To all the Veterans on the Board

Oftentimes, I do not agree with DT but I appreciate him starting this thread honoring all of our Vets. Let's not lose sight of what the day is supposed to be about.

There is a time and place for drama. This was not the time nor the place. Shall we get back to honoring those who have put their lives on the line and deal with the BS elsewhere!

Just sayin'
harkontume's Avatar
I do not understand why TAE thinks this is good for business.

If it is not good for business then it what is it?

Sounds like Pimp ego to me.

I will however be sure not to give out my personal information due to his alert.

Wait.. I don't do that anyway. (scratch head)
I think it's disrespectful but that's just me.

TAE, I gave you every opportunity, privately on PM and on the board to back off.
You chose to continue running your mouth.
You think I'm gonna let you dishonor me by saying things like: "You just like to travel the world shooting people" and "you would have been one of the Nazi soldiers participating in the Holocaust" You publicly questioned my finances, accused me of being a Liar, "cyber faker", "Bully" etc........You thought I'd let you get away with that unchallenged?

So let me get this straight.
You BRAGGED about being written about in a magazine and then when someone actually takes you up on that and checks it out you want to cry FOUL? You want to say only "LE" would have had access?
Again, it's your delusions of self grandeur that make you think "LE" would waste time on you for a stupid WWII debate, lol.
It's in the magazine YOU bragged about!!!!! That never goes away. Neither does the stuff you posted on the old Aspd site or on this site. Tell me this. Who is STUPID enough to ask for records to be sealed and then goes out and gives an interview to a magazine? That was your need to feed your ego and now you want to blame me????
So let's see, you were too stupid to keep up with your own postings, bragging or to remember what you had told people, on Aspd and on this site in the past, and so that makes me LE???!!!
That's a straight up Bitch move if I ever saw one.

For the record, I never revealed your identity on this board. I could care less. You bragged about your background. When I pointed out inconsistencies in your bragging, you became angry. You didn't stop bragging, you didn't STOP talking about your background, you just continued to dig your own hole deeper and deeper on this public forum. You accused me of being a "poser", faker, stated that I was lying about being a Vet (yet between the two of us, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one with a DD Form 214). I take that personal. I never used your name, never detailed the source other than speaking in the most general of terms. I also asked you repeatedly to back off and stop mocking my profession, questioning my intelligence, my education and of accusing me of wanting to commit crimes by stating that I'm just "looking to shoot people for fun".

I am NOT an active or reserve PD or LE, not "one of those" whatever you meant by that. I work and have worked overseas for the last 7 years (other than brief periods for leave). But keep reaching.

Now let's take a look at YOUR credibility in this matter. Only 4 short days ago you posted THIS is the "Occupy what?" thread:

So 4 days ago, you CHALLENGED me to meet you IN PERSON, to LOOK AT YOUR COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS, YOUR DIPLOMATIC PASSPORTS, pictures of YOU with the former National Security Advisor to the President. In other words you wanted to out YOURSELF to me in order to make a point. Now you're on here accusing me of being LE because of an interview YOU gave and then bragged about? Really?
Let's go further on credibility. Why don't you tell the fine readers here why you were banned on the old site?
I told you once, I'll tell you again. You simply chose the wrong person to get crossways with and make accusations that you can't back up.

Oh by the way. The discussion we had on the board about police shootings? It was one of the other Posters on this site that provided me and the other people on this board with the link to the City of Austin report on that incident. Guess he's a cop or LE too?

So, my views on abortion, or the fact that I've stated that I've read the same magazine that you just BRAGGED having EVERY SINGLE ISSUE from the 1990's of, that makes me LE?! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!

Dude, take responsibility for your own stupidity!!!!

I'm sure the mods on here are capable of seeing that my IP address is overseas, as I've always stated. I spend NINE MONTHS out of every year in Afghanistan and have been doing so since 2006!!!!
Not only are you a braggart and poser but now I'm gonna add Coward to the list. You needed a way to back out of calling me out on the board and meeting you. The MINUTE I agreed to meet you and stated so publicly you pull this LE BS??!!! You needed something to overshadow the inconsistencies I pointed out in YOUR OWN POSTS ABOUT YOUR OWN BACKGROUND. Inconsistencies of yours that I posted since you made them public on this site. First you tried to mock my credibility by calling me a "Security Guard", "Cyper faker" and "Bully" and when that doesn't work now you want to scream....He must be LE???!!!!

