Mitt And Jeb Are Less Popular

The point is Mitt and Jeb are less popular than they were a year ago and not a lock to get the republican nomination. Bush43 ran the USA into a steep recession. Obama and Tim Geitner got the USA out of the recession. The DJIA has gained 10,000 points since Bush43 left office. If your 401k, Roth IRA or favorite mutual fund is not making any money, then fire the fund manager or get a new fund. FYI, institutional traders buy stocks of companies when profits go up now when they go down. Now that Wall Street has been saved companies are making money. Originally Posted by flghtr65
farter65 you got a problem...
flghtr65's Avatar
farter65 you got a problem... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Moron, when companies like Google and Facebook post an increase in quarterly profits their stock price goes up not down. This has nothing to do with QE1 and QE2 which is buying up the losses that wall street brokerage firms like Lehman Brothers, Merril Lynch, Citygroup and AIG dumped into the market. Fortune 500 companies are posting record profits. The executives and top 100 officers are seeing increases in wages, not the employees further down on the organization chart. Robots and machines are doing the work that humans use to do. You need skills to get a better job. If you don't go to college you probably won't have that skill.

As for the employment rate, you know the one that the DOL calculates, when Mitt ran for president, he said that with his 59 point plan he could get the unemployment rate to 6.0% in 4 YEARS.(that would be by 2016). The unemployment rate dropped to 5.8% last year.

I don't have a problem. You and the repubtards have a problem. The republicans have lost the last two presidential elections by 15 MILLION votes. Eight years of Bush and Dick Cheney was Eight years too much.
Moron, when companies like Google and Facebook post an increase in quarterly profits their stock price goes up not down. This has nothing to do with QE1 and QE2 which is buying up the losses that wall street brokerage firms like Lehman Brothers, Merril Lynch, Citygroup and AIG dumped into the market. Fortune 500 companies are posting record profits. The executives and top 100 officers are seeing increases in wages, not the employees further down on the organization chart. Robots and machines are doing the work that humans use to do. You need skills to get a better job. If you don't go to college you probably won't have that skill.

As for the employment rate, you know the one that the DOL calculates, when Mitt ran for president, he said that with his 59 point plan he could get the unemployment rate to 6.0% in 4 YEARS.(that would be by 2016). The unemployment rate dropped to 5.8% last year.

I don't have a problem. You and the repubtards have a problem. The republicans have lost the last two presidential elections by 15 MILLION votes. Eight years of Bush and Dick Cheney was Eight years too much. Originally Posted by flghtr65
farter65, our problems is getting worse by the second... Your democrat friend predicted the results.

The point is Mitt and Jeb are less popular than they were a year ago and not a lock to get the republican nomination. Bush43 ran the USA into a steep recession. Obama and Tim Geitner got the USA out of the recession. The DJIA has gained 10,000 points since Bush43 left office. If your 401k, Roth IRA or favorite mutual fund is not making any money, then fire the fund manager or get a new fund. FYI, institutional traders buy stocks of companies when profits go up now when they go down. Now that Wall Street has been saved companies are making money. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Oh gives us all a break. Tiny Tim Geithner couldn't get his head out of his ass long enough to get this country out of a recession and either can Obama. This country is hanging by a thread economically. As far as Mutt and Jeff they have never been popular they have no where to go but up, but hopefully they will end up going out.

Trump was beating them up badly today. But how can you take a guy serious when he wears a raccoon on his head.
flghtr65's Avatar
Oh gives us all a break. Tiny Tim Geithner couldn't get his head out of his ass long enough to get this country out of a recession and either can Obama. This country is hanging by a thread economically. As far as Mutt and Jeff they have never been popular they have no where to go but up, but hopefully they will end up going out.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
December 2014 is a lot better than December 2008 when Lehman Brothers, AIG, Citygroup and all of the big banks were going bankrupt. This was the last full month that Bush43 was in office. Republicans don't talk about the economy anymore. They are still trying to find something with Benghazi and Fast and Furious.
December 2014 is a lot better than December 2008 when Lehman Brothers, AIG, Citygroup and all of the big banks were going bankrupt. This was the last full month that Bush43 was in office. Republicans don't talk about the economy anymore. They are still trying to find something with Benghazi and Fast and Furious. Originally Posted by flghtr65
The Banks are still in dire straights. The bailouts only give the impression that things are looking up. Try ending your love affair with these idiots and you may get a glimpse of what's really going on.

