Who Among Us is Going to See Donald Trump on Monday?

TexTushHog's Avatar
No offense but the crowd looked like what appeared to be the biggest bunch of Hillbillies since the Clampett's hit Beverly Hills. Very Red neck. Nothing wrong with that but alot of white trailer trash meth labbers. Too bad all the Bandiditos are still in Jail. They'd have been all over this! Looks like Trump has solidified his base with the Religious Right in Texas. Eg., Plano Baptist! Pray to the Lord! Halleluah! Originally Posted by ftango4
And that surprised you why? That's who's supporting this goober. Do you really see establishment Country Club Republicans voting for him??!!
Crzytxn's Avatar
To me, it's kind of the lesser of evils. It's pretty apparent, most of the candidates are bought and paid for by the lobbyists and super pacs that support them. The middle class, is almost non existent. Healthcare here in America is a joke. And the immigrant workers here, primarily from Mexico. Have reduced wages in some industries (Construction) to less than they were in 1980.
Yet to buy a nice house, in a decent neighborhood, it will cost you $300,000. Or a nice new truck, will cost you $50,000 - $75,000.
So yes, we have a lot of issues here. And I think Mr. Trump, has the potential to solve some of those issues. Sure as hell cant be any worse, than the idiots who have been running the country the past few years.

Just my $.02
Chung Tran's Avatar
To me, it's kind of the lesser of evils. It's pretty apparent, most of the candidates are bought and paid for by the lobbyists and super pacs that support them. The middle class, is almost non existent. Healthcare here in America is a joke. And the immigrant workers here, primarily from Mexico. Have reduced wages in some industries (Construction) to less than they were in 1980.
Yet to buy a nice house, in a decent neighborhood, it will cost you $300,000. Or a nice new truck, will cost you $50,000 - $75,000.
So yes, we have a lot of issues here. And I think Mr. Trump, has the potential to solve some of those issues. Sure as hell cant be any worse, than the idiots who have been running the country the past few years.

Just my $.02 Originally Posted by Crzytxn
I'll chip mine in, and we're close to a nickle.

this is exactly right, Trump's naysayers seem to want continued stagnation in Government, the big money donors want their own guys in, they have no concern for "average" Americans and their needs. maybe Trump can solve a few issues, maybe not..

but we already know the people in Government today can not or will not solve the many issues we face.. Trump is the recognized face of the anti-establishment, but Bernie Sanders and Ben Carson are surging as well.. there's a reason for that, completely outside the scope of the Man Donald Trump and his rhetoric.
WOMBAT's Avatar
I'll put my $.02 in as well.
In my Opinion

" The President has no real power without support from congress, he needs to be a watchdog and bring forth new ideas and point out bad policies. Establish new policies and try and get congress to enact them. In other words someone that will not play along with the status Quo.

Ok if I had my choice I would have preferred Dennis Miller due to a better filter but compared to the rest I'll take Trump. Why? We need someone to stir things up, who is the one person in the race who doesn't have a problem doing this? Maybe we can get term limits on congressmen and maybe we can limit PAK spending or better yet give each candidate $XXX to spend on campaigns.

Sorry got long winded"
It would have been interesting to see if the crowd change if one had to pay for the tickets. I like that Trump is stirring the pot, at least he can't be bought like other talking heads
President Trump would definitely make for much better late night talk show jokes.
Vote Trump.
plove35's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
on a side not Hillary is coming to Dallas on the 22nd.. for a private fundraiser, 150 people.. juxtapose that with Trump's appearance before thousands of public supporters at a free event.. gives Trump's message some resonance..

I think Trump will be blasted in tonight's debate.. by the questioners, Hewitt in particular, and by the other candidates.. they need to slow Trump's momentum, change the course of the discussion.. and Trump needs to continue being Trump, if he looks shaky or conciliatory tonight, he will lose some supporters..
bigbob38's Avatar
I missed it but watched it on TV finally somebody who doesnt dance around the issues he hits you straight about whats going on ....I like him!! straight talker no BS kinda guy!!
Crzytxn's Avatar
Yeah, he must be doing something right. I hear several of the SuperPac groups are campaigning against him.
I would get thrown in jail if I went I would want to slap the dog shit out of him. Just slap that stupid prune ass look he has every time I turn my TV. I can't stand that faggot sorry mods but I don't.
on a side not Hillary is coming to Dallas on the 22nd.. for a private fundraiser, 150 people.. juxtapose that with Trump's appearance before thousands of public supporters at a free event.. gives Trump's message some resonance..

I think Trump will be blasted in tonight's debate.. by the questioners, Hewitt in particular, and by the other candidates.. they need to slow Trump's momentum, change the course of the discussion.. and Trump needs to continue being Trump, if he looks shaky or conciliatory tonight, he will lose some supporters.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

I will be attending Hilary Clinton though. It's about time we see the Clinton's back in leadership.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I will be attending Hilary Clinton though. It's about time we see the Clinton's back in leadership. Originally Posted by SexyPlatinum

I don't know.. I actually worked in Bill's first Presidential Campaign, met him a couple of times, voted for him both times.. I liked Hillary's speech when I was a Delegate at the State Convention in 1996.. but the ensuing 19 years have left me less enamored with Hillary.
daty/o's Avatar
I'm gaining a whole new level of respect for you, SP.
There are two types of people in the world that I could care less about for the same reason - They both make false promises.

1. Politicians

2. Preachers