You called me out in this manner:

then you admit to "baiting me"

and now you want to WHINE like a little girl about the size of the fish you caught? Brother when you throw chum in the water, maybe it's not unreasonable that you may draw the occasional shark? Just sayin'!!!

I think the Eccie Community will see this attempt of yours for what it is.

Anyone that wants to wade through the "Occupy what"? thread will see the meltdown you were heading towards. That meltdown had EVERYTHING to do with me calling BS on your opinions based on facts I provided. You didn't like it, you're not used to anyone getting that in depth in pointing out your BS and doing so with facts, something you failed to do (personally I think that's because of this superiority complex you have based on your education that you constantly like to brag about). So then you resort to personal attacks and when I warn you to back off on the personal insults you now cry foul because I returned the favor in kind? Grow up!

I've GOT THE PROOF as to what I'm talking about. I have a copy of the magazine in question.

Where's YOUR proof?! Originally Posted by DTorrchia
Of three articles in that publication dealing with myself and my former work you gave detailed information on the only one IN WHICH MY IDENTITY WAS WITHELD.

My identity in that matter was witheld in that article, as well as every other treatment, because the case was sealed and ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ABLE TO LINK THE INDIVIDUAL IN THAT ARTICLE TO THE PERSON POSTING ON THIS BOARD AS 'THE AUSTIN ESCORTS.'

The article in question was published years and years before I began operating any escort service.

If you want to be believed that you're not LE [and do not do copious research on myself personally] then what are you doing with a copy of that magazine from almost ten years ago?

Then there is the question of why you would make criptic references to that article....

What was the purpose? What was the revelance of that to anything? That article was about an eighteen year old who's father arranged to have three people killed who had been indicted for having assaulted his son, however the son chose instead to save the lives of his assailants. It was a crime story, and very unlike the other two about me in that publication.

What on earth does that crime story have to do with anything in this thread?

The simple truth is that I prodded you, and in your mindless rage you lashed out with something you hoped might frighten me - that you have information about me that only law enforcement would have. It was pretty predictable.

I don't want to hate anyone on this board, or anywhere else.

Please stop with your continual attempts at ridicule. A few people watching find it entertaining, but it's not helping matters. I know you're LE, and everything you've posted is consistent with that [and not any kind of hobbiest] so don't be surprised.

All my life I have been opposed to violence and have been a believer in forebearance, understanding, and so forth. Although I've been involved on occassions in CA and combat, I am today basically a consciencous objector, and have been pretty consistent in my criticisms of unnecessary wars.

I find people that trumpet phoney patriotism, war-mongering, glorification of mercenaries and such to be very insecure about their own manhood, and substitute a fetish for weapons for what they lack in their trousers.

A very wise person once said that, "patriotism is always the last refuge of the scoundrel."

Oh and just one more thing...

Please stop saying that I've ever, ever boasted about anything having to do with my prior work when I've stated over and over again that nothing I ever did was of any importance or accomplished anything of value.

"It came to nothing" [just as Winston Scott said] and that's all I ever said about it.
Guest062716's Avatar
In the Life of Samuel Johnson (1791), Vol II, page 253, with respect to April 7, 1775, Boswell recorded:

Patriotism having become one of our topicks, Johnson suddenly uttered, in a strong determined tone, an apophthegm, at which many will start: "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." But let it be considered, that he did not mean a real and generous love of our country, but that pretended patriotism which so many, in all ages and countries, have made a cloak of self-interest.

The same man (Dr. Samuel Johnson) also said; “I hate a fellow whom pride or cowardice or laziness drives into a corner, and who does nothing when he is there but sit and growl. Let him come out as I do, and bark.”
Love of country is fine when it's attacked, and I've always defended those [like the Confederate States of the South] who fought on their own soil when it was invaded from without.

