I agree with Piers

joe bloe's Avatar
Not enough of them for what? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Not enough to stop Obama getting re-elected.
I am even more angry about over 10,000 deaths a year. Originally Posted by essence
You better start a crusade to ban alcohol given the fact so many deaths occur at the hands of drunk drivers. Or would you rather outlaw the vehicles since technically that is what actually strikes and kills people. Where's the outrage over the thousands that are killed via drunk drivers? Oh wait, it will interfere with your "right" to drink what you want.

I will keep my guns thank you, it's my "right".
Not enough to stop Obama getting re-elected. Originally Posted by joe bloe
If the only way to stop Obama from getting re-elected is to rely on bigots, maybe we are better off with Obama.

BTW, I am a lifelong Republican. But the current GOP is unhinged.
You better start a crusade to ban alcohol given the fact so many deaths occur at the hands of drunk drivers. Or would you rather outlaw the vehicles since technically that is what actually strikes and kills people. Where's the outrage over the thousands that are killed via drunk drivers? Oh wait, it will interfere with your "right" to drink what you want.

I will keep my guns thank you, it's my "right". Originally Posted by satexasguy
Talk about a strawman. This is a complete non-argument.

Drunk driving is against the law already, inc case you hadn't noticed.

And the fact that we cannot fix ALL problems at once does not mean we shouldn't fix ANY problem.

Vehicles deaths are a tragedy we have to live with - whether drinking is involved or not.

That doesn't mean we have to sit on our hands and do nothing about gun violence.
[QUOTE=joe bloe;1052137186]So why isn't Switzerland wall to wall carnage? Too busy making cuckoo clocks? Too sleepy from eating too much Swiss chocolate?

A few reasons could include one of the highest per capita income in the world.
Great education system and reasonable healthcare .

Exactly three things we don't possess in the US.
Oh,and VERY FEW "rednecks".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Drunk driving is against the law already, inc case you hadn't noticed. Originally Posted by ExNYer
So is murder. It didn't stop Adam Lanza. So the allegory is a good one. If we're going to ban guns to prevent murder, let's ban cars to prevent drunk driving.

I know it is a complex issue, and like Joe said, it's a sign of the culture. We can't just fix one thing and have it all get better. There are lots of things to do. None of which is likely to get done.
So why isn't Switzerland wall to wall carnage? Too busy making cuckoo clocks? Too sleepy from eating too much Swiss chocolate?

A few reasons could include one of the highest per capita income in the world.
Great education system and reasonable healthcare .

Exactly three things we don't possess in the US. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
I've got a friend who is a Swiss national and I have been there 4 times. Great country.

But they have something else we don't have. They tightly control who comes into the country. And when your work visa expires or if you lose your job and you are a foreigner, they throw you out of the country.

High income levels are a lot easier when you don't allow cheap foreign labor into the country and you restrict the social safety net to native born Swiss citizens.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I've got a friend who is a Swiss national and I have been there 4 times. Great country.

But they have something else we don't have. They tightly control who comes into the country. And when your work visa expires or if you lose your job and you are a foreigner, they throw you out of the country.

High income levels are a lot easier when you don't allow cheap foreign labor into the country and you restrict the social safety net to native born Swiss citizens. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Excellent observations.

Ive been there a couple of times too and am always impressed with their state of fecal unity.
So is murder. It didn't stop Adam Lanza. So the allegory is a good one. If we're going to ban guns to prevent murder, let's ban cars to prevent drunk driving.

I know it is a complex issue, and like Joe said, it's a sign of the culture. We can't just fix one thing and have it all get better. There are lots of things to do. None of which is likely to get done. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, few people would support banning cars, but we do require a lisence, and a driving test.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But a license and a driving test will not keep unqualified drivers from driving a car. Adam Lanza did not get the guns he used legally. Therefore, we MUST ban all cars if we are going to stop drunk driving deaths. It only makes sense.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thank you, Assup. It's always a fun day when you melt down!

<<< Assup // COG >>>
bojulay's Avatar
Assup needs to go to the shooting range and
work out some of his frustrations.

ha ha ha ha

Did I mention what a stupid English thumb sucking diaper wearing twit that Piers guy is.

Apparently England has no talent. Get it...ha ha ha ha
joe bloe's Avatar
If the only way to stop Obama from getting re-elected is to rely on bigots, maybe we are better off with Obama.

BTW, I am a lifelong Republican. But the current GOP is unhinged. Originally Posted by ExNYer
It's a big tent.