Do guys contact you and say they will increase your business/get you more customers if you give them discounted or free visits?

Randall Creed's Avatar

Novel idea, except, said type of hobbyist only sees hot chicks, who, by way of being hot, will get attention anyway, regardless of giving review discounts.

When these Master Reviewers go after ladies, why do they always go after the hot ones, who will likely gain momentum on their own anyway?
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
But you already know the answer.

The problem though is not with review discounts or the reviewers so to speak
It’s with the providers.
How you ask. ?
Girl A get message Hey Im Long Duck Bobby I can help you a lot. I’m well respected and have a lot of followers. Most of my reviews have over xxx views
I want to see you and will do review but I want free or $.

Girl A thinks about it. Checks out Long Duck Bobby’s review count ect.
Now here’s where shit goes wrong
Girl A goes all out PSE and shit. Making sure Long Duck Bobby has the best sex ever
Knowing it’s basicaly an interview.
Now this is not her normal session and 95% of other customers won’t get same service

Who’s at fault ?
Girl A for knowing a review would be written for Service she was not comfortable with and is a 1 off?
LDB for wanting to save some cash and get some pussy?

You will notice a trend
Certain reviewers always get the most amazing sex and shortly after Girl A get mediocre reviews

The Fix ?
Take certain reviewers and water down the review with expectations.

Only thing needed to know is
Correct body condition
. Fat ugly stretch marks ect.
Vanilla Gfe Pse
Cbj v bbbj
Cfs v Fs
Shitty. Nice
Safe or Be alert

For you ladies. When doing a review special.
Only do what you will do with 95% of the clients
Keep in mind. That the review will generate interest and it may not be the clients your looking for. Originally Posted by AmericanHardwood
That post rings true on many different levels. But, do you really think that these guys that report high off the charts IOP and PSE actually receive those services or is the review an embellished pimp/facilitator review? IMO, it is the latter as that review is designed to bait business in the door for her with not only the pretty pics, but also the great service reported. It is clear when after multiple different guys see her (probably based on that review) and the service may be acceptable, but no where near outstanding, that review that they read that got them to contact her was a total sham.

The trouble that a new girl faces, and I am sure it has happened, is, a certain type of guy reads this romantic novel of a review, contacts her, then he goes to see her. This guy does not get that expected level of service and feels slighted, but instead of reviewing his experience later, he takes it out on the girl physically right then.

Wish the (courageous) ladies would name the predators publicaly.

Flip side of the coin. Some of these women will contact a prolific reviewer and offer him a discount hoping for a review. Originally Posted by Hercules
The problem is, the prolific reviewers tend to stick with the ww to do their trolling, probably due to the girls lack of screening skills. Those ladies are not going to come forward and name names since they are new and not wanting to cause waves, so they are easier targets for asking for discounts, giving out personal info, ect.
Another thread about Abe? Originally Posted by TheEccie214
although the list is very long (but not very distinguished) in this regard, you are definitely my number one fan..

thank you so much for your continued support.
TinMan's Avatar
I’ve ceased giving a damn until the ladies start naming names. They’re the ones allegedly being victimized. If they don’t care enough to say something publicly, why should I?
Hercules's Avatar
The problem is, the prolific reviewers tend to stick with the ww to do their trolling, probably due to the girls lack of screening skills. Those ladies are not going to come forward and name names since they are new and not wanting to cause waves, so they are easier targets for asking for discounts, giving out personal info, ect. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
They're not always going to be "new". At some point they'll be established with a good reputation and should be willing to name names. Or they'll only be here a short while and on their exit exposes the predators. It's hard for me to believe any woman that gets treated that way doesn't eventually get pissed off enough to come forward. If those ladies aren't willing to cover their fellow sister's ass then why should I give a rat's ass if some guy is getting to fuck for pennies on the dollar.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-24-2018, 02:12 PM
Who doesn't like cheap or free pussy? I love it!
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Nope don't get asked that ..
Reverseheadstock's Avatar
I can guarantee an increase in your business. You accept a larger donation on the table, we extend the length of time that we "frollick", and we run the risk of having more fun. Isn't that an increase?
pmdelites's Avatar
They're not always going to be "new". At some point they'll be established with a good reputation and should be willing to name names. Or they'll only be here a short while and on their exit exposes the predators. It's hard for me to believe any woman that gets treated that way doesn't eventually get pissed off enough to come forward. If those ladies aren't willing to cover their fellow sister's ass then why should I give a rat's ass if some guy is getting to fuck for pennies on the dollar. Originally Posted by Hercules
hercules, seriously??