The problem I have is when people feel it's their country right or wrong, and support their nation's actions when it invades and occupies others, even villifying citizens of those nations when they resist.

Reasonable people may differ on which war is just or not, but it's a problem when the hawks are self-rightous about their opinions.
DTorrchia's Avatar
Of three articles in that publication dealing with myself and my former work you gave detailed information on the only one IN WHICH MY IDENTITY WAS WITHELD.

My identity in that matter was witheld in that article, as well as every other treatment, because the case was sealed and ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ABLE TO LINK THE INDIVIDUAL IN THAT ARTICLE TO THE PERSON POSTING ON THIS BOARD AS 'THE AUSTIN ESCORTS.'

The article in question was published years and years before I began operating any escort service.

If you want to be believed that you're not LE [and do not do copious research on myself personally] then what are you doing with a copy of that magazine from over ten years ago?

Then there is the question of why you would make criptic references to that article....

What was the purpose? What was the revelance of that to anything? That article was about an eighteen year old who's father arranged to have three people killed who had been indicted for having assaulted his son, however the son chose instead to save the lives of his assailants. It was a crime story, and very unlike the other two about me in that publication.

What on earth does that crime story have to do with anything in this thread?

The simple truth is that I prodded you, and in your mindless rage you lashed out with something you hoped might frighten me - that you have information about me that only law enforcement would have. It was pretty predictable.

I don't want to hate anyone on this board, or anywhere else.

Please stop with your continual attempts at ridicule. A few people watching find it entertaining, but it's not helping matters. I know you're LE, and everything you've posted is consistent with that [and not any kind of hobbiest] so don't be surprised.

All my life I have been opposed to violence and have been a believer in forebearance, understanding, and so forth. Although I've been involved on occassions in CA and combat, I am today basically a consciencous objector, and have been pretty consistent in my criticisms of unnecessary wars.

As for my government experience...

I contributed absolutely nothing of any value to the projects I participated in.
It added up to nothing.

However I was educated in the normal manner that all would-be high level operators were trained, and that forms the basis of my opinions. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Ok, AGAIN. Which is it TAE? Because in the above you insinuate never having been an "operator" but only being educated in the normal manner that they are. Yet in today's post you again make this claim:

"Although I've been involved on occassions in CA and combat".

Now, I know, I'm just a dumb, former "simple soldier" according to you but "CA" stands for Covert Action right? So basically even though you weren't a "high-level operator" yourself, as you claim above, they still decided to send you into "Covert Action" and "Combat" situations?
And when exactly did all this "would-be high level operator" training take place? Because again, according to the simple math and YOUR postings on this were already in Pakistan in 1983. The magazine describes you being a Freshman in 1978. So in 5 years you managed to graduate college, finish GRAD SCHOOL (according to you) and be in Pakistan by 1983.....exactly how long then was this "would-be high level operator" training that you managed to squeeze in between all that?

Personally this issue is what caused me to leave government work in 1986. For me, personally, I grew completely disgusted with what we [including myself] was doing in Pakistan by encouraging them to support an "army of part-time lunatic religious fanatics" in Afghanistan.*
Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
So again, there's these little, tiny inconveniences called your prior posts, that are contradicting so much of what you say. Arrived Pakistan in 1983, "left government work in 1986". Now, continue on impressing us Agent 007 with your long and distinguished career as a government intelligence agent.
I guess only someone that's "LE" would question those contradicting statements of yours? (All based on prior postings you've made here) LOL!!!! (ooops, sorry, didn't mean to "ridicule"!)

I find people that trumpet phoney patriotism, war-mongering, glorification of mercenaries and such to be very insecure about their own manhood, and substitute a fetish for weapons for what they lack in their trousers.

You mean a "fetish for weapons" like what you posted not too long ago? Will your contradictions NEVER end??!!
My first rifle for deer hunting was given to me when I was nine, and by further coincidence it was also the military 30-30

PLEASE someone tell me if semi-autos are really less accurate than bolts because I'm considering buying a Browning BAR in 270. Will it be less accurate than my Model 700 or Weatherby in Win.270 ??

Isn't one of the most accurate rifles in the world the semi-auto Russian Dragunov? I've shot the Dragunov and it seemed rather accurate at 800 yards... Originally Posted by theaustinescorts

Ahem! (coughs). You may want to read your little post above. Seems you're the one talking about being a "Covert Action" agent. Not me. As for what's lacking in the trousers.......LOL, well, let's just say between the two of us, I'm not the one who's been used for shampoo frisbee practice. Guess I had enough in my pants to always stand up for myself.
In fact, I sent you proof as to where I was and what I was doing when we were roughly the same age. I didn't do it on the board. Had no need to. Between the two of us though, we know the truth.
Seems like all these years later nothing's changed. We see what you've morphed into and those that know me see what I've become.

A very wise person once said that, "patriotism is always the last refuge of the scoundrel." Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
In over 12 paragraphs of talking, you managed NOT to address almost any one of the points I made.
So, since you won't stop with the idiotic "LE" crap....let's get down to business:

1. Have you ever "outed" a provider who's worked for you (in the past or at the time) or that you've been associated with in any matter (personal or business) by telling her mother/family what she did for a living?
Think hard now.

2. Did you ever use multiple handles simultaneously on the old Aspd site as a way of deceiving other posters on the board?

Were you ever banned by the mods for repeatedly having multiple handles simultaneously?

Tell you what TAE, you can call a "truce" anytime you'd like but until you stop making false allegations against me and until you learn what the words "back off" mean, the hits will keep coming fast and furious. (pun intended).

As to why the story YOU bragged about was relevant? You are the one that keeps insisting, even in
this post, that you participated in "covert action", "combat" etc. Yet less than 5 years before you morphed into this 007, the magazine YOU bragged about would later portray you as something/someone quite different. Is it possible you blossomed from the proverbial weakling into Agent 007 in less than 5 years? Especially when those 5 years in between were spent in college?
Sure it's possible. Is it likely? No!
So again, take responsibility for the bragging that's constantly coming out of your mouth and stop acting surprised when someone actually bothers to look. It's the age of the internet and your claims are only a few keystrokes away from being checked by anyone. Doesn't take LE to realize the obvious!!!

We're talking credibility here TAE. You continue to ask ME to stop ridiculing you, yet YOU won't stop making false accusations.

ANYONE that goes back on your posts will see that you've accused me of being everything from a "mercenary", "security guard", "simple soldier" (an uneducated one is what you insinuated) then turn around and say I wasn't a soldier at all and when all that failed, now it's "LE"? Because you feel that's gonna scare people? So which is it TAE? Come on, pick one and then provide some facts.

The only thing that's going to scare people is if they find out the truth about you and what kind of man you truly are.

You can take all that false pretense about what a "peaceful" guy you are and stick it where the sun won't shine. I think the word "vindictive" has been used more times to describe you than "peaceful". You want to talk about "mindless rage"? Read back over your posts and you'll see a perfect example of that ANYTIME someone questions your warped opinions and asks you to provide some facts, sources or links.

You don't have to be a "false patriot" to question an idiot that goes around saying things like "the Holocaust wasn't a significant event". That has nothing to do with being a false Patriot.

In 10+ posts you've managed to do a lot of talking but produce ZERO facts. You can't list a source, a link, and you can't produce anything of value to back what you continue to spew.

Ps: I know you went to Grad school and I did not but here's a hint. The red lines under the words in your postings? It means the words are misspelled. If you're going to brag about your education, perhaps you should at least put it to use by getting your basic spelling right?
DTorrchia's Avatar

Reasonable people may differ on which war is just or not, but it's a problem when the hawks are self-rightous about their opinions. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Again, let me help you. It's "self-righteous", Mr. Grad student. The red line underneath the word should be a clue.

Ahmmm, does the expression....."the pot calling the kettle black" ring a bell? I'm not sure what's funnier, the fact that YOU would call someone else self-righteous or the fact that you truly can't see just how accurately that describes the majority of the postings you've made in the Sandbox.
In over 12 paragraphs of talking, you managed NOT to address almost any one of the points I made.
So, since you won't stop with the idiotic "LE" crap....let's get down to business.

