Provider is hurt by my review

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Read post #4 Originally Posted by thebuffmantraples
it as been fixed
but yup. one can out self

What would a 33 year old with grandbrats be categorized? Originally Posted by pyramider
My apologies for the bone headed oversight, and not being fully aware of the guidelines. I hope no one was offended. Thanks to the staff for editing. Lesson learned.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
There are some things in the areas that we can read that can sting a little. I know that you guys are encouraged to mention every little stretch mark or blemish, but it can hurt when seeing it in writing. It is what it is though. This is why I will never sign up as a man to read the ML and ROS. I'm sure there is shit in there that would hurt my feelings.

Live and learn my friend.
RandB fan's Avatar
What would a 33 year old with grandbrats be categorized? Originally Posted by pyramider
like Mother like Daughter(lMlD)

I think I hear the theme song to Deliverance playing in them there woods
As a 52 year-old who definitely doesn't have the body of a 20-year old, I wouldn't be offended by this review. OP was honest but kind and positive. I have seen plenty of mean-spirited or even just unfortunately worded reviews but IMHO this isn't one of them. That said, we all have things about our bodies that we're extra-sensitive about. For my part I don't mind honesty about these things as long as it's done respectfully. Even if it makes me cringe a bit to see my "flaws" put down in writing, I would rather that gents have ALL the info they need to decide whether I'm the lady for them or not.
joesmo888's Avatar
I don't see a problem with the review at all.
Solitaire's Avatar
I am also categorized as mature, and would not have been offended.

Every mark on my body reflects a beautiful story that I am more glad to tell
What would a 33 year old with grandbrats be categorized? Originally Posted by pyramider
To be avoided!
Hooker Board Suicide.....

If you( some of you) fine upstanding ladies were more forth coming with your own discriptions of yourselves.
Shiet like this would not happen.

I can be 4'2" and a troll, living under a bridge, but I am the one paying, the rent for one hour of your time. ( if the rent was cheap , this would be a non issue)

I understand hooktards have feelings, but when you pay to play, a lot of that shiet goes away.
For 2 or 3 hundred bucks for an hour, some of us fucktards have some type of expectation. ( then there are the zillion that are just happy to have a hole and a heartbeat)

But....... A hooker that gets butt hurt, from an honest discription......YOU NEED A NEW LINE OF WORK.

Here are my thoughts.

Comments from people who have never seen me, will never see me, or saw me and I didn't particularly enjoy them (read: douchebags) will not hurt my feelings. I let that happen once, and then I woke up and realized that they didn't even weigh on my emotional scale, so why was I bent out of shape?

However, even the slightest criticism by someone I thoroughly enjoyed can sting something fierce. No one is perfect, but also no one likes to be reminded of their flaws.. especially someone to whom they bared every inch of their being. As women, our bodies are very personal. We're conditioned to cover them up and protect them from a very young age. It takes a lot to bare one's self to another person... and to have that person criticize us is hurtful to a pretty extreme degree at times. I realize you guys are reviewing a "product," but sometimes you fail to realize that "product" is us. Our self.

Can you imagine reading (where any other girl you might ever sleep with could see) a woman critiquing your body and performance? "He was tall, only slight moobs, not very distracting at all, package on the smaller side, and unfortunately he's not that good with it, but his oral skills make up for it pretty well." Even though she meant to be fairly complimentary, I'm pretty sure that would sting a bit. If you think it wouldn't, you're probably kidding yourself. Believe me, we ladies know how sensitive you gents can be about your appearance and performance.

I'm just saying, if you're going to write an "honest" review, as you see it, understand that it could hurt the lady's feelings. If you're willing to accept that, then by all means, do your thing. If you're not, then perhaps reviews aren't your bag, or maybe only write reviews for really good and/or really bad experiences.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
In this particular case I read the entire review and it was overall very flattering and the criticisms were tactful but honest. There's not much more you could have done except not mention anything negative at all, which I do not condone. I will say though that, since ladies cannot or rather are not supposed to be able to read the ROS, there was very little to go off of for her in this case and she was unable to see all of the nice things you had to say about her which may have made her feel very differently about it or at least softened the blow a bit. Consider reserving most of the negatives or less than flattering aspects for the actual ROS where you can frame them and put them in context.

