Hey LLIdiot! The Austin American-Statesman gets it WRONG? Or did YOU??? LMAO!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not gonna happen. It's YOU versus Austin.
JCM800's Avatar
I told you JCM. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Hey who knows ...maybe we'll find out exactly where this place is this time around.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Nau's? Who cares about Nau's? The only reason I go to that neighborhood is to dine at Jeffreys. Now Jeffreys is a fantastic restaurant about 100 yards maximum from Nau's.

The address of Jeffreys according to its website:

  • 1204 W Lynn St
    Austin, TX 78703
Partners Ron & Peggy Weiss and Jeff Weinberger opened Jeffrey's in 1975 to bring a simple café to the quiet, historic Clarksville neighborhood in Austin.
LexusLover's Avatar

Now Jeffreys is a fantastic restaurant about 100 yards maximum from Nau's.

The address of Jeffreys according to its website:

  • 1204 W Lynn St
    Austin, TX 78703
Partners Ron & Peggy Weiss and Jeff Weinberger opened Jeffrey's in 1975 to bring a simple café to the quiet, historic Clarksville neighborhood in Austin. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Advertising is wonderful isn't it.

Next time you're in there ask them how their Historical District grants are doing?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Advertising is wonderful isn't it.

Next time you're in there ask them how their Historical District grants are doing?

http://www.austintexas.gov/sites/def...larksville.pdf Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is there some sort of advantage to stating that the restaurant is in Clarksville? I certainly do not go there because of its location.
LexusLover's Avatar
Is there some sort of advantage to stating that the restaurant is in Clarksville? I certainly do not go there because of its location. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Actually, the 2 businesses in question, both located on West Lynn, are NOT IN Clarksville. The answer to your question is "yes" there is to the owners/tenants of businesses ACTUALL IN CLARKSVILLE by virtue of the Historical designation by the City of Austin (see the map provided of the area designated AS CLARKSVILLE in the OFFICIAL CITY MAP.

The ADVANTAGE to businesses located IN CLARKSVILLE has to do with grants and tax advantages that benefit the businesses in order to preserve the HISTORICAL nature of the structures and businesses. Austin has some of the most generous "perks" of any city in the State and the U.S. for that matter. There is no downside, particularly if a business is attempting to attract attention to gain customers by being the Historical district. What these two businesses and others just outside of Clarksville are doing are cashing in on the proximity to CLARKSVILLE.

Some people (some posters apparently not excluded) seem to perceive a greasy drugstore hamburger as tasting better if it is being eaten in CLARKSVILLE while sitting at the "lunch counter." I guess they are savoring the HISTORICAL significance as the devour ground beef on a bun. Go figure.

The same can be said for those who have established $500,000 residences where $2,000 shacks used to stand. In the overtly Liberal justification for absorbing history through osmosis it seems they feel they are "part of the people" while sleeping there. I saw the same attitude while helping Katrina refugees during the "photo ops" of dignitaries who wouldn't be caught dead cleaning up their vomit and changing their kids' diapers ... the "gentry" were long gone.

The only other "significance" is YouRong tries so hard to "out do" others, even in the face of overwhelming legitimate evidence to the contrary ... FYI: An official city document trumps an ad or a public relations piece on an entertainment page based on a writer getting free meals and beverages in anticipation of a favorable write up. He's JV at its lowest level.

The Austin rag is no exception.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy shit!

You keep on and on and on and on. You're talking about Jurassic Park. I'm talking about Austin. Maybe not the Austin that was here when you roamed these streets before I was born, LLIdiot. But I can pretty assure you that Nau's was, is and continues to be considered located in the middle of Austin's Clarksville neighborhood. By everybody except you.

Speedy, another Austinite, knows where Clarksville is. So do I. You live in Houston, allegedly. I don't know which you deny more vehemently, Climate Change or Clarksville. Please enlighten us.


SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Actually, the 2 businesses in question, both located on West Lynn, are NOT IN Clarksville. The answer to your question is "yes" there is to the owners/tenants of businesses ACTUALL IN CLARKSVILLE by virtue of the Historical designation by the City of Austin (see the map provided of the area designated AS CLARKSVILLE in the OFFICIAL CITY MAP.