it's pretty clear to me that women have been getting the short end of respect, being listened to, being believed since probably long before Jesus, the Jews, Mohammed, even Pharoh.

too many men discount what some women say, esp when they start stating what some jerk guy did to them. look at what happened to Anita Hill when she went up against Clarence Thomas. look at what happened to Malala Yousafzai for being a Pakistani activist for female education. look at what happened to hundreds of other women, some well-known, others not.

there is very little upside for a provider to state that client so-and-so pulled a fast one on her. and even if she had rock solid evidence, there's nothing she can do legally about it (unless he physically battered her or raped her or threatened her life). in this sub-culture, about the only thing she can do is say so-and-so pulled a fast one on her. and what will she get out of it? a bunch of shit from a bunch of guys doubting her left and right.

unfortunately, the cards are mostly stacked against any provider.
and they are stacked for guys who feel that it's their (self-declared) privilege to get a discount or bargain in exchange for giving the provider some "help."
sure sounds kinda like what Harvey Weinstein did (*)
sometimes, women speaking up are taken seriously. but in general they arent.

maybe it's time for a #MeToo hashtag campaign here in eccie - to shine light on people (men or women) who coerce others. (**)

(* from his wikipedia page...
In October 2017, following sexual abuse allegations against Weinstein, he was dismissed from his company and expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.[3][4] By October 31, over 80 women had made allegations against Weinstein.[5] The allegations triggered the "#MeToo" social media campaign and many similar sexual abuse allegations against and dismissals of powerful men around the world, called the "Weinstein effect".)

(** an eccie user has accused me of (about 7 yrs ago) getting a provider really drunk at some public location (maybe after a gathering?) and then letting her fend for herself. i cannot remember ever doing such a thing, much less even thinking about doing such a thing. since the provider is off the grid, i have little chance of finding out from her if i did such a thing)
TinMan's Avatar
You do realize, I hope, that the last paragraph in your post pretty much negates everything you said up until then.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-24-2018, 05:08 PM
. Discuss please. Originally Posted by bigdik11
Of course they do. The provider can accept or decline. Who cares what other people are doing?
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 03-24-2018, 05:19 PM
No one in their right or stupid mind would bring that shit to me. LOL. Smacked down..

The issue, is a lot of the guys that do this, target the new girls. Who, are usually afraid to speak up. They depend on the money more and are WAY less willing to risk what business they are getting by making waves like that.

Guys like that tend to think that swinging this group of guys one way can also be used the other way. By trying to starve the woman into submission. Even if 50 ACTIVE reviewing men here banded together and decided they wouldn't see someone if they didn't get the approval of so-n-so, that would hurt a new girl dramatically.

Luckily, when a woman stands on her own, makes her own lines and sticks to em, the long term results are ten fold. Lurkers that don't want to deal with the drama tend to like smart, strong women.

Women just need to support other women, warn them of the bullshit and help them develop their business in a way to not need to "give review specials" or be bullied by predators on the boards.
so does that mean that a 50 dollar BNG is out of the question..?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-24-2018, 05:43 PM
so does that mean that a 50 dollar BNG is out of the question..? Originally Posted by honest_abe
50 gets you more than a bng now a days, so I've heard lol
It goes both ways as far as the discount.

Some guys do a very good job with their reviews. They are detailed, the list out any type of safety concerns, they go into the quality of the incall etc. so when reviews like that are posted (and pics do help) then of course more guys are going to flock to those ladies. It makes sense because they know what they are gonna get. I’ve seen several girls advertise a review special....and then not get the review lol.

In Abe’s defense (which Abe does a lot of reviews that have probably opened the doors for some guys to girls and saved some from additional anguish)....he does have a review where the provider contacted him to see if he was interested in meeting her. That provider likely new it was good business for her because his reviews attract a lot of people. I personally don’t see anything wrong with that. If a provider contacts me and says “wanna see me at a discount for a review”....I don’t think I would turn it down.