I'm interesting in become a sugar daddy, question for providers.

Ze. You must have a magic pussy if you can get an SD to pay you that much per month without exclusivity. If there is no exclusivity, then why not just have a normal SD/SB arrangement for half that?
Grace Preston's Avatar
Ze. You must have a magic pussy if you can get an SD to pay you that much per month without exclusivity. If there is no exclusivity, then why not just have a normal SD/SB arrangement for half that? Originally Posted by Tapper69
You answered your own question.. she has a magic pussy

She never said he was a SD. She said she had an arrangement with the gent. A set number of appointments per month, paid in advance, which granted the gent a lower rate than he would have had if he had paid per appointment. I have had MANY of those over the years. For guys