Abortion is WRONG

I B Hankering's Avatar
There was a time when men in this country within a certain age range were required by governmental directive to own and keep a maintained and functioning firearm. The opposite is true of abortion: which was considered was illegal. So no, the 2nd Amendment right to own a weapon is not the equivalent of a right to an abortion.
oilfieldace's Avatar
All we need is Ginsberg to die and Breyer to resign and Trump to appoint 2 strong antis abortion candidates and you can wipe your ass with Roe V Wade pathetic ruling
  • grean
  • 10-09-2018, 03:30 PM
There was a time when men in this country within a certain age range were required by governmental directive to own and keep a maintained and functioning firearm. The opposite is true of abortion: which was considered was illegal. So no, the 2nd Amendment right to own a weapon is not the equivalent of a right to an abortion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Not quite. Abortions were quite legal in the US and the colonies before the US was formed, up until the mid 1800s.

Regarding early gun law, the constitution doesn't say that the government cannot require a person to carry a gun only that it cannot stop a person from doing so. Like abortion though, it wasn't until a great deal later that it was even considered to be the government could regulate.

In both cases the government has over reached.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Not quite. Abortions were quite legal in the US and the colonies before the US was formed, up until the mid 1800s.

Regarding early gun law, the constitution doesn't say that the government cannot require a person to carry a gun only that it cannot stop a person from doing so. Like abortion though, it wasn't until a great deal later that it was even considered to be the government could regulate.

In both cases the government has over reached.
Originally Posted by grean

"Quite". Congress passed a law mandating that with few exceptions males would would own a weapon; whereas, abortion never was so socially or legally obligated.

Second Militia Act of 1792

The second Act, passed May 8, 1792, provided for the organization of the state militias. It conscripted every "free able-bodied white male citizen" between the ages of 18 and 45 into a local militia company. (This was later expanded to all males, regardless of race, between the ages of 18 and 54 in 1862.)

Militia members, referred to as "every citizen, so enrolled and notified", "...shall within six months thereafter, provide himself..." with a musket, bayonet and belt, two spare flints, a cartridge box with 24 bullets, and a knapsack. Men owning rifles were required to provide a powder horn, ¼ pound of gunpowder, 20 rifle balls, a shooting pouch, and a knapsack."

And that law was based on earlier laws before this country was even separated from Great Britain. BTW, the state for decades did not venture into what was in the incipient days of the Republic judged to be the realm considered church.

Pope Sixtus V in his Papal Bull of 28 October 1588, Effraenatam, extended the penalty of excommunication relating to the Roman Catholic Church's teaching on contraception and abortion. Wiki

"...the unborn, though enclosed in the womb of his mother, is already a human being, and it is an almost monstrous crime to rob it of life which it has not yet begun to enjoy. If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in a field, because a man's house is his most secure place of refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy the unborn in the womb before it has come to light." John Calvin
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I direct you to 9A, good sir.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

The right to an abortion is very much the same as the right to bear arms. Originally Posted by grean
the ninth amendment has to do with the federal govt than with states. the federal govt. is an enumerated entity.

it had to do with the application of its enumerated powers on how far it can or cannot go.


The Ninth Amendment explicitly bars denial of unenumerated rights if the denial is based on the enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution, but this amendment does not explicitly bar denial of unenumerated rights if the denial is based on the enumeration of certain powers in the Constitution.[19] It is to that enumeration of powers that the courts have pointed, in order to determine the extent of the unenumerated rights mentioned in the Ninth Amendment.[19]
Jim crow revoked inalienable rights of people using an arbitrary skin color.....

Not sure your logic is completely sound. Originally Posted by grean
The government still supports discrimination by skin color - against whites.

It is called diversity now, but it used to go by affirmative action.

Abortions, if legal, should be proportionate to each group, to prevent discrimination.
Most people are against abortions so it's no big shock that it does get overturn.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please present any evidence that “most people are against abortions.”

I don’t think you’re in the ballpark.

This is a pretty conservative outcome imho, and people strongly favor Roe v Wade 2-1.

Kaiser Family Foundation’s latest poll revealed nearly 70% supported the law.


