This week's poll: What should the government tax?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Getting a good start on that career, aren't you, Assup.



The Puny Pricked Putz

Did you know in Texas the toll road fro Seguin to Austin with the 85 mile per hour speed limit is not being used enough to generate enough income to pay the service debt (would that be because you have to drive 45 miles out of your way to get on it from San Antonio and by the time you do that it is 5 minutes faster to just take 35 straight up. So now that gotta raise the toll fees hight in order to be able to pay their debt payment.

Did you know that in Chesapeak the rain runoff is poluting the Chesapeak Bay so they are proposing a tax on impervious services that prevent the rain from soaking into the ground (like roofs, parking lots, streets, at a fixed rate per 500 feet of hard surface. We're taxing the rain man. 500 feet of root or driveway will cost you a tax of about 35.00
cptjohnstone's Avatar
More talk about my junk, Whiny.

Hormones must be up. Cramps, Gramps?

Depends! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
every other post you talk about someone wanting to see your "junk", I certainly do not, so you must have a problem with your "junk", maybe nobody can see your "junk"
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now YOU'RE talking about my junk, MuskOx!

I might have to put you on Ignore!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar