Ashden Love........ Im Retiring Very Very Soon!!!!!

ZedX79's Avatar
I don't know...even Monica Fox eventually retired after her many retirements.
I don't understand or see the reason ladies post a "Retirement Thread"... I have been on this board long enough to see MANY ladies "retire" and do just as Wakeup predicts... come back and with a new handle.
There are going to be negative things said at some point in time about everyone one here. Why leave? Why not shrug it off? Or better yet... If you are going to get out for a while... why not just Take the High Road out of town for a bit instead of Going Down in a Blaze? Take a break... don't run your ads, don't be a post whore, don't get into thread confrontations and draw a lot of attention to yourself, turn your phone off and just reply to the ones that contact you..let them know you are unavailable... You will save yourself a lot of ridicule, embarrassment, and might afford you a little credability. Originally Posted by Abigail (Source of JOY)
I agree, it is better to just take a break hun. Maybe give yourself a month or so to recuperate. It is very difficult to leave this hobby of ours, and you do have a reputation (not all bad at all) so hang on to it. I recommend you just take a break, don't post anything and maybe even turn your computer off if you for a while if can afford to do so.
dearhunter's Avatar
I will take the under with the caviot that a new name in a different city counts a come back.......who has me covered?
If you look for mud ashden you'll find it. The ladies that don't let it bother them are the ones that don't care what is said and just keep doing what they do best. . Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
sage like advice.
A friend once asked me why i worried about people liking me. They aren't going to like me because of my eyes, hair, skin color, likes, dislikes etc. Some of the postings here by the hobbyists are...strong. I'll leave it at that.

So take your time. Unwind. And go on.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Hard fact for some to digest is that this is a message board (a SHMB at that) and that will ALWAYS bring out the asshole in most who post there...... Fact is, that if you don't want to hear the dirtiest talk come out of a person's mouth.... don't listen to conversations that they believe to be private..... Now those in the know, know that there is not any place on a Message board such as this that is ever even remotely private at times (or all of the time)...... The saying "you can't please all the people all of the time" is always in play, and even the very BEST providers have their haters! It happens..... The advice from Abigail and GP are sound..... take a step back, and lets not take shit posted here TOO seriously......

Best of luck to you either way.....

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I wish more people didn't take shit so personally. Hell if that was possible we wouldn't need the RTM button lol.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I wish more people didn't take shit so personally. Hell if that was possible we wouldn't need the RTM button lol. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

So true its not even funny!

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think they ought to get rid of that pesky little thing
junglemonkey's Avatar
Pass. Whats worse than a session with a burned out provider? A session with a provider who flat out tells she is already burned out. Poor choice of words.
  • money
  • 08-09-2011, 06:58 PM
I agree with JUSANOTHERDUDE don't take shit so seriously. Just because someone writes something negative about u, it does not make it a fact. There's always two sides to a story.
TexasGator's Avatar
I think they ought to get rid of that pesky little thing Originally Posted by Eccie Addict

Aww, don't be so hard on SofaKingFun, EA. He means well.
Always had an awesome time with you take care and goodluck....
nadabogey's Avatar
Sorry to hear you are leaving! I have yet to have the pleasure of meeting you so I guess I had better get on the ball! )
ok let me clarify on the phrase "burned out".... burned DOES NOT mean my body is burned out.... MY PERSONA OF ASHDEN is burned out.....

so let me explain this to.... lol ..... i am written al over here on eccie (reviews, posts, threads, etc....) therefore its time to let ashden go completely..... now for the ones who are betting on how long itll take for me come back on "with a different handle, etc..." ill win on this one.... cuz there is no coming back. if i do come back itll be long enough to visit people i know here in houston and thats it..... and trust and believe ill keep my regulars posted for one reason only..... they havent betrayed me in any way / form/ or fashion..... now as far as posting on bp/eccie/ or any other site here in houston isnt going to happen....PERIOD!!!!! so now that we all have this clarified continue on.....