Someone’s obviously feeding you a bunch of baloney.
Polls conducted by Think Tanks are NOT FACTS
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Our grandson was born with cerebral palsy. During our daughter-in-laws prenatal sonograms, they noticed that the fetus had no brain. It's skull was empty. But due to that state' abortion laws, she was not allowed to select having an abortion. My wife and I urged them to go to a neighboring state where an abortion is allowed, but they refused.

Our daughter-in-law was raised in a church that teaches a non-Biblical doctrine that abortion is a sin.

Today they are 'raising' our grandson, he is 2 years old. He is a huge burden to them, and from all appearances, he will continue to be a huge burden as long as he 'lives'.

He has a shunt installed that drains excess spine fluid from his skull and into his abdomen. So if his brain ever decides to grow to fill his skull it can. At 2 years old, his brain is around 10% of the size it should be, to be healthy.

He has no eye-sight, no muscle control, no communication. He is fed via a G-tube, and requires round the clock care.

Our son and his wife have ran out of funds, caring for him. They have confided that their marriage is near its end.

The burden of caring for our grandson will continue to grow larger, as he continues to grow and to put on weight. Imagine caring for him when he is 20, or 30.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Polls conducted by Think Tanks are NOT FACTS Originally Posted by cumsomemore
Here is a summary of Gallup polls on the subject over many years. The latest poll done a few months ago had the following results:

Abortions legal under any circumstances: 29%
Abortions legal only under certain circumstances: 50%
Abortions illegal under any circumstances: 18%
No opinion: 2%

People who are pro-choice and people who are pro-life are 50-50.

Our grandson was born with cerebral palsy. During our daughter-in-laws prenatal sonograms, they noticed that the fetus had no brain. It's skull was empty. But due to that state' abortion laws, she was not allowed to select having an abortion. My wife and I urged them to go to a neighboring state where an abortion is allowed, but they refused.

Our daughter-in-law was raised in a church that teaches a non-Biblical doctrine that abortion is a sin.

Today they are 'raising' our grandson, he is 2 years old. He is a huge burden to them, and from all appearances, he will continue to be a huge burden as long as he 'lives'.

He has a shunt installed that drains excess spine fluid from his skull and into his abdomen. So if his brain ever decides to grow to fill his skull it can. At 2 years old, his brain is around 10% of the size it should be, to be healthy.

He has no eye-sight, no muscle control, no communication. He is fed via a G-tube, and requires round the clock care.

Our son and his wife have ran out of funds, caring for him. They have confided that their marriage is near its end.

The burden of caring for our grandson will continue to grow larger, as he continues to grow and to put on weight. Imagine caring for him when he is 20, or 30. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
If it is your Grandson, then it must have been fairly recent in terms of Roe V Wade.

What State?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Polls conducted by Think Tanks are NOT FACTS Originally Posted by cumsomemore
Nor are false statements.
  • grean
  • 10-10-2018, 04:00 PM
the ninth amendment has to do with the federal govt than with states. the federal govt. is an enumerated entity.

it had to do with the application of its enumerated powers on how far it can or cannot go.


The Ninth Amendment explicitly bars denial of unenumerated rights if the denial is based on the enumeration of certain rights in the Constitution, but this amendment does not explicitly bar denial of unenumerated rights if the denial is based on the enumeration of certain powers in the Constitution.[19] It is to that enumeration of powers that the courts have pointed, in order to determine the extent of the unenumerated rights mentioned in the Ninth Amendment.[19] Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Instead of the founders trying to list every single right, an impossible task, they just said people have rights that are not listed and the government can't deny them. 14A pushed it down to the states.

Ass Fucking...
Mouth Fucking...
Gay Ass & Mouth Fucking...

All rights that cannot be denied just like those enumerated.

Any judge who comes to a different concluded needs to read the constitution again very slowly and maybe buy the cliff notes.

Now after viability, that's something else. Prior to 24 weeks the only human rights involved are the woman's. sorry religious folks......

But hey everyone seems to treat rights that are enumerated as suggestions. The right to vote is enumerated how many times? 2A is well the second amendment, yet people still argue it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

a movie about Gosnell is coming out. not alot of buzz about it as Michelle Malkin reports!