of the facts. So tell us why YOU think the US Citizenship and Immigration Services agency is unilaterally preparing to issue green cards to 100,000 Haitians and 9 million new immigrants.

Go ahead - we're listening.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I don't think that the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Agency is preparing for 9 million new immigrants. The person that wrote the opinion piece cited in the post thinks that....I think that is bullshit. It is almost as stupid as you believing that there is an actual scheme by the parallel universe secret Democratic Party to bring 9 million immigrants into the US in order to take over the country. It's idiotic. Just. Like. You.
lustylad's Avatar
I don't think that the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Agency is preparing for 9 million new immigrants. The person that wrote the opinion piece cited in the post thinks that....I think that is bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
Oh, so now you flip back to challenging the facts in your comprehension-impaired way. The article didn't say they are "preparing for 9 million new immigrants." It stated that the agency has "solicited a printer able to handle a 'surge' of 9 million green cards 'to support possible future immigration-reform initiative requirements.' "

Are you saying the agency in question did NOT solicit a printer for this job? Let's get the fact straight before calling bullshit.
lustylad's Avatar
And utterly illustrative of the fear that fat, old, bald, white cocksucking republicans like you are feeling these days... Originally Posted by timpage

Oh, timmytard - one more thing. Did you read this part?

"A Gallup survey finds that 74 percent of Americans want the level of immigration to stay where it is, or reduce it."

That means the US Citizenship and Immigration Services agency is unilaterally overriding the wishes of 74% of the country. Are you saying three out of every four Americans are "fat, old, bald, white cocksucking republicans"? Interesting demographic.

Oh, timmytard - one more thing. Did you read this part?

"A Gallup survey finds that 74 percent of Americans want the level of immigration to stay where it is, or reduce it."

That means the US Citizenship and Immigration Services agency is unilaterally overriding the wishes of 74% of the country. Are you saying three out of every four Americans are "fat, old, bald, white cocksucking republicans"? Interesting demographic.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Yeah, the majority of Americans probably felt the same when they were letting your Irish or German or Italian ancestors into the country back whenever that happened.
This country was built by immigrants. You'd do well to remember that you fucking chucklehead.
lustylad's Avatar
Yeah, the majority of Americans probably felt the same when they were letting your Irish or German or Italian ancestors into the country back whenever that happened.
This country was built by immigrants. You'd do well to remember that you fucking chucklehead. Originally Posted by timpage

Got any link to those 18th/19th century polls, timmytard? Didn't think so. You're making stuff up again, aintcha?

I'm not against immigrants, timmytard. As long as they come in the front door. Fix the back door and I'll be happy to let more come in the front door.

Of course, you know you are ducking the big question here, timmytard. Do you think it is ok for the Emperor, I mean the POTUS, to ram big changes in immigration policy down our throats without the consent of Congress and against the wishes of 74% of Americans? Why have immigration quotas at all if the POTUS can shit all over them and do whatever he pleases?