The Banks are still in dire straights. The bailouts only give the impression that things are looking up. Try ending your love affair with these idiots and you may get a glimpse of what's really going on.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Which idiots jim? The ones easing restrictions on banks now so we can go down the shitter again. Or which bailouts?
flghtr65's Avatar
Fascinating how you keep bragging about how Odumbo made the über rich richer, flighty. What happened to your dim-retard concern for those 47%ers, flighty? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Any single person making $30,000 a year can put away $100 a month on a mutual fund or Roth IRA if they can't get a 401K at work. The fact that the DJIA, S&P500 and Wilshire 5000 indexes have all set all time highs under Obama means most funds are going up. It all depends on how well the fund manager does. The bottom line is you don't have a salary of million dollars to make money in the stock market. I have never posted anything specifically about the 47 percent. I have posted what a disaster Bush was.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Any single person making $30,000 a year can put away $100 a month on a mutual fund or Roth IRA if they can't get a 401K at work. The fact that the DJIA, S&P500 and Wilshire 5000 indexes have all set all time highs under Obama means most funds are going up. It all depends on how well the fund manager does. The bottom line is you don't have a salary of million dollars to make money in the stock market. I have never posted anything specifically about the 47 percent. I have posted what a disaster Bush was. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You keep touting the rise in the stock market, and crediting Odumbo for that increase, flighty, but all extant evidence shows that Odumbo made the über rich richer while the 47%ers languished and suffered. Per the 2012 Odumbo campaign, the dim-retards are supposedly all about promoting the 47%ers, while they ceaselessly vilify the 1%ers, flighty. What happened?
flghtr65's Avatar
farter65 you got a problem... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Moron, the clown in video is a liar. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts in 2010. They are still in effect today. Only the tax percentage in the highest tax bracket changed in 1/1/2013 from the 36% to 39.6% (about the same rate that it was when Clinton was in office).

FYI, the private health insurance plans sold on the government exchanges ARE NOT FREE. A family of 4 that MAKES between 24,000 and 94,000 will get help to pay their premium on a sliding scale.

If a family of 4 makes less than 24,000 then they won't be able to get a private plan on the government exchange. They must apply for expanded MEDICAID. Only two states in the south have expanded MEDICAID, they are Kentucky and Arkansas.

To get the regular Medicaid you must be extremely poor, a single person that makes less that $15,000.

This has been explained to dumb ass 1000 times already. Maybe it will stick this time.
Which idiots jim? The ones easing restrictions on banks now so we can go down the shitter again. Or which bailouts? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The idiots that control our monetary system.

Flghter65 says......."The fact that the DJIA, S&P500 and Wilshire 5000 indexes have all set all time highs under Obama means most funds are going up. It all depends on how well the fund manager does. The bottom line is you don't have a salary of million dollars to make money in the stock market."

You liberal retards keeping touting the Dow as an Obama success; get it in your thick dumb skulls that the boom in the stock market hasn't helped the American middle class. Nearly all the Wall Street gains has accrued to the upper income households !

Here is my data:

And let's point out that any miserly increase in median household net worth doesn't come close to the dramatically higher insurance costs (premiums, deductibles, etc) that those households must now pay under Obamacare !

FACT JACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now where is your data supporting your bogus claim?
flghtr65's Avatar
Flghter65 says......."The fact that the DJIA, S&P500 and Wilshire 5000 indexes have all set all time highs under Obama means most funds are going up. It all depends on how well the fund manager does. The bottom line is you don't have a salary of million dollars to make money in the stock market."

You liberal retards keeping touting the Dow as an Obama success; get it in your thick dumb skulls that the boom in the stock market hasn't helped the American middle class. Nearly all the Wall Street gains has accrued to the upper income households !

Here is my data:

And let's point out that any miserly increase in median household net worth doesn't come close to the dramatically higher insurance costs (premiums, deductibles, etc) that those households must now pay under Obamacare !

FACT JACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now where is your data supporting your bogus claim? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Moron, your net worth is a summation of all your assets and liabilities. For most people their home is their largest investment. If the equity in your home did not increase your net worth probably did not increase either.

If you don't open up a Roth IRA or mutual fund then a gain in the DJIA won't help you.

If you are having trouble getting ahead maybe you should watch financial advisor Suze Orman on CNBC, you know the cable channel with the stock ticker running at the bottom.

My Roth IRA is doing great since the incompetent Bush43 left office. Thanks Obama!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Moron, your net worth is a summation of all your assets and liabilities. For most people their home is their largest investment. If the equity in your home did not increase your net worth probably did not increase either.

If you don't open up a Roth IRA or mutual fund then a gain in the DJIA won't help you.

If you are having trouble getting ahead maybe you should watch financial advisor Suze Orman on CNBC, you know the cable channel with the stock ticker running at the bottom.

My Roth IRA is doing great since the incompetent Bush43 left office. Thanks Obama!
Originally Posted by flghtr65
You talk all around the point, flighty. The 1%, who you and Odumbo so despise, have been made richer by Odumbo's policies even as the 47%ers became poorer.