Car dealership help please!!

nolatribalwarfare's Avatar
I agree with Lowgear all that they are using are scare tactics. If the loan did not go through then the contract is null and void. They get back their property and you get back yours. Everybody should be made whole. The only thing I disagree with Lowgear on is the repo laws in LA. I drive a tow truck for an R/S company, but I know alot of other drivers that work for tow companies that do repo work. As long as you on notice that you are in default, and not by phone call but a mailed letter, then they can repo. If car is parked on private property then they would need to ask your permission to take it. If you're slipping and its parked on the street then its fair game. As long as there is no "breach of the peace" that occurs in the act of retaking. And within three days they would need to contact proper authorities to let them know. It is all legal.
You owe them the car,they owe you the value they put on the paperwork for your trade and your downpayment.The millage you put on the car is not your problem, they or their bank stopped the deal.
If they over priced your trade to make the down payment more attractive to the bank thats their problem.Stay in contact with them and have an Atty contact them with your request or do it yourself.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
I talked to a couple of friends tonight; one sells new and used cars and one owns a used car lot. Both told me the car never leaves their lot unless it is paid for in full, or the finance company has approved a loan to the buyer.

Both of them told me there has to be some serious hanky panky for her to even be in possession of that car. They said she should hire a lawyer, have him review all the paperwork, and if there are improprieties, inform the dealer that the State Attorney General's office would be notified.

My friend who owns the used car lot even said she might get a free and clear title to the car without paying anything else, if the dealership is put in a position where they might lose their license.
ilovedatass's Avatar
That dealership is trying to play you Tanner. He obviously wanted to see how far he could take your flirting to , can't blame him for that lol . As far as them letting you take the car , he probably wanted to increase his quota for the month since it's the end of the month. It happened to me once , I drove a brand new truck around for 4 days before the told me I had to bring it back. Definately wouldn't return it without receiving the Down payment and money for the trade in.
TRY,sounds like she used sub-prime financing,for people with no credit,or credit issues.The situation is not a scam i see it every day.don't know if you have ever seen the banners at cars lots that say guaranteed financing,the 2 largest companies in the us are westlake and CAC,you go to the dealer he pre-approves you.gets down payment,and you sign all the paperwork,then the dealer submits the contract for funding.before the co will fund the deal they are going to verify her job,residence,bank info ect,the dealer and the customer are aware of this,now if they call her job and they say she does not work there,then the deal is not funded,same with proof of income.If the dealer feels comfortable the customer can leave the lot with the new car before funding,but if the deal does not get funded the contact is voided and the customer turns the car in,and get there money back or trade back as well.when i'm not working in the gulf ,i'm partners in a r--- co so i see this everyday
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Thanks lowgear, I wasn't aware of that method. I think there's an outfit around here called J. B. Byrider that does that.

Also we have dozens of tote-the-note lots that strippers and other people with bad or no credit use, where all they make is a cash down payment, then ridiculously large bi-weekly or monthly payments.

I think Tanner got mixed up with a salesman who wanted some cheap or free 19-year old pussy, in exchange for ramrodding thru the paperwork. Then when she refused, he stopped trying so hard to get her approved.
If they reverse the deal they have to make it whole again.Probably not the first time a hole was used in this contract!!!!!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
But she thought it was gonna be just a little hanky panky. Then he fell in love (or was it lust)?
nolatribalwarfare's Avatar
Not to get off subject but I can't tell you how many times I needed to tow a car back to J. D. Byrider or Valuecar just because the owner said that their car won't start. And all it is that they did not pay their bi-weekly payment and the car dealer turned off the car.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Not to get off subject but I can't tell you how many times I needed to tow a car back to J. D. Byrider or Valuecar just because the owner said that their car won't start. And all it is that they did not pay their bi-weekly payment and the car dealer turned off the car. Originally Posted by nolatribalwarfare
For real? I thought all those folks knew there was a remote fuel cutoff switch. I also heard some tote-the-note lots installed GPS units so it would be easy to find and repossess them.
The thing about my trade in is that I never signed over the title. I did not have it at the time and told them I would send it in. How can they sell my trade in without the title??
breastfan's Avatar
Cars can be bought or sold without title in hand. If they are doing a payoff on your trade the title will be sent to them. usually a power of att. is part of the paperwork you've signed giving the dealer permission to have someone sign the title on your behalf.
If you have a clean title and need to furnish it yourself (title not held by a leinholder)then they have a problem.
If this deal went bad, dealer has to give you money and trade back for their car (you putting mileage on the new veh. is irrelevant). Their are all kinds of things that could be going on between dealer and lender.
Also contact the New/Used Car Commission.
CajunGent's Avatar
They can get a duplicate title. You probably gave them permission to do that in the paperwork you signed.
you are correct cajun,but they are going to have to make her right,giving her the cash, and the value of her car back to her
gimme_that's Avatar
Im anxious to see how this will end. Keep us posted