Chalk a Sidewalk, Go to Jail

LexusLover's Avatar
....... and btw i'm yet to see a skinhead use chalk for anything. Originally Posted by JCM800
pool cues

As for the "kids" ... Spank them. Jail the parents.
JCM800's Avatar
yeah I guess skinheads do play pool.
LexusLover's Avatar
An "alternative" to defacing government infrastructure:

Kinda "Parenting 101" ... COG.

And that would be YOUR FENCE!
jbravo_123's Avatar
You pretend like "the people" and "the government" are two distinct entities.

If I as a taxpayer do not want your child drawing on THE PUBLIC property, because THE PEOPLE have to clean up your child's mess, not to mention THE PEOPLE didn't want drawings (of any kind) on it in the first place (OR THEY WOULD BE INSTALLED WITH DRAWINGS), the THE PEOPLE can ask YOU TO REGULATE YOUR OWN CHILD'S BEHAVIOR and IF you can't THE PEOPLE will request OUR GOVERNMENT to step in and REGULATE YOU.

If you want your kid to play "hop-scotch" or develop art skills ... then do it on YOUR OWN PROPERTY and leave OURS alone. If that concept is so difficult for you to understand, then may be a few months or years sitting in a noisy cell might help you figure it out ... MIGHT ... is the operatie word.

Oh, and it doesn't matter if its "sunflowers" or swastikas ... its "vandalism" aka "criminal mischief"

"CRIMINAL MISCHIEF. (a) A person commits an
offense if, without the effective consent of the owner:
(3) he intentionally or knowingly makes markings,
including inscriptions, slogans, drawings, or paintings, on the
tangible property of the owner."

"The GOVERNMENT" didn't "demand" little urchins to NOT CRAP UP THE INFRASTRUCTURE ... it was the DULY ELECTED representatives OF THE PEOPLE who crafted and voted into the existence THE LAWS to assure that little mischievious urchins and their lazy assed parents are PROHIBITED from crapping up the rest of the country with their SELFISH, SELF-CENTERED, SCREWED UP DISREGARD for the desires of the majority of the rest who pay their hard earned taxes to the GOVERNMENT and they don't want it wasted on such little misguided urchin whose parents are incapable or unwilling to regulate their behavior.

You want less GOVERNMENT INTRUSION .. then minimize your "foot print" on society. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Now you're just talking crazy here.
LexusLover's Avatar
Now you're just talking crazy here. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
A little sarcasm goes a long way to bring some humor into the discussion. Thanks.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You still live in the fantasy world where the people are the government, LL? Wow. And I'm sorry you hate children. I hope you're able to find some joy in life, even if it is isn't actually reality.