The Boycott Boys take a Balloon Ride aka Karma and Kombucha

Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
A bit much~ Originally Posted by TheTopG655
Sux to be labeled doesn’t it? I remember reaching out and calling for a truce, but I don’t remember you saying you were done and wouldn’t pursue it anymore. You may have, I just can’t find the PM when you said that.

~I'm glad ya'll are vibing in there. Originally Posted by TheTopG655
Much appreciated buddy.
I think the most telling thing here is not a single person has defended your position.

You have showed to everyone on the board what a clueless troll you are so no one believes a word you say. You said I was Cage the other day and you were still on discord when he joined us on the server're weird man

Lastly its kind of funny and sad that you think anyone except yourself is going to read that garbage. Don't let it eat your soul, just grow up.
aJohnDough's Avatar
3: Purple/Haru~ This is Nuanced and information is left out. Asa asked me twice for a review for Purple. She asked me for a completely fabricated review. I told her I'm not giving a yes review to a girl I haven't seen because I didn't want to trick anyone and said I was going to "see" her. I saw her, did a lot of Due diligence and wrote a review. It was very fair and some of it wasn't to her benefit if you read it. I didn't even get a discount honestly, I broke even on gas. I saw Haru for 300. ADJ knows this. Originally Posted by TheTopG655
You forgot the part where you told me you were gonna call LE on Blossom K because they charged you a cancellation fee and you didn’t see Purple, you just saw her at the door and wrote a fake review going off her looks for your $20 discount with haru. So much for helping the community not waste money/potentially get someone caught up in a raid. I should send Blossom K that PM and see if they’ll still let you see Mina
So many attacks on TheTopG655...

Drama aside, he did provide high quality reviews. His reviews are usually honest and matches the real experiences. He also regularly share additional information about studios. A good example would be the recent discussions about the Chinese hotel debauchery.

A warning to all. This hobby is a felony in Texas. There is only negative incentive to get close to strangers online. The more you guys get together (virtually or physically), the easier to get all of you busted.
6. The attacks on the girls that did nothing wrong did not sit well with most of us.
Valid, but it's 70/30 imo and selective hypocrisy. On one occasion, I remember this vividly, ADJ told me to post that one of the greenlight girls had tattoos to hide her surgical scars. The comment got push back and when I later asked if it was true, he said no. He also literally lied about Mina recently and I'm assuming no one's higher than thou moral compass in there told him anything. Originally Posted by TheTopG655
Nobody cares if you post honest intel about a girl. What you did several times is find a critique about a girl (usually a GL girl) and proceed to do hit pieces on that girl all over ECCIE. You would take it way too far instead of making 1 post to provide your intel. Instead, you would post the intel / hit piece in all the girl's reviews, create new threads to mention it, bring it up in the Men's Lounge, etc.

I remember Nana was your target at one point. I can't remember what it was about, but per usual, you took it way too far and blasted it all over ECCIE......and for what reason? You can say it's because you're looking out for fellow mongers, but we all know it's because you were going after the promoters and you also had a personal vendetta against Jay / Green Light.

For the most part I didn't care when you went after the promoters, but for whatever reason you thought the best way of going after the promoters was to do hit pieces on the studio girls. This is exactly what I called you out on multiple times in the discord, and you took zero accountability and played the victim, which is a similar theme with you.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
2balls75's Avatar
Just to put things in perspective. TheBottomG655 is at such a low point now, he’s not even supporting himself with his other handles. lol lol lol
TheTopG655's Avatar
Sux to be labeled doesn’t it? I remember reaching out and calling for a truce, but I don’t remember you saying you were done and wouldn’t pursue it anymore. You may have, I just can’t find the PM when you said that. Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
I use Bob interchangeably. You reached out on 2balls for the truce. You’re saying you have memory of that?
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Sorry, my mistake TopG. I had accumulated a lot of points and reached out to several people to make amends to avoid a ban and thought you were one of them.
ntxguy's Avatar
Sorry, my mistake TopG. I had accumulated a lot of points and reached out to several people to make amends to avoid a ban and thought you were one of them. Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
TheTopG655's Avatar
Do ya'll want me off the board or on the board? Hard to tell.
CaptainZman's Avatar
ntxguy's Avatar
Do ya'll want me off the board or on the board? Hard to tell

Really??? Hopefully you meant that as a joke and aren’t serious.
2balls75's Avatar
Do ya'll want me off the board or on the board? Hard to tell. Originally Posted by TheTopG655
I don't want you off the board. I don't think you're a bad dude. I think you just need to hit the reset button and start fresh.

The people that push your buttons on this site - just put them on ignore so that you don't see their posts. I think you will still see that that person made a post, but you won't see their actual post (I think it shows up as blank).