The ADVANTAGE to businesses located IN CLARKSVILLE has to do with grants and tax advantages that benefit the businesses in order to preserve the HISTORICAL nature of the structures and businesses. Austin has some of the most generous "perks" of any city in the State and the U.S. for that matter. There is no downside, particularly if a business is attempting to attract attention to gain customers by being the Historical district. What these two businesses and others just outside of Clarksville are doing are cashing in on the proximity to CLARKSVILLE.

Some people (some posters apparently not excluded) seem to perceive a greasy drugstore hamburger as tasting better if it is being eaten in CLARKSVILLE while sitting at the "lunch counter." I guess they are savoring the HISTORICAL significance as the devour ground beef on a bun. Go figure.

The same can be said for those who have established $500,000 residences where $2,000 shacks used to stand. In the overtly Liberal justification for absorbing history through osmosis it seems they feel they are "part of the people" while sleeping there. I saw the same attitude while helping Katrina refugees during the "photo ops" of dignitaries who wouldn't be caught dead cleaning up their vomit and changing their kids' diapers ... the "gentry" were long gone.

The only other "significance" is YouRong tries so hard to "out do" others, even in the face of overwhelming legitimate evidence to the contrary ... FYI: An official city document trumps an ad or a public relations piece on an entertainment page based on a writer getting free meals and beverages in anticipation of a favorable write up. He's JV at its lowest level.

The Austin rag is no exception. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Unfortunately, every website I look at clearly states or shows that both Nau's and Jeffreys are in Clarksville. Maybe at one time the area called Clarksville had different boundaries. Today, from every source I can find, both Nau's and Jeffreys are in Clarksville.

This website contains a very precise map of where the authors believe Clarksville to be and West Lynn is clearly included. And both Nau's and Jeffreys are included in the article as being in Clarksville.


Another article:

Source: http://austin.about.com/od/neighborh...svilleProf.htm

Clarksville is full of cafes, coffee shops, and restaurants, especially along West Lynn. Jeffrey’s, at West Lynn and 12th Street,

And another:

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarksv...stin,_Texas%29
Clarksville today

Many European immigrants settled in Clarksville throughout the early 1900s, building a community still felt today. Anthony Colanetta settled in Clarksville and opened Anthony's Laundry & Cleaners at the corner of West 12th Street and West Lynn in 1950. Colanetta also built a drugstore that he leased to his friend Hylton Nau. Today both stores are still operating, and the soda fountain in Nau Enfield Drugstore is a rare find. Indeed, it was during the mid-1970s that Sledd's Nursery, with their high quality plants and organic philosophy, and Jeffrey's high class, eclectic cuisine open their doors, only to have remained Clarksville staples ever since.

And another with a map that clearly shows West Lynn as part of Clarksville:

Source: https://www.mapsofaustin.com/clarksville
Yssup Rider's Avatar
One of Austin's premier restaurant blogs ranked Nau's as one of the top 25 classic restaurants every Austinite should try ... Even if it means going to Clarksville!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
One of Austin's premier restaurant blogs ranked Nau's as one of the top 25 classic restaurants every Austinite should try ... Even if it means going to Clarksville!

http://austin.eater.com/maps/histori...rants-must-try Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
West Lynn isn't in Clarksville, you stupid faggot.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Unfortunately, every website I look at clearly states or shows that both Nau's and Jeffreys are in Clarksville. Maybe at one time the area called Clarksville had different boundaries. Today, from every source I can find, both Nau's and Jeffreys are in Clarksville.

This website contains a very precise map of where the authors believe Clarksville to be and West Lynn is clearly included. And both Nau's and Jeffreys are included in the article as being in Clarksville.