1. Have you ever "outed" a provider who's worked for you (in the past or at the time) by telling her mother/family what she did for a living?
Originally Posted by DTorrchia
I hope, Mr. TAE, this is NOT true. Messing with a girl's family and her mother.
That's low. I've crossed a lot of lines from cheating on my ex-wife to banging married women to teens,
but when it comes to family I draw the line.
:thumbdown :
DTorrchia's Avatar
I hope, Mr. TAE, this is NOT true. Messing with a girl's family and her mother.
That's low. I've crossed a lot of lines from cheating on my ex-wife to banging married women to teens,
but when it comes to family I draw the line.
:thumbdown : Originally Posted by kingorpawn
Oh, there's more than that.....but I'll save it for his next reply. He seems like the stubborn type so I'm making sure to build up a nice little supply of facts to bring out every time he decides to continue acting stupid.

You can try to change the subject by hurling accusations against myself about a host of things, but that doesn't change the subject.

The subject is this:

You have been caught red-handed with information about me that only law enforcement is in possession of.

You have no explaination for this, or WHY you sought to use it.

You claim to be:

Stridently pro-law enforcement in all matters under the sun except conveniently for that little matter of hobbying....

Stridently anti-abortion, meaning that if you got a girl pregnant that you'd force her to carry the fetus to term....

You are a security guard by profession.....

You never post any reviews because you "don't want anything that can be used against you..."

You live in Georgetown, where law enforcement and the vast majority of public opinion is harshly anti-hobbying.
You choose to live in the one place where law enforcement works actively to sting providers because the voters of that place love to see it happen. Yet you claim to be a hobbiest.

How do you expect to be believed to be a hobbiest when you lay out opinions like these? You share none of the common beliefs a real hobbiest has.

Hurling out accustations about me for things unrelated to this subject [that you've been unmasked as LE] will create no smoke screen for you.

As I've said before you're a cyber-bully.

The hallmark of a bully is of course profound insecurity. You love to try to dish out ridicule, but when a little of it is pointed your way you go ape-shit. I have no animosity for you, and I do apologize for calling you a coward, etc., but I was trying to prod you; it evidently worked. I have no hatred for you or anyone else here. However I think you are insecure and misguided.

Your childish attempts at ridicule of myself are becoming more and more shrill and ludicrous.

I never of course said that people who own firearms for hunting or recreation as I have possess a fetish for them.

I only said that insecure boyhood fantacist war-loving phoney patriot DEVOTEES of Soldier of Fortune have a fetish for them.

I never said I never read Soldier of Fortune. I have every issue of it that contained anything about Sierra Leone, just as I have most issues of every other magazine, newspaper, tape from CNN, etc. about that conflict. That doesn't mean that I endorse any of those media outlets. Soldier of Fortune is a joke, and it's geared for fantacists who think gratuitous violence and warfare is an adventure.

You're one of those misguided individuals who thinks that participation in combat makes you more of a man.

I happen to believe otherwise.

And as for your very serious indictment of me because I can't spell...

You are absolutely right. I'm a terrible speller.

Oh and just one more thing....
So far the only sources you've given for your opinions on US military effectiveness have all been from uniformed service institutes like the Army War College, Naval War College, RUSI, etc.

These places are unfortunately and by necessity propaganda mills. Their works are not subject to peer review by objective scholars such as the fellows at Rand, Brookings, Center for International Affairs [MIT] SAIS [Johns Hopkins] Westview Press, or the major University presses like UCLA, CalTech, Princeton, Yale, Brown, or even Wisconsin or UT for that matter.

Let's see some objective scholarly sources rather than officers writing for internal consumption of the military. For example, there's a reason why the Pentagon asked Rand to compose their "Study on Vietnam [aka "Pentagon Papers"]"
from someone like Danny Ellesberg [MIT/CIS] rather than having some Colonel at the War College do it. Kinda obvious.
harkontume's Avatar

Pimp slap him TAE.. That will teach him. He needs a good Pimp slap!
Well, all I know is messing with a mother's relationship with her daughter
is taboo in my world. Regardless how the girl decides to live her life
or what kind of relationship the girl has with her family. A girl's relationship
with her mother is sacred and it should be left alone.

