hows Nashville/Memphis????????????

DallasRain's Avatar
I am getting a little response from nashville and Knoxville
I am thinking of a visit myself since my family just moved out that way. Just not sure what area is good to stay or where to advertise.
I posted a thread and didn't get much of a response either... But still thinking I'm gonna give it a try... Sometime in the middle of June... But feedback is always better... Just seems, in my experience anyway, I get the most response when I'm actually there.
Nashville & Knoxville are 2 of my favorite touring cities. I can't wait for a return visit early fall.

Good luck girls and travel safely!

xoxo Sophie
Call me before planning Nashville trip. You have my number. I have some info to share that may save you alot of trouble
London Rayne's Avatar
Got back from Nash this past Saturday and it was AWESOME!! Not as good as my Knoxville trip, but not much less either. Not ONE NCNS, not ONE cancellation, and a VIP trip to the CMT awards! Can't beat that.
DallasRain's Avatar
Cool London..glad ya had fun!!
I am headed to Nashville this weekend and am having GREAT response,so it is gonna be a fun ride{lol}!!wooohooooo!!!
Yay! I keep saying I'm gonna get over to Nashville one of these days but I just heart Memphis men so much and they heart me too
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Yay! I keep saying I'm gonna get over to Nashville one of these days but I just heart Memphis men so much and they heart me too Originally Posted by Blond_Lily
Tell me to MYOB (it really isn't AOMB), but I thought you'd scheduled a stop in Nashvegas back when you made your eastern tour (as far as Pittsburgh, was it?) earlier this year?

And why shouldn't Memphis men you? You've certainly treated them well...


Sonoman's Avatar
Me too BCG----Or at least I thought she was stopping in the Capitol City. I even when to USA and post a blurb that Lilly was the real deal. I got a couple of PM's thanking me to the OK......Maybe she didn't stop......

Tell me to MYOB (it really isn't AOMB), but I thought you'd scheduled a stop in Nashvegas back when you made your eastern tour (as far as Pittsburgh, was it?) earlier this year?

And why shouldn't Memphis men you? You've certainly treated them well...


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Me too BCG----Or at least I thought she was stopping in the Capitol City. I even when to USA and post a blurb that Lilly was the real deal. I got a couple of PM's thanking me to the OK......Maybe she didn't stop...... Originally Posted by Sonoman
Beats me. It's none of my fookin' bidness. Thank you for verifying that I wasn't just hallucinating again (those damn low-quality drugs of my youth...).

