Its not fair but they'll do it anyway

There you have it. Complete testimony from one EVA. Asinine, ridiculous, and without purpose. You have just entered the EVA Zone. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I see you are completely in the dark now. Hope you have matches Shirley...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If I was in charge right now (meaning that Obama is out of the picture and things are royally screwed up) I would immediately start and sign anything that would get the energy programs moving. I would even give bonuses for every company that got that oil and gas to market early. If the price of energy drops then Putin and the Middle East loses. To get the price to drop means having the capability to get that energy to market. Like Saudi Arabia, we need the ability to open and close the tap depending on the situation. Europe can become our best customer and Putin can sit on his throne and fume. Of course in a reasonable (not perfect) world this would have been done three or four years ago as it should have been.
I would also cancel any plans to shrink the military. Instead I would announce the production of more ships to a fleet of 300 ships (about 40% larger), add a couple of more wings, and drop a bunch of political generals. Hagel is out. If I can't trust a man to give me the best, most sound advice I need then what good it he. A man like Hagel who can support one thing two years ago and now supports the opposite is not who I want in the job. I would also find a new SoS and VP.
Militarily I would have to see what we have the capability of doing but I am NOT prepared to go to war (yet) over Ukraine.
JD would give bonuses to companies making billions wonder where we have heard that before?
Did you notice when the USA asked the EU not to purchase fuel and gas from Russia to punish Putin, and buy from us out fuel prices have jumped .20 cents this week?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
EVA really has a screw loose. I'm not even sure what, or who, you're reading. I was talking about increasing supplies and not consumption. Are you really this dense or do you have help?
EVA really has a screw loose. I'm not even sure what, or who, you're reading. I was talking about increasing supplies and not consumption. Are you really this dense or do you have help? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Nice try at deflection ass wipe your grade is in the bottom 2% Shirley... Oh by the way you are not in charge.