I needed more bullshit. My luck wasn't quite bad enough yet.

Sometimes you just gotta let go of all the bullshit and say " I'm gonna eat, get myself off, go my ass to sleep, and start tomorrow over like I'm freaking awesome"
(Yes I give myself pep talks all the time lol)
albundy's Avatar
Sometimes you just gotta let go of all the bullshit and say " I'm gonna eat, get myself off, go my ass to sleep, and start tomorrow over like I'm freaking awesome"
(Yes I give myself pep talks all the time lol) Originally Posted by addison_scott
Or my version. It's similar: "Eat Totinos Pizza or a Hot pocket, jerk off for the one billionth time trying to think of SOMETHING that's a turn on to hurry up and be done with it, and go to sleep alone knowing that I threw away awesome women for this and knowing tomorrow will be exactly the same."

It's almost like your pep talk. Just slightly different.

Anyway, thanks again for the picture, Beautiful. I won't have to think of something tonight when it's the one billionth and one time.
MrCthulhu's Avatar
It's tough on an oilfield hand these days brother Al, but I don't know if it's hot pocket tough! Tough times indeed. Lol I look at it as an opportunity to build character. Originally Posted by Rjames
I hear ya! I feel for anyone working in the oil industry right now. I was recently laid off by my company due to the downturn and I was in IT. Who would've thought?! Jobless for 4 months so hobbying took less of a priority. But new job = steady income again. Light at the end of the tunnel, Al. Light at the end of the tunnel.
albundy's Avatar
Congrats on the new job, man. You're lucky that you're a computer guy and can get a job doing that outside of the oil industry. What I do is pretty specific to this industry (at least around here) and unless I'd move up North, I'd be pretty fucked if I got laid off.

Fucking Arabs need to cut the shit and stop flooding the market. I though Russia would have bitch-slapped them into slowing down production by now. Oh well, at least I'm employed, for now.
Rjames's Avatar
Hot Pockets are total garbage, man. But they are convenient for work. Also, my wife breaks out in hives and goes into convulsions if she comes into contact with a stove (or a broom).

I'm still working, but it's SLOWWWWWW!!!! Originally Posted by albundy
I am in the same boat Al. Currently I have two vampires sucking the green out of my wallet and neither one of them know how to use a broom. In their defense, they can use the hell out of a debit card! I'm a little better off than you I suppose bc one of them keeps me pretty fucked down when I'm not offshore.

Oil prices are up today! $30 more dollars a barrel and we're all just fine. Lol
Rjames's Avatar
I hear ya! I feel for anyone working in the oil industry right now. I was recently laid off by my company due to the downturn and I was in IT. Who would've thought?! Jobless for 4 months so hobbying took less of a priority. But new job = steady income again. Light at the end of the tunnel, Al. Light at the end of the tunnel. Originally Posted by MrCthulhu
My company, SLB has laid off 75% of the guys in my office. They were kind enough to transfer me to another business sector making half of what I was making. It's time to let that college education pay for itself. Good luck with the new job.
Tyrannodex's Avatar
Credit card scams are so cheap and easy. A friend of mine got their info stolen at fucking Starbucks. You give your card to a worker and they swipe it on a magnetic stripe reader you can buy off of amazon for 100 bucks and and copy your card on their card. Make sure you have alerts turned on for your cards that has the bank text you when 100 or more is spent at one place. Be aware when you are at bars, restaraunts too because that's where it happens the most. Even ATM skimmers are becoming more common
Wakeup's Avatar
Heh heh heh
albundy's Avatar
Wakeup? What's your stupid ass doing here? Shouldn't you be pulling some more married guy's pubes out of your old lady's mouth and gargling with some guy's jizz right now.

Fuck off.
Marshpirate's Avatar
LMFAO! I can't help but read all of this in Al Bundy's voice.
Al, I hope you get all of this crap straightened out. I fucking hate thieves!
Good luck Brother.
Wakeup's Avatar
What else would I be doing here? I'm laughing at you, of course.
albundy's Avatar
What else would I be doing here? I'm laughing at you, of course. Originally Posted by Wakeup
What you always do, stir up shit. You self-righteous, hypocritical, married guy's cum-guzzling troll. Now you take care and have a nice day.
What you always do, stir up shit. You self-righteous, hypocritical, married guy's cum-guzzling troll. Now you take care and have a nice day. Originally Posted by albundy
Hey at least he knows how to make a hot pocket correctly
albundy's Avatar
Hey at least he knows how to make a hot pocket correctly Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
I do now. Trial and error. I do cook a mean Totinos Pizza though.
Wakeup's Avatar
So many things about the OP to laugh at...where do I start?