I can excuse a lot of stuff, but there are lines that shouldn't be cross
even our world. I just hope that DT is wrong on that one.

Although, from Mr. TAE response, he's not denying.
If its true, then Mr. TAE is using it as a way to control his girls or least
the ones that piss him off. Pitiful.
DTorrchia's Avatar

You can try to change the subject by hurling accusations against myself about a host of things, but that doesn't change the subject.

The subject is this:

You have been caught red-handed with information about me that only law enforcement is in possession of.

You have no explaination for this, or WHY you sought to use it.

Okay, I'll play the "subject" game.....

1. TAE, is it or is it not true that you allowed yourself to be photographed as part of the magazine article in question? Did that photograph appear in the magazine in question? So again Mr. MIT Rocket Scientist/ Super Secret doesn't take any top secret "LE" files to add up 1+1

2. If you think for ONE MINUTE that I am the only one you've gotten crossways with on this site then you are simply more naive than what is good for you at 52 years old. (No, I'm not revealing his age, he did so publicly on this forum a few posts ago). The fact that you would think that you could operate a business such as yours without anyone knowing who you are is simply ludicrous. You really ought to have more sense than that.

3. I have no idea how you're running your business at this moment and I really could care less. What I do know are some of the poor.....shall we say......"management" decisions you've made in the past. Such as creating multiple handles on the old site in an effort to post an "alert" falsely accusing one of the providers of "theft".

Between that false alert, your infamous outing of one of your ex-girls to her parents and other unsavory things you were found to have done, does it REALLY surprise you that you've pissed a lot of people off along the way? That's not all though. Then you have the GALL to try and BRAG about being written about in a magazine and when people begin digging you now want to cry "LE!" it must be "LE"! "because I'm Eccie's most voluminous providers"? Get OVER yourself! You're not THAT important. You simply enjoy acting superior and pissing people like myself off and you always figure you're smarter than everyone to get yourself out of the holes you dig. Here's some advice. Don't dig your holes so deep that you can't climb back out of them.

You claim to be:

Stridently pro-law enforcement in all matters under the sun except conveniently for that little matter of hobbying....

Stridently anti-abortion, meaning that if you got a girl pregnant that you'd force her to carry the fetus to term....

There you go being an a**hole again. Please share with the readers the link where you can quote me saying that I would "force" ANY girl to do ANYTHING! I leave the "forcing" of things up to Pimps like you!

You know, like when you tried to intimidate one of your past girls with visions of death, and scaring her about your Sierra Leone days before finally calling her parents and telling them what she did for a living. Or when you posted a false alert for theft on another girl by trying to create multiple handles on the public Library computer.
You mean "forcing" like that???? Nope, I have been a gentleman my entire life and nowhere in my past will you find an example of me behaving the way YOU have with some of the women in your past. Like you said though, it's always the ones who hold themselves out to be high and mighty by touting how "open minded" they are that you have to watch out for. You brag about being pro-abortion while at the same time intimidating and outing some of the girls who have worked for you in the past.
Well you know what they say...."You can take the Pimp out of the..... ......." well, you know how it goes.

You are a security guard by profession.....

Final answer? (doo doo doo do doo do doo theme from Jeopardy plays in the background).....
Mr. SECURITY GUARD your final answer? Because yesterday and the day before you posted on this site that I was "LE". Before that it was "Mercenary", before that "Simple Soldier" is Security Guard your FINAL answer? I'm sure all the Eccie readers are waiting breathlessly for you to decide!

You never post any reviews because you "don't want anything that can be used against you..."

