Newsweek Bites the Dust

This is nothing new, everything is now going digital. Most people now a days read their news and information on the internet, smart phones, tablets etc. Even the libraries are now offering digital books and magazines.

Newsweek, the leftist propoganda "magazine," is finally giving up on trying to sell the publication in it's paper form. People have either grown tired of being lied to, or there may not be a sufficient number of bird cages that require lining.

Good riddance. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Personally, I enjoy a magazine that condenses all the news of the week and provides more background and insight.

However, is the "Economic climate of Publishing" really the driver here?

. . . Maybe they just need to reinvent themselves to become more relevant.
joe bloe's Avatar
This is probably just what you need.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
No, but it looks like just your speed!

. . . But you probably prefer your nifty coloring book anyway!