
Oh and Baby, your tits are an absolute work of art. ;-) Originally Posted by naughtyangel4u
Angel those boobies of yours are works of art also. I am sure every gent here will agree. I bet if you followed in babys boobsteps and posted a picture of the girls every gent here would bow down and worship them in all their glory. I know I would

I love boobies

And in the spirit of totally honesty I have never made a civilian cum in my life so I need these ladies to fake it for me otherwise I would never get to hear what it sounds like when a real man like RL gets ahold of them
GM2, I am not attacking you but I am really tired of you generalizing my friends on here. There are some ladies that I am so close to here that I'd rather take the heat than let anyone attack them in any form. I also know a lot of these ladies significant others and they also know me. We are actual friends. I am sorry if you aren't able to establish that kind of relationship with people. I can and I will always do that because these woman are so much more than their tits and pussies... they are real people in so many ways than I can count. And they are very interesting people. I am just the lucky bastard that gets to meet them, and spend time with them and get to know who they really are. Btw, if they did not do this type of work, my life would not have been enriched by knowing them. And to every woman out there that I spent time with: THANK YOU for sharing a part of your life with me.

GM2... I mean you no ill-will ever but please get help for whatever is hurting you. And yes, I am completely serious.
Guitar's Avatar
RL, I did not introduce this thread to start drama in ANY way. I sware! I was only stating an observation I made while with a repeat provider and what happened that had never happened before. Sorry everyone for the drama. Maybe this thread is better dead.
Guitar, you posted a good thread.

RL you did attack me kind of back handedly, but who cares? Not a real thing here. I appreciate your concern but your comments seem more condescending than genuine, but I could be wrong. Seems to me you and others rather me buy into the denial a lot posters display here. I will not. If you dislike my opinions it can be stated in an adult manner instead of sarcasm or back handed crap.

Seems also people read more into my postings than is actually there. Baby seems to get it. Her smarts just get me going. Look at her marketing scheme and posts, she is a genius!

Although I doubt that she enjoys all sex but I take Kynsley at her word on 60% so guess I will take Baby as well.

RL you are self admittedly no mental health professional.

A man pays for sex admitting he knows no emotional attachment exists further states sex with no emotional attachment for him is always mediocre and the fact that with prostitutes he uses condoms makes the sex less gratifying as well. Further he states some truths about sex workers and how they dissociate (Google it) or how the sex workers he knows admits to things they feel and think about clients and their work.

Another man pays for sex, boasts about it (even though a phone call and cash is all it took to get laid). States their is a level of emotional attachment and how great his condom using sex is. All the time paying for the attention he gets denying any emotional or mental potential problems with his lady friends. Does this for years, posting daily or nearly daily in front of a computer screen. Then is asked to help mod without pay, possibly arousing his inner desire to be loved or liked. He works daily for no pay. Possibly in denial stating he does it because he cares so much for the ladies. He only knows why he agreed to work without pay.

I ask who is in more need of mental help? Man living in truth or other man?

I post these things with no ill will to anyone. You can try to shut me up or you can just ignore.

Back to topic, i prefer to have sex with a woman whose vagina lubes itself naturally with precum, but admittedly not always the case. I rather live in reality than denial, you can live anywhere you want.
[QUOTE=gentlemantoo;1060496551]It matters not RL who you are friends with, I am free to express myself as long as I stay within the rules which i do. Please read what is going on. I reply to Guitar with a helpful and honest assessment of his question. Not bling, accusing, or anything. Kynsley comes back with sarcasm and says GMT is wrong. So I guess she nor Angel ever faked an orgasm especially not with a client. Come on man, they never used lube, are you people so far down in denial that I get told shit we she gets sarcastic with me??!! Wake the fuck up people, geez.

I know this every time I speak my opinion, some chime to attack and tell me how wrong I am. And it shows me that I must hit the nail on the head or some would not get so upset and bothered.

GMT, I never implied in my entire time being a provider that I haven't faked an orgasm, hell, I've faked some in personal relationships. I was simply stating that in most cases, I do really enjoy myself with my clients. I can get super turned on without ever having an orgasm, that's just the icing. If you would actually take the time to read others' responses, you would have realized what I said, and I quote, "I feel like it makes the session so much hotter when I genuinely enjoy myself as well, which actually is quite often" no where in my reply did I say that I never fake an orgasm. You decided to attack me first by misconstruing my words, my initial post didn't mention your handle at all. Your opinion counts just like any other member here. Although when you go stereotyping and refer to all providers as frauds and deceitful, then it gets personal.
RL, I did not introduce this thread to start drama in ANY way. I sware! I was only stating an observation I made while with a repeat provider and what happened that had never happened before. Sorry everyone for the drama. Maybe this thread is better dead. Originally Posted by Guitar
Guitar, I want to apologize for any drama that I brought to the table, it wasn't intentional. You had an excellent question, thank you for being insightful and wanting to share your experience. Sounds like you and your lady had a wonderful time.

I can't speak for all providers although for me, I can become extremely aroused during playtime. This has even happened without ever reaching orgasm. I have used lube on occasion, although it is usually with my partner's knowledge that I'm doing so. I just incorporate it into playtime. I really do hope you received some insight, no need to apologize, great topic!
No drama was brought.
Absolute awesomeness for great wet sex
Guitar's Avatar
I REALLY REALLY like it wet. But I'm just speaking for me. Her panties weren't wet when I pulled them off her and offered her money for them, (just as a joke), and she said she has actually had the chance to sell some before. (And I thought I was a perv). But I figure, if it was lube that she had put in her, it would have been all over them. Just thinking back on the situation. I HOPE IT WAS ME THAT MADE HER WET! Dangit, know you got me wondering.
It was all you darlin
BC, thank you for the lovely comment. We should definitely do another boob thread. ;-)
GM2, sorry if you thought I was condesending, not my intentions. I'm just having an open dialog with you. You and I may never agree on anything and that's fine because it's an honest disagreement.

If I did sound like I was talking down to you, it's only because I see you talking down to actual friends of mine. It doesn't matter how they make a living, it only matters who they really are and I'm very fortunate that I know several of the ladies here as my personal friends. I tend to protect my friends in all areas of life, it's never been anything personal between you and me. I honestly do not a clue as to who you are and I'm only going by the impressions you give on the boards. Maybe try re-reading some of things you have written and be completely honest when you read it. If you do that, I think you will understand where I'm coming from.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
GM2, sorry if you thought I was condesending, not my intentions. I'm just having an open dialog with you. You and I may never agree on anything and that's fine because it's an honest disagreement.

If I did sound like I was talking down to you, it's only because I see you talking down to actual friends of mine. It doesn't matter how they make a living, it only matters who they really are and I'm very fortunate that I know several of the ladies here as my personal friends. I tend to protect my friends in all areas of life, it's never been anything personal between you and me. I honestly do not a clue as to who you are and I'm only going by the impressions you give on the boards. Maybe try re-reading some of things you have written and be completely honest when you read it. If you do that, I think you will understand where I'm coming from. Originally Posted by Road Lizard
+1 - I have to agree with RL on his last comment.

kiki2012's Avatar
BC, thank you for the lovely comment. We should definitely do another boob thread. ;-) Originally Posted by naughtyangel4u
Good idead Angel! Yes a new boob thread!! Tatas Hooters muffins boobies!!
Good idead Angel! Yes a new boob thread!! Tatas Hooters muffins boobies!! Originally Posted by kiki2012
Ladies I will gladly make such a thread just send me some new pics and i will make it happen god knows this place could sure use some more boobie pics not nearly enough.