Have any of you tried

Hey i still can't believe that i am even wasting more time on this but i had to re-read ...Jam ...your over the top bro...or should i say Babe. Layne i was considering setting up an appt with you but this drama makes ya'll look bad i haven't seen lolove or jocelyn .. and jocelyn how did i know hipanic because when we met i thought maybe rusian it was a discussion we had and she told me.. and yeah i have seen some awesome porn stars in LA. And north unless things have changed with karina those were her pictures and was one in the same when we met. You know i would think that layne lolove and jocelyn would appreciate the fact that i went out on a limb to defend what i had as a great expierence vs someone throwing a person under the bus that hasnt even seen that provider ... might as well jump on the bandwagon
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Do not message me on p411 again bitching about this. It's making *YOU* look bad.
Lolove's Avatar
I barely said anything so please don’t include me . I’m glad you’ve met some great ladies.
Seriously ... i am blown away by this entire conversation ...well at least you verified i am a real guy and not some wierd extrapolation that jam thinks
I know the girl that used that phone number and posted the karina rose ads on BP. I saw her regularly from July through December of last year. I asked her if she was afraid the real girl in the pics would get mad that she was using them. She said no, the real girl was in Miami and never tours, so she wasn’t worried about it.

I realize reviews are subjective to each individuals personal experience, however, pics being fake and not of the person you actually met is a fact, not an opinion based on your personal experience. So if you’re going to stand by your claim that you actually met the girl pictured, then I’m going to call you sketchy and ignore any of your reviews as the same.

Peace out everyone and happy holidays and merry Christmas to you all!
Fuck it just can't end... what the hell ... it sure did seem that at the time her pics were her in fact if they weren't they were very similar and if you saw her also than you can appreciate that i gave a favorable review that was all accurate minus if those were her exact pics or similar... seriously stop this stupidty. I have even answered personal messages from you ...wtf ... its what i get for being nice
And i just re read my review from over a year ago and i never even said anything about pics.
Your right parnoid Jam is so much more accurate and precise in his bullshit opinion.
Hmmmm...maybe there are clues in his name....

x- means he's a crossdresser
an - short for androgynous, which assures us that he is both sexes
t - short for trans
rum - awfully fond of Captain Morgan
dtf - he/she is clearly down to ...... something. Now if we just new what "f" stands for.

Yes, Jam, I think you are on to something. This is indeed scandalous behavior! Please tell us more about his scandalous behavior! (and don't get my started on decoding Jam3876....)
All right xanthrumdtf all I did here was point out how your MO is eerily similar to how the scandalous provider in question who has posted fake reviews in the past. She was eventually banned for her transgressions. But let me correct that. Your MO is exactly the same as her's, not merely similar.

As far as the providers you mentioned seeing -- 2 of them only post in this area when they are about to visit, Ruby rarely posts here at all and I haven't seen a post from Gia since Halloween. So yes I am still a bit skeptical of your claims. And no -- I am not reaching out to any of them to see if your claims are actually correct. I do not have to screen you for a potential appointment and will not do that. Had you written a review on any of these women, but then...... but you did not.

North65 said that the aforementioned Karina Rose was not the same girl as in her pics. And I believe that if you actually saw her then you should already know that. But you do not seem to be aware of this at all. The fact that you say you didn't mention pics in your review is totally irrelevant. You do not seem to know that the girl in question is not the same one as the girl in her pics. Which leads me to believe that you never actually saw this girl at all and this is a fake review. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong about this. With acceptable proof of course -- not just your say so.

Leave the women alone that responded to my initial post. They had nothing to do with me starting this in the first place and were merely making the same comments that a lot of us are feeling at the moment. They do not deserve your disdain in any way, shape or form. Are we clear on this?

If you are able to prove my original opinion as being bullshit then please do. So far you have not even come close to accomplishing this goal.

And finally -- Will He -- with a name like that do you really want to start dissecting my name???
Dude i would seriously knock you out if you werent hidding behind a keyboard thinking your hollier than the world. You dont get it your obviously not a member of p411.. i can't have 14 oks if i wasnt a stand up guy. You can twist what words you want and act like your un the majority of your made up world. MO.. are you still trying to extrapolate that i am someone that I'm not. Your wrong.i have no idea nor do i care how you must have been wronged in the past by Nicole... dude let it go.

Dont ever talk to me in a condesending manner again unless your willing to meet me and say it to my face ... ARE WE CLEAR ON THAT !!!

Your a paranoid freak ...that has seriously pissed me off. I have written reviews on gals that hadnt been reviewed by everyone on the planet in hopes it might give someone else some insight ...so they can be safe and make an informed decesion.

I almost feel sorry for you that you have to keep coming at me like you've got something to prove. I can tell you one thing for sure you question my integrity or character ... i will NEVER back down i might be a lot of things but none of what your attempting to dig deep in concocting. Seriously man let it go... if i attacked someones reputation and honor i had better know for sure that i had all my facts and you dont.

It is no wonder because of guys like you that there is drama ... where there shouldnt be that in fact you probably scare more away and have crap expierences ...maybe try treating others with respect and how you would want to be treated .. ...your messing with the wrong guy
Do you really think your latest rant gets you any closer to proving me wrong. News Flash -- it does not.

Rant all you want like your previous post. It does nothing to change the conviction in my original post. You have not even remotely offered any credible evidence to dispute my initial claim. So until you do -- save your idle threats and rants. If you can actually come forth with some credible evidence that proves your innocence, then the tone of this discussion will change. You have not even remotely close to providing this sort of proof as of yet.

By the way -- not only is your MO the same as Nichole's -- you misspell words excatly like she does.

I will patiently wait for your credible proof.
Fuck it just can't end... what the hell ... it sure did seem that at the time her pics were her in fact if they weren't they were very similar and if you saw her also than you can appreciate that i gave a favorable review that was all accurate minus if those were her exact pics or similar... seriously stop this stupidty. I have even answered personal messages from you ...wtf ... its what i get for being nice Originally Posted by xanthrumdtf
Let me clarify a few things things.

I've never asked you any questions or communicated with you, PM's or otherwise, outside of this thread. Show me where I'm wrong and I will apologize stating that.

I know you didn't say anything about her pics in your review of her. Read above, my question was, if you saw her, why didn't you say her pics weren't her. There is no resemblance. That's what made me chuckle in my first comment on this thread. I saw the phone number, name and pics and wondered why you failed to mention that her pics were not accurate.

Then how about your next review, dude called you out saying pics were accurate and they were of an instagram model? wtf?

My main point is that I think you are dishonest and therefore I don't trust your reviews. Party on though, I'll just ignore any input you throw out.
Mike1961's Avatar
I'm happy someone thinks I'm a babe. Sad that Karina Rose is not the girl in the picture.
I'm happy someone thinks I'm a babe. Sad that Karina Rose is not the girl in the picture. Originally Posted by Mike1961
Darth Maul is a babe