*knock knock knock* Excuse me, Chipper? Can you help me understand something?

CM's Avatar
  • CM
  • 01-04-2012, 09:47 PM
Nice Avatar <slurp> oh yeah, now back to your question.
When you create a Thread at 09:00 AM
(Copierguy0 starts work at 08:00 AM)
and it gets closed at 06:43 PM
(Copierguy0 gets home from work at 06:00 PM)
Checks mail, takes garbage out, and Has Dinner.

That does NOT give me enough time to add my .02 cents, therefore i am pissed at chipper and i agree with you traci, that he should re-open that threAD. lol oh yeah, back to your question traci, the answer is: Chipper did NOT want me to post in that thread and thats why he closed it before i could respond but, I knew you were too smart for him and started another thread titled KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK excuse me!!! lol That will fix his wagon.

Welcome Back Traci,
The owners/administrators of this site should appoint moderators, but the regular members should have an outlet where they can vote an abusive moderator out of his or her position. If the overwhelming majority of established members vote that a moderator is abusive, he or she should go. This would make moderators more accountable and stop the "God" complex.

Please click the "like" button on my post if you agree with my idea.
No, I respectfully disagree with that. Were that to happen, being a mod would be reduced to a popularity contest, and that never works any better. Mods who were actually good at their jobs would piss off too many of the loudmouth misbehavers and get voted off the squad with the quickness! I think admin should simply have an open door policy on complaints about mods, and it would quickly become apparent who was abusing his/her power. Frankly, as long as people are involved, it will never be perfect, but a vote on/off system just reeks of "bad" to me.
FishGuy13's Avatar
Welcome back Traci! I tried to respond to your other thread aka request for info before it was closed, then tried to send you a PM, but seem it is just not my day that did not go through either.
Once again Welcome Back & Hope to get to see you again!

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Would an automated response be OK???

"...Welcome to ECCIE!
There are over 450 "Ladies" on P411 in Dallas. Make me think you are happy that I chose you for a visit!

When you kiss me, do it like you mean it!"

LazurusLong's Avatar
Just because "larrydumbass" (who seems to be a staunch Tara Evans supporter) wants to complain about it, isn't a reason to close my thread. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
What we have here is a "situation"/

IF I were to disclose the former agency owner's handle behind that new handle, I'd get banned but in all reality, HE should still be dealing with the local po-po and worrying more about that issue much more than over defending a provider on this board like they did for way too long.
novacain's Avatar
Funny that the mod in question hasn't felt a need to address this issue here in a mod like manner, doubt he even fully read the other thread. I wonder is modding here like being a traffic cop, you have a mod quota to fill for the month? New Year.......................... .............. Time for some new(er) mods perhaps?

Oh and a happy semi-unretirement Traci
No idea why, but I will wait. He was on last at 9:49pm, and way earlier than that I sent him a PM, and I RTMd my OP in this thread... dunno what else I can do. But.. I've got time. ^_^

Well, not tonight, because I'm going to bed. Check back in the morning. Night kids!
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
No, I respectfully disagree with that. Were that to happen, being a mod would be reduced to a popularity contest, and that never works any better. Mods who were actually good at their jobs would piss off too many of the loudmouth misbehavers and get voted off the squad with the quickness! I think admin should simply have an open door policy on complaints about mods, and it would quickly become apparent who was abusing his/her power. Frankly, as long as people are involved, it will never be perfect, but a vote on/off system just reeks of "bad" to me. Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Agreed. And if anyone thinks that there is a flare for favoritism among the ModShip as of now would certainly KNOW it were the public able to pick and choose who is in and who is out.

cookie man's Avatar
So Traci you are going to charge $500 for 90 minutes. Do you really need any more "advice"? Welcome back.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
I'm with Traci. In general, there are way too many thread closings here. Point offenders and instruct them not to post to a thread if necessary, but closing a thread just rewards bad behavior of someone who wants to get a thread shut down. If someone doesn't like a thread, then he or she should not click on it. No more heckler's veto!

P.S. Welcome back Traci!
Never mind...
Randy4Candy's Avatar

The Best Laid Plans Department.....:

TB, just ease on over to the HDH section, call it good and square up with being very low profile and exclusive. The true HDH doesn't waste her time down amongst the great unwashed.

Tara, you're worried about Tara?
Well, I got points for a thread hijack on this one. I'm not sure how a smart ass comment about the mods over moderating on a smart ass thread about the mods over moderating is hijacking, but I'm guessing there's not an Orwellian "Though shalt not question authority" rule on the books. Yet.
Well, I got points for a thread hijack on this one. I'm not sure how a smart ass comment about the mods over moderating on a smart ass thread about the mods over moderating is hijacking, but oh well, I'll get over it. Originally Posted by TheBizz
LOL, who issued them?

Interesting the mods care enough read this thread and issue points yet not enough to answer Traci's question.

I am going on strike
Dammit monk, you exposed my edit!