Am I Wrong?

Some of you are a little hard on Alexis... I get her point, and when some of you say Alexis should respond, "yes, I seen him 6 month ago..." Them girls know that already, that's why they ask, Alexis don't remember the guy. Her big point is a good one, the new girls need to reference better than that. Lot of girls never screen, so I'm not knockin' the girls that try, even if it could be better
No, they do not know she saw someone 6 months ago. All she knows is John Doe says he saw her 6 months ago. The gentleman's number does not need to be in her phone. I guarantee these ladies keep up with their reviews and when some guy writes a review but did not see the provider they make note of that. So it is an easy thing to check your reviews to refresh memory. And again, all that is needed is confirmation the guy is telling the truth about seeing the provider. If you do not remember anything else it would be just fine to say yes, saw him x monts ago but do not remember details.

If you saw me two years ago and I was a jerk.... A provider calls you saying he says he saw you would you refuse to report I was a jerk two years ago because I have not seen you lately? After all same logic that says I might have been sweet two years ago and am now a jerk applies in reverse. I might have been a jerk two years ago but have changed now. That is possible but I would expect you to report I had been a jerk anyway. So if I was not a jerk only fair to report that.

Remember once again you are not providing that reference to help the guy, you are reporting whatever you know/remember, good or bad, for the benefit of your fellow provider. If yall are not going to care about each other who will? If you are not going to provide references you should not ask guys to give you references. Just be honest, you are trying to strong arm guys in to seeing you regularly or again. If your service is not enough to bring a guy back crappy tactics like refusing to give a reference is not going to.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-18-2019, 10:58 PM
It's her business, her rules! Too many suggestions on what she should do or done
It's her business, her rules! Too many suggestions on what she should do or done Originally Posted by BLM69
Didn’t she ask for opinions though ?
Correction: she only asked if she was wrong in the title my apologies
jlt293's Avatar
For me.. if I'm asked for a reference on someone I haven't seen in a while my response will usually look like this:

"Hello! Yes, I've seen __________ in the past and based on my experience with him, I'd have no problems referring him. HOWEVER-- It has been 2 years since I've seen him last, so if that isn't recent enough to meet your guidelines, then I'd ask for a more recent reference. "

Now-- if its a long time regular that I've seen many times... I'll mention that and say when our last visit was. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

I think Grace put it very well - not to give a blind pass, but to say what you recall, how long, and the facts. I think you should say "no" if you have doubts & that you don't remember him if you don't. I think you should also know to WHOM you are providing the reference - as doing that via text, email, or phone to LE constitutes a provision of evidence that can be used against you and anyone you name. I certainly respect a provider's rules, and I believe all of you have a right to provide references according to your own policies. I also respect Alexis' position - and the safety she provides her clients by not keeping long term records. And a great big "thank you for your service" to you amazing providers out there - I love the experiences!
Randall Creed's Avatar
This is why I THINK board presence should be comparable to or even outweigh references. If a guy is on here enough, people know his handle, has a posting history, etc., these are things I would think should be taken into account.

Potential references aren’t always waiting around to be used as a reference. That and, maybe I’m overthinking here, but it seems that no one LIKES giving references anyway.

I know the spirit of giving them may be there, but we’re all human. Oftentimes mental fatigue gets the best of us, particularly when it involves something of no immediate gain.

[Provider of reference] Oh, geez. You want me remember a guy I fucked 7 weeks ago?? Ummm, he was OK, I guess. He didn’t try to hurt me or run off with my money or anything. What do you want me to say?

(She May just be THINKING this, but won’t type it. These never come at a good time)

Am I ball parking it, ladies?
Amanda Haze's Avatar
Same I haven’t seen anyone on here in months or in general but I’ll definitely let you know if he was safe to me or something was weird about the client and that I saw him so many months or years ago. It’s up to the provider on how she takes the information provided.
Sounds like a joy to hang with. lol