Caroline brings up a valid point though. The ladies, on this site and others like it, open themselves up to scrutiny, criticism, and comparisons of the most intimate parts of themselves, their bodies and their sexual performance. Those are two things which, in society as a whole, women keep private except to a select few and they are often the source of deep insecurities in a variety of ways. It takes a certain strength of character to thrive in this environment.

With that in mind, I feel like its important when writing a review to first be honest but also choose your words carefully. I try not to write anything that I would not say to the lady herself, and I do so in a way that is tactful not inflammatory. All too often guys write reviews and are unnecessarily abrasive and just plain mean. Don't be that guy.

Assume everything you write will be read or reported to the lady in question. Honesty in your reviews will help set realistic expectations for others seeing her, both sides benefit from that. But be tactful in your approach. If you do so, no one can fault you for it.
"He was tall, only slight moobs, not very distracting at all, package on the smaller side, and unfortunately he's not that good with it, but his oral skills make up for it pretty well." Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
Have we met before? O.o
bc7274's Avatar
Have we met before? O.o Originally Posted by sketchball82

lmao that's describes more than a few of use i'm sure.
hotrix1's Avatar
I just can't see how any one could have any reason to have a critique of your fantastic physique. Gee, if your bod is really what we see in the showcase then I would have to say that a reviewer might be a little hyper-critical, because I see the image of perfection.

However, there have been other providers out there where the showcase pics might be just a slight misrepresentation or grossly exaggerated from reality. All a matter of perspective. From the hobbyist vs provider's point of view, why should a provider be offended by an honest assesment? That is, if said showcase was misrepresented by flattering angles or airbrushing.

Now I can understand if somebody just flat out lies on a review about a provider's appearance. But isn't it only fair that we get to critique if the provider's pics lead us to expect what we're going to see and it turns out to be less than our expectations? Been there too many times before. And the reviewers' descriptions we tainted or skewed. But then I can see that in an effort to stay in the good graces of the reviewed provider(whose company they happen to enjoy) the reviewer might neglect to mention any negative characteristic to avoid any friction with the provider.

I for one, have tended not to mention anyone's flaws unless it was just over the top misrepresented. And even then, most times I just refrain from writing a negative review altogether. But that's just because more often than not WhiteKnights come out to the defense of the provider who happens to be someone they see thru rose-colored glasses. Been there once before and it got ugly. Since then I've seen a few that were nowhere near the appearance on their showcases or descriptions on their reviews.

For example, I saw a provider whose pics showed someone BBW, thick and curvy. Most recent reviews on this provider mention the same description. I wound up seeing fat and flabby. Jelly rolls piled on a muffin top. Nothing at all like the pics or reviews. I'd have to say IMHO, there's differences in PERSPECTIVE and I can respect that, but to restrain from writing an honest description from each person's perspective is what keeps other hobbyist in the dark. Guilty there, but just dont need the flak or the drama anymore. These days, unless it was just a total rip-off, I just write positive reviews.
kib123's Avatar
Here are my thoughts.

However, even the slightest criticism by someone I thoroughly enjoyed can sting something fierce. No one is perfect, but also no one likes to be reminded of their flaws.. I realize you guys are reviewing a "product," but sometimes you fail to realize that "product" is us. Our self.

Can you imagine reading (where any other girl you might ever sleep with could see) a woman critiquing your body and performance? "He was tall, only slight moobs, not very distracting at all, package on the smaller side, and unfortunately he's not that good with it, but his oral skills make up for it pretty well." Even though she meant to be fairly complimentary, I'm pretty sure that would sting a bit. If you think it wouldn't, you're probably kidding yourself. Believe me, we ladies know how sensitive you gents can be about your appearance and performance.
Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
You are correct on both counts, unfortunately a review is not merely a forum for flattery, which would be the case if your advice was heeded. Top $ are invested by hobbyists for a package of expectations. We have the obligation to provide good intel to others. Otherwise the whole essence of this site becomes meaningless.

And yes, feelings will get hurt whenever we are criticized, but almost all of us go through this as an expected part of our job performance reviews.

And if I were charging ladies top moolah for my bedroom prowess, your critique of my dimensions and performance would be perfectly acceptable, any ding on my feelings is a part of the job.