Trump refuses to debate

TryWeakly's Avatar
I have it on good authority that the fly was quite impressed with vice president Pence's debating skills, but we all know that flies are not known for their political acumen. Originally Posted by Lapdog
How did that fly get out ? I didnt think she wore a skirt to the debate... did she ?

Joe's Ho ..
The Orange Twit head in chief thanks he looks better and smarter in front of a life audience. Especially if they are not wearing mask and are wearing stupid red caps. That's his people
matchingmole's Avatar
How did that fly get out ? I didnt think she wore a skirt to the debate... did she ?

Joe's Ho .. Originally Posted by TryWeakly

Flies generally wear no clothes
When will TRUMP tell the American people when he was last tested for COVID.

He stays silent so Biden is suspicious that he will lie again as usual. No wonder Biden wants to debate in a virtual basis but as we all know.

Trump is irresponsible and still calls COVID a HOAX. every day he opens that dumb mouth of his and it’s costing lives.....before long it’s at 250,000 and rising.

Trump doesn’t want to debate...he’s a worthless coward and all he does is scream and shout. Those drugs are taking their toll, and make him even more nutty. Biden has his number. Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
Trump wants to debate in person not a virtual debate where Biden gets fed all the canned and rehearsed lines.
T R U M P is refusing a virtual debate, because H E doesn't want to look like a coward who is too afraid to leave the basement. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
This is a very strong candidate for the title of lamest post ever.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Biden is 77 years old. Why would he want to be anywhere close to anyone who has the cooties virus? Trump is an idiot and that's okay with his access to healthcare. I probably wouldn't care either if I was him. But I sure the fuck would stay away from Trump if I was 77 years old.

Biden is 3 decades older than me and I sure the fuck wouldn't want to be around Trump either. Why should he put his health at risk for a careless jackass? People have not even found a cure for this virus and you tell me you have it. I don't know about you guys, but I'd be standing at least a mile away if I knew someone had it.

Fuck a debate. I'd rather wake up the next morning without catching cooties from Trump's stupid and reckless ass.
  • Tiny
  • 10-08-2020, 09:31 PM
Trump doesn’t want to debate... Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
I don't understand his reasoning. He's behind. He should want this more than Biden. Biden's lining up a Town Hall with George Stephanopoulus on what was supposed to be debate night, and he'll probably get a lot of softball questions and look good.

Is the dexamethasone playing a number on Trump's mind? Probably not. Is he using this as a negotiating ploy, to try to force an in person debate? If so it looks like it's backfiring.
Lol... Harris will soon be the real Americans rock star and a national treasure. Pence will still be trying to pull the putin/trump pencil out of his ass. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
She would make a better Rock Star than a Political Candidate for Vice President.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
trump does not want a virtual debate. its easy to see why.

moderators can cut the feed from trump if he tries to talk over biden. theres no question that biden will be wired to the hilt with ready made answers.

in person debate is better, at least one can feel the tempo going a certain way. can't do that virtually.

if pence/ka-ma-la can do it with a plexiglass set up, no reason why trump/biden can do the same.

this is on biden and hes already moving goal post on debate rules.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump is getting flushed by Biden....again

winn dixie's Avatar
Trump has the laser pointer and you kats are scrambling

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
H E should be over the virus after about ten days of initial symptoms, according to Dr. Fauci.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump has the laser pointer and you kats are scrambling

bbahahahahahahhahahahahahahha Originally Posted by winn dixie

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I can't imagine that still being funny after 100 times, but maybe I'm wrong.

H E looks weak if H E really decides to totally reject debating, but an in person debate isn't crazy. It will be 15 days after H I S initial symptoms, which according to "The Science" means H E should be fully recovered by then.

Having a rally on Saturday is what is crazy. You Antifa folks should be freaking out over that. The in-person debate is actually reasonable.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
A virtual meeting is not a debate.
Biden just wants/needs access to a teleprompter