Be real guys is this what your really thinking?

burkalini's Avatar
KK honestly, I may want more from a provider then to see her box, but if I would articulate my wants for something a little more then sex I will be told what I dumbass I am. I am really talking about positive transference of feelings, and I’m totally happy doing this with the clothes on.

And you just watch how my comments will be intentionally misinterpreted and many providers and guys will make the comment that providers are not here for that, but yet a provider started the conversation asking, in essence, is this all that you guys want? Originally Posted by buzzworm86

It's a fucking joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get your sensitive feelings in an uproar. Most of us respect women. Also most of us have a FUCKING SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!!!!!!. Laugh a little. It will help you get a hard on next time. Maybe.
Women are only good for three things...


and Vaginas.

burkalini's Avatar
Women are only good for three things...


and Vaginas.

HAHA <3 Originally Posted by sketchball82

Vagina!!! Sounds like a country. I live in the cuntry of Vagina. Population of half the world. Mostly barren nowadays but some areas are full of forrest. Takes on the logging industry and has many temporary rivers. Most male inhabitants walk around in a constant state of stupidity with a smidge of happiness. Also the most sought out couintry for permanent residency. Please show qualifications such as wealth when applying.
Still Looking's Avatar
Kandy, what happened to your show case pictures?