Another article:

Source: http://austin.about.com/od/neighborh...svilleProf.htm

Clarksville is full of cafes, coffee shops, and restaurants, especially along West Lynn. Jeffrey’s, at West Lynn and 12th Street,

And another:

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarksv...stin,_Texas%29
Clarksville today

Many European immigrants settled in Clarksville throughout the early 1900s, building a community still felt today. Anthony Colanetta settled in Clarksville and opened Anthony's Laundry & Cleaners at the corner of West 12th Street and West Lynn in 1950. Colanetta also built a drugstore that he leased to his friend Hylton Nau. Today both stores are still operating, and the soda fountain in Nau Enfield Drugstore is a rare find. Indeed, it was during the mid-1970s that Sledd's Nursery, with their high quality plants and organic philosophy, and Jeffrey's high class, eclectic cuisine open their doors, only to have remained Clarksville staples ever since.

And another with a map that clearly shows West Lynn as part of Clarksville:

Source: https://www.mapsofaustin.com/clarksville Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I don't think those people really need to be that exact. No one really cares except that idiot Assup. However, the official website of the city of Austin shows the Clarksville National Historic District and West Lynn isn't on it. See LexusLover's definitive and authoritative post on the subject.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Actually, the 2 businesses in question, both located on West Lynn, are NOT IN Clarksville. The answer to your question is "yes" there is to the owners/tenants of businesses ACTUALL IN CLARKSVILLE by virtue of the Historical designation by the City of Austin (see the map provided of the area designated AS CLARKSVILLE in the OFFICIAL CITY MAP.

The ADVANTAGE to businesses located IN CLARKSVILLE has to do with grants and tax advantages that benefit the businesses in order to preserve the HISTORICAL nature of the structures and businesses. Austin has some of the most generous "perks" of any city in the State and the U.S. for that matter. There is no downside, particularly if a business is attempting to attract attention to gain customers by being the Historical district. What these two businesses and others just outside of Clarksville are doing are cashing in on the proximity to CLARKSVILLE.

Some people (some posters apparently not excluded) seem to perceive a greasy drugstore hamburger as tasting better if it is being eaten in CLARKSVILLE while sitting at the "lunch counter." I guess they are savoring the HISTORICAL significance as the devour ground beef on a bun. Go figure.

The same can be said for those who have established $500,000 residences where $2,000 shacks used to stand. In the overtly Liberal justification for absorbing history through osmosis it seems they feel they are "part of the people" while sleeping there. I saw the same attitude while helping Katrina refugees during the "photo ops" of dignitaries who wouldn't be caught dead cleaning up their vomit and changing their kids' diapers ... the "gentry" were long gone.

The only other "significance" is YouRong tries so hard to "out do" others, even in the face of overwhelming legitimate evidence to the contrary ... FYI: An official city document trumps an ad or a public relations piece on an entertainment page based on a writer getting free meals and beverages in anticipation of a favorable write up. He's JV at its lowest level.

The Austin rag is no exception. Originally Posted by LexusLover
+ 1
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I don't think those people really need to be that exact. No one really cares except that idiot Assup. However, the official website of the city of Austin shows the Clarksville National Historic District and West Lynn isn't on it. See LexusLover's definitive and authoritative post on the subject. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Or it could be that the map needs updating. When you ask people who LIVE in Austin and have no skin in the game as to whether or not Nau's is in the Clarksville area of Austin, and they all say YES, then I believe Nau's is in Clarksville. I personally believe both LL and Assup are correct. Simply different viewpoints.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
West Lynn isn't in Clarksville, you stupid faggot. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Four days and counting, "faggot!"

Or it could be that the map needs updating. When you ask people who LIVE in Austin and have no skin in the game as to whether or not Nau's is in the Clarksville area of Austin, and they all say YES, then I believe Nau's is in Clarksville. I personally believe both LL and Assup are correct. Simply different viewpoints. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I actually agree with you Speedy. The archaeological map of Austin indicates that at one time, Clarksville was not only smaller, but was a poor ghetto neighborhood.

But LLIdiot has been so absolute in his pronouncements and condescending in his pursuit of this silly fucking issue that he deserves to be proven wrong at every turn.

And, after all, he claimed he was here long before any of us were born ... so he can continue to dance for his dinner! In Clarksville!