Yeah, for example idiots like YOU that decide to try to "out" people. If you'll do it to a provider that's worked for you, you'll damn sure do it to someone else that's pissed you off. Tell you what. Just go back about 5 days ago on the Austin Eccie board and see the discussion on "outing".
Some of us actually treat this as a "HOBBY".....for you it's a way of life because your livelihood depends on it. It's the only way you're capable of making money at this stage of your life. This is probably why you couldn't fathom someone wishing to keep their private life... "private". The meltdown you're experiencing here and the fact that you've gone to any length to try to discredit me makes me glad I followed that advice from a wise old hobbyist I met years ago.

You live in Georgetown, where law enforcement and the vast majority of public opinion is harshly anti-hobbying.
You choose to live in the one place where law enforcement works actively to sting providers because the voters of that place love to see it happen. Yet you claim to be a hobbiest.

LOL, I know, I's really hard for a pimp like you to grasp that someone may actually base where they live not on the "Hobby" but maybe on silly things schools for their kid, best house for their money, distance from their job, etc etc. Yeah, how STUPID of me. I should have picked where I lived based on what's best for taking part in the hobby! How silly of me. I'll put my house on the market first thing tomorrow!

How do you expect to be believed to be a hobbiest when you lay out opinions like these? You share none of the common beliefs a real hobbiest has.

Ahmmm, see the above nutbag!

Hurling out accustations about me for things unrelated to this subject [that you've been unmasked as LE] will create no smoke screen for you.

Now wait! Just above you said: "You are a Security Guard by profession".

For the sake of everyone....could you PLEASE make up your mind as to what I am profession wise? It would cut down on so much confusion!!!

As I've said before you're a cyber-bully.

LOL, you know, I guess I just never counted on a SUPER SECRET AGENT 007 who's been in "Covert Action" and "Combat" like yourself, getting so touchy and feeling like he's being cyber-bullied. I apologize if that's the way I've come across to you. I promise though, no shampoo frisbee games from me. Can we hug it out now?!!

The hallmark of a bully is of course profound insecurity. You love to try to dish out ridicule, but when a little of it is pointed your way you go ape-shit. I have no animosity for you, and I do apologize for calling you a coward, etc., but I was trying to prod you; it evidently worked. I have no hatred for you or anyone else here. However I think you are insecure and misguided.

Your childish attempts at ridicule of myself are becoming more and more shrill and ludicrous.

And here I thought I was charming, humorous and "witty".....I like the word "witty"...don't you?

I never of course said that people who own firearms for hunting or recreation as I have possess a fetish for them.

You didn't???? Well I'll let the good readers decide for themselves what you said about people who have "gun fetishes" in regards to what's in their pants. It's posted 3 posts above for everyone to see!

I only said that insecure boyhood fantacist war-loving phoney patriot DEVOTEES of Soldier of Fortune have a fetish for them.

I never said I never read Soldier of Fortune. I have every issue of it that contained anything about Sierra Leone, just as I have most issues of every other magazine, newspaper, tape from CNN, etc. about that conflict. That doesn't mean that I endorse any of those media outlets. Soldier of Fortune is a joke, and it's geared for fantacists who think gratuitous violence and warfare is an adventure.

I you only COLLECT Soldier of don't actually READ it???!!!! Of course that makes perfect sense now!

You're one of those misguided individuals who thinks that participation in combat makes you more of a man.

Nope, just a guy who's developed somewhat of a keen sense when a phoney pops up purporting to have been in "Covert Action" and "Combat".
Then when that phoney's dates couldn't possibly line up, when he can't even name the conflict where this "covert action" took place or name, even in a PM, a single person that he saw this "covert action" with.....I'm just a guy who doesn't appreciate phoney's like that. And that my friend is YOU in a nutshell.

I happen to believe otherwise.

Of course you do. At 52 you are what you are TAE. As I said, if you're comfortable with who you are then that should be good enough. Problem is though, deep down you're not. You know it, I know it and you've admitted it.

And as for your very serious indictment of me because I can't spell...

You are absolutely right. I'm a terrible speller.

Oh and just one more thing....
So far the only sources you've given for your opinions on US military effectiveness have all been from uniformed service institutes like the Army War College, Naval War College, RUSI, etc.

