Civil Rights?

texasjohn1965's Avatar
I defend his choice to defend himself with lethal force in a lawful manor.

I would do the same for you,
I am not that dumb .thanks anyway.
TMs friend, Jeantel, thinks Zimmerman could have been a homosexual predator........she said the same to TM on the phone at the time.

Do we now have a sexual orientation profiling and hate crime by TM ?

Did TM beat GZ because he thought he was gay; maybe after TMs little brother ???
Well be realistic a wrongful death suit could be filed. I never indicated it would be won or lost. But the idea floating around about a Civil Rights Violation, that would be as ridiculous as you trying to convince a crowd that you can out run a cheetah. Originally Posted by acp5762
The more likely scenario is Zimmerman and his legal team going after the entire prosecution squad and some major news outlets for slander and out right lies about this entire case.

You are entitled to your opinion, but not changing facts and presenting them as truth.

Also, this dipshit woman special prosecutor, Angela Corey, is steadily digging a bigger hole in which to toss her now defunct credibility. She is now getting close to official oppression violations in constantly getting on TV and making asinine comments about the case, including comments such as "Zimmerman was a coward for standing behind his 5th Amendment rights". Keep in mind, this is an officer of the court. She can, and should be held accountable.
bojulay's Avatar
For anyone that thinks a person can't die from a blow to the
head in a fight, and this woman was wearing protective head gear.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2013, 12:07 PM
For anyone that thinks a person can't die from a blow to the
head in a fight, and this woman was wearing protective head gear. Originally Posted by bojulay

an autopsy conducted on Monday were not immediately available
I B Hankering's Avatar
an autopsy conducted on Monday were not immediately available Originally Posted by CJ7
"The preliminary cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head, but results from an autopsy conducted on Monday were not immediately available. Zerlentes was hit by a punch from Heather Schmitz, and despite wearing protective headgear fell unconscious during the third round of a bout late Saturday."

The more likely scenario is Zimmerman and his legal team going after the entire prosecution squad and some major news outlets for slander and out right lies about this entire case.

You are entitled to your opinion, but not changing facts and presenting them as truth.

Also, this dipshit woman special prosecutor, Angela Corey, is steadily digging a bigger hole in which to toss her now defunct credibility. She is now getting close to official oppression violations in constantly getting on TV and making asinine comments about the case, including comments such as "Zimmerman was a coward for standing behind his 5th Amendment rights". Keep in mind, this is an officer of the court. She can, and should be held accountable. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Angela Corey is still referring to Zimmerman as a 'murderer' on lib-retard MSM outlets. She'll be lucky if Zimmerman doesn't add her as a plantiff when he sues NBC.
LexusLover's Avatar "Zimmerman was a coward for standing behind his 5th Amendment rights". Keep in mind, this is an officer of the court. She can, and should be held accountable. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If one needs no further evidence to beat the prosecution team, ....

... why kick them when they are down and rub it in their defeated faces.
bojulay's Avatar
an autopsy conducted on Monday were not immediately available Originally Posted by CJ7
It happened in 2005, and yes she died from a blow to the head
during the boxing match.

There is a terrible video of a woman dying from a single
blow to the head in some amateur toughman boxing match
if you can find it on the internet, just one not very hard
looking blow to the head and she goes down, dead before
she hits the matt.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2013, 12:26 PM
"The preliminary cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head, but results from an autopsy conducted on Monday were not immediately available. Zerlentes was hit by a punch from Heather Schmitz, and despite wearing protective headgear fell unconscious during the third round of a bout late Saturday." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
preliminary cause of death

an autopsy conducted on Monday were not immediately available

when the ME signs off on the actual cause of death call me ... too many athletes die from all sorts of non injury related causes DURING sporting events that could be injury related until the final autopsy results come in ..
I B Hankering's Avatar
preliminary cause of death

an autopsy conducted on Monday were not immediately available

when the ME signs off on the actual cause of death call me ... too many athletes die from all sorts of non injury related causes DURING sporting events that could be injury related until the final autopsy results come in .. Originally Posted by CJ7
The "blow to the head" killed the woman, CBJ7; so, take your penny ante deflections from Zimmerman's head trauma and go screw yourself!

"According to the Denver County coroner the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2013, 12:33 PM
It happened in 2005, and yes she died from a blow to the head
during the boxing match.

There is a terrible video of a woman dying from a single
blow to the head in some amateur toughman boxing match
if you can find it on the internet, just one not very hard
looking blow to the head and she goes down, dead before
she hits the matt. Originally Posted by bojulay
that's unfortunate for sure
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But at least Corpy is at the ready with some insulting rhetoric.

Gotta be tough getting up in the morning (I'm not sure his shift at the mineshaft allows morning rising) and looking into that mirror, realizing that HE SUCKS!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, Eva played the race card. What do you really expect? He doesn't have the law on his side so Eva will pound on the table. Zimmerman did nothing illegal right up to the point of contact. That is an undeniable fact. He was authorized by the citizens and the law to approach anyone he wanted to ask questions. The other person (in this case Trayvon) had the right to walk away without answering anything. That other person (Trayvon in case you have forgotten) does NOT have the right to lay a finger on anyone and neither did George Zimmerman. According to the witness Trayvon reached safety outside his step mom's house but he turned around because he was of the opinion that Zimmerman was a "gay rapist". So Trayvon, according to the embarassing witness, profiled George Zimmerman and went back to confront him. The rest is in contention. Zimmerman said that Trayvon hit him in the face, breaking his nose. This is a crime and if Trayvon did it because he thought Zimmerman was gay then it becomes a "hate-crime". At that this point Zimmerman has a right to self defense but how far can he go. The use of lethal force has some guidelines among which you have to be on the defensive and you have to fear for life or well being. Now witnesses testified that Trayvon was on top which indicates that Zimmerman was on the defensive (point one). Trayvon had a history of fighting and hurting people with skills learned from watching MMA fighting. In a ring with a real MMA fighter Trayvon would have probably had his ass handed to him but this was not a ring and Zimmerman was not an MMA fighter or close to the equivalent. Zimmerman's trainer described George as the just the opposite; no speed, no coordination, poor skills. George was outclassed in height and skills. Was he in fear for his life or well being? He was on the ground his heard was being knocked into the ground at will. According to witnesses there was no slowing down and no end in sight accept death or unconsciousness (if it stopped even then) So George was looking at dying or finding himself at the mercy of someone who would probably find and take his gun. I think a reasonable person has to conclude that George had good reason to think that either his life or well bearing was in danger. At that point in time Zimmerman can use lethal force.

