Hurtful unsubstantiated claims against women.

Sure Dvet14 feels empowered by the support he is getting.
HAS ANYONE SEEN MY FLUFFER!!! Originally Posted by Betsy
Is a fluffer someone who fluffs their ego at the expense of women he has never met?
You are very pretty. And I never met you. I promise to you that if I hear negative gossip about you, I will take it with a grain of salt and not post anything negative that "I heard". That is just me. Some people are cool with doing crap like that.
I suggest you read the board rules and get familiar with those and leave the drama alone. You are close to a sabbatical.....much needed I might add
I very seldom posted before. I hear you,I will chill. I understand. I hope Dvet14 sees all this crap and chooses not to post such hurtful things. I apologize to the forum in general. What I did might not necessarily be " right". But I'll be damned...what Dvet14 did is freaking wrong. I hope he is man enough to request his post be removed. To say such things about people he admits to never meeting.
If necessary I will graciously accept banishment. I have quietly enjoyed being a member of eccie and have never really posted until today. Maybe I am crazy. Maybe someone understands. I apologize for being disruptive. But I promise you I do not agree with DVet14s willingness to post admitted pure speculation.

I am done. Hopefully I don't join Al Bundy.
pyramider's Avatar
Graciously accept banishment?