San Diego's War on Women

lostincypress's Avatar
Your comments have nothing to do with what I wrote but.....

there is a difference between being a horndog and being an abusive boar. I would have had so much more respect for Bill Clinton if he had just came out and admitted what he did with Monica at the beginning. He probably would have been so much better off without the investigation and trial. Still I don't think he learned a thing. Same thing goes for Governor Sanford of Carolina. Be a man and admit what you did. Too many times we see people using the power of their office to get away with their stupid shit by besmirching the victims reputations. I will say that Filner is at least not attacking the women....yet.

There is a difference between republicans and conservatives but name a republican who cheats and what do you find? Love! Gringrich married his girlfriend.....after divorcing his wife. Sanford married his girlfriend....after divorcing his wife. The more troublesome actors resigned (Foley and Vitter). Name the democrats who have done the same. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
David Vitter resigned? I thought he was still in the US Senate.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, I over spoke. Vitter did take responsibility for his actions which were years in the past but he DID NOT resign. The voters have since spoken which brings me to Gerry Studds. He also took responsibility for his actions after an investigation which nailed him. His actions? He was having sex with underage male pages. The law on statutory rape in DC is gender specific. So Studds admitted to having sex (in most states it would statutary rape) with young men that their families had sent to Washington DC to enrich them and make connections. So you can chose between patronizing prostitute (hello kettle, meet the pot) or a child rapist. Republican versus democrat.
Has the mayor been denounced by N.O.W.? Anthony Weiner was only a month ago.

They whole "war on women" narrative is just "abortion on demand" rephrased.
How do you get elected President of the USA if you just found your birth certificate?
Liberal Poster Boy!