These places are unfortunately and by necessity propaganda mills. Their works are not subject to peer review by objective scholars such as the fellows at Rand, Brookings, Center for International Affairs [MIT] SAIS [Johns Hopkins] Westview Press, or the major University presses like UCLA, CalTech, Princeton, Yale, Brown, or even Wisconsin or UT for that matter.

Let's see some objective scholarly sources rather than officers writing for internal consumption of the military. For example, there's a reason why the Pentagon asked Rand to compose their "Study on Vietnam [aka "Pentagon Papers"]"
from someone like Danny Ellesberg [MIT/CIS] rather than having some Colonel at the War College do it. Kinda obvious. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
I could care less about what sources you claim I've used or not used. First off, at least I have some, the best you could come up with was Stephen Ambrose. Secondly, my days of debating with you over history or any other subject matter are long done.
You came after my character and falsely accused me of being "LE". That's what this is about. Until you retract that publicly on this site, I'm going to continue bringing facts to light that show just how much "character" (or lack thereof) and credibility (and lack thereof) you have.
Okay let's go over this again one more time....

You are former military who works as a private security guard and also is a reserve officer/deputized private citizen with the Williamson County Sheriff. You share information with them about providers, including myself. In a fit of blind rage in order to try to frighten me you made a post where you made numerous cryptic references to a magazine article about a crime story in which I prevented the deaths of several people but my name was not used. Only law enforcement knows that the person written about in that article, and in which my pictures appear, is the same person posting here as "The Austin Escorts." I've been a provider for three years and the article was ten years ago. To link the pictures in the article to me the provider without help from LE would require know what I look like, and 2.that you read that magazine regularly and when you saw me today [which you never have] that you recognized me from seeing the pics in a magazine article ten years earlier. I submit that's more than unlikely....more like impossible.


The only reason for mentioning it was to hint to me that you're LE connected and that therefore I should be afraid of you. Otherwise the content of that article has absolutely nothing to do with hobbying, military history, or anything else we debate about or discuss.

You're purpose was to attempt to signal to me that you're LE connected, and now you want to deny it just as you've unsuccessfully attempted to deny just about every simple observation I make regarding your "logic."

Georgetown is a hot-bed of hobby-haters. Everyone knows that. There's about 1,000 evangelical hobby-haters for every hobbiest in that town. That's where your from, and you also hate abortion, etc., and every other thing hobbiest are BY NECESSITY inclined to favor.

You have no answer for this. None.

Because you have no defense you try to change the subject and put me on the defensive with epithets and claims that I'm unpopular, a bad guy, and a poor speller.


You still have not answered my question as to why Britain and France didn't declare war on the USSR when it invaded Poland. Why did Britain and France declare war only on Germany?

Furthermore on the television last night "Dead Men's Secrets" reported on the English/French plans to defeat Germany in 1939. They had been planning for a defeat of Germany for several years and were certain they would succeed.

England/France had a pact whereby neither could surrender without the permission of the other. They raised a force of four million men, and planned to blockage Germany at sea and use strategic bombing to pummel them into surrender. That's why Britain spent all their money on Lancaster and Manchester bombers instead of building tanks. While England/France ramped up production they waited for a German attack so they could justify unleashing their strategic bombing campaign on German cities....but the German attack didn't come. Instead the Germans tried time and time again to sue for peace, which England/France didn't want. Out of exasperation the Germans finally unleashed a pre-emptive attack..and that was it.

What they never counted on was Heinz Gudarian and a panzer sweep which brushed aside the French army, which outnumbered the smaller German tanks like what, three to one...maybe four to one?

Then the bottom half of France under the WWI war hero Marshall Petan formed a separate government to actually join with Germany. Much of the French population, particularly in the south, was sick of the communists/Popular Font in the north and welcomed the Nazis because they were anti-communist. When this happened Churchill was so pissed that he ordered the deaths of 1,300 sailors on French warships hiding in a British harbor in north Africa. These ships were moored sitting ducks whose crews were slaughtered by British naval fire on orders from Churchill, who knew very well that they would never fall into the hands of the Germans [his excuse for the attack].
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TAE: is that the best Pimp slap you got?

Heck, Marco could do better.