No Gays, No Sodomy, No Strip Clubs

governmentguru's Avatar
I'm sure that George Washington, who stood tall in that iconic crossing of the Delaware painting mainly because of the butt plug he had in at the time, would agree with you. Originally Posted by smokeswithwolves
Was his butt plug carved out of wood?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-22-2010, 05:03 PM
Some say wood, some say fine bone china.
I read the manifesto, and there are a few other important details. The Texas GOP also wants to raise the age of consent to 18 and make flag burning illegal.

I don't want to offend any vets in here, but I think flag burning is a crucial part of our freedom of expression. Personally, I find it to be in bad taste. However, it's a slippery slope to make it illegal.

The right-wing fundamentalists (Taliban) are really starting to scare me. I've never lived in New Mexico, but I might have to check it out.
governmentguru's Avatar
I read the manifesto, and there are a few other important details. The Texas GOP also wants... and make flag burning illegal.
Originally Posted by Eccie42
The US SupCt has already ruled on flag-burning in Johnson v Texas (ironically a protest at the GOP Convention in Dallas) and barring a Constitutional Amendment nothing is going to change there.
rCoder's Avatar
Let's see, fiscally conservative, socially liberal. Republicans - nope. Democrats - nope. Libertarians - yep.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Republicans can't win popular elections without pandering to the religious right. It's the only way they've found to convince poor people to vote against their economic interest.
Bobave's Avatar
We need a Politics & Religion Board so you folks will have a regular outlet to bitch about Republicans and pretend it has anything to do with sex/the hobby >: >
The GOP has never been the party of "personal freedom" for as long as I can recall. The traditional breakdown from what I could see has been...

GOP: Morally Restrictive/Legislate Morality. Fiscally Conservative, lower taxes and spending.

Dems: Morally liberal, live and let live. Fiscally "progressive", tax higher, especially the rich, for the good of society especially the less fortunate and spend heavily on social programs.

Then while I was hoping a morally liberal, fiscally conservative party would gain strength, the GOP became big spenders trying to impose their morality on the whole world.

I consider the referenced elements of this platform to be far too radical and invasive for a "free" country.