This is not just my opinion, the local police found it to be true as well and did not press charges. The FBI did a cursory look and did not object to the local findings. It was only after the politically motivated prosecutor (Angela Corey) got involved did charges get fired. To get these charges Corey dissolved a grand jury, filed false documents, and lied to a judge to get her indictment.

The OP was what happened to Zimmerman correct. The prosecutor withheld evidence (illegally) that tended to exonerate Zimmerman and lend credence to his story. (the head shots showing bleeding and wounds) Before closing the prosecutor wanted to add more charges which the defense had no opportunity to rebutt. Not that it mattered but that is kind of dirty pool and beneath a government official with an unlimited budget and staff. Now there are people who want to charge Zimmerman again for the same crime but on a federal level. Double jeopardy? There is some serious debate going on now. Usually the feds get involved when someone's civil rights have been violated and not a one time confrontation between two people. Even the FBI has published that they can find no evidence of any racism on the part of Zimmerman as either a mitigating factor or as a motivation for the confrontation.

To conclude; Zimmerman got a fair trial and he was found not guilty. The trial should not have happened as the evidence did not support a conviction. The prosecutor behaved poorly and illegally. She should face charges and disbarment. The federal government has no standing in this case and should desist. The only person who acted in a manner disrespectful to American law was Trayvon Martin who, according to the star witness, went after Zimmerman because he though he was gay.
Yes, Eva played the race card. What do you really expect? He doesn't have the law on his side so Eva will pound on the table. Zimmerman did nothing illegal right up to the point of contact. That is an undeniable fact. He was authorized by the citizens and the law to approach anyone he wanted to ask questions. The other person (in this case Trayvon) had the right to walk away without answering anything. That other person (Trayvon in case you have forgotten) does NOT have the right to lay a finger on anyone and neither did George Zimmerman. According to the witness Trayvon reached safety outside his step mom's house but he turned around because he was of the opinion that Zimmerman was a "gay rapist". So Trayvon, according to the embarassing witness, profiled George Zimmerman and went back to confront him. The rest is in contention. Zimmerman said that Trayvon hit him in the face, breaking his nose. This is a crime and if Trayvon did it because he thought Zimmerman was gay then it becomes a "hate-crime". At that this point Zimmerman has a right to self defense but how far can he go. The use of lethal force has some guidelines among which you have to be on the defensive and you have to fear for life or well being. Now witnesses testified that Trayvon was on top which indicates that Zimmerman was on the defensive (point one). Trayvon had a history of fighting and hurting people with skills learned from watching MMA fighting. In a ring with a real MMA fighter Trayvon would have probably had his ass handed to him but this was not a ring and Zimmerman was not an MMA fighter or close to the equivalent. Zimmerman's trainer described George as the just the opposite; no speed, no coordination, poor skills. George was outclassed in height and skills. Was he in fear for his life or well being? He was on the ground his heard was being knocked into the ground at will. According to witnesses there was no slowing down and no end in sight accept death or unconsciousness (if it stopped even then) So George was looking at dying or finding himself at the mercy of someone who would probably find and take his gun. I think a reasonable person has to conclude that George had good reason to think that either his life or well bearing was in danger. At that point in time Zimmerman can use lethal force.

This is not just my opinion, the local police found it to be true as well and did not press charges. The FBI did a cursory look and did not object to the local findings. It was only after the politically motivated prosecutor (Angela Corey) got involved did charges get fired. To get these charges Corey dissolved a grand jury, filed false documents, and lied to a judge to get her indictment.

The OP was what happened to Zimmerman correct. The prosecutor withheld evidence (illegally) that tended to exonerate Zimmerman and lend credence to his story. (the head shots showing bleeding and wounds) Before closing the prosecutor wanted to add more charges which the defense had no opportunity to rebutt. Not that it mattered but that is kind of dirty pool and beneath a government official with an unlimited budget and staff. Now there are people who want to charge Zimmerman again for the same crime but on a federal level. Double jeopardy? There is some serious debate going on now. Usually the feds get involved when someone's civil rights have been violated and not a one time confrontation between two people. Even the FBI has published that they can find no evidence of any racism on the part of Zimmerman as either a mitigating factor or as a motivation for the confrontation.

To conclude; Zimmerman got a fair trial and he was found not guilty. The trial should not have happened as the evidence did not support a conviction. The prosecutor behaved poorly and illegally. She should face charges and disbarment. The federal government has no standing in this case and should desist. The only person who acted in a manner disrespectful to American law was Trayvon Martin who, according to the star witness, went after Zimmerman because he though he was gay. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You are so full of shit your eyes must be brown If anyone mentions a skin color they are raciest if they disagree with anything you say they are liberal. It must be a sad fucking life you live with blinders on going through your daily routine. In closing you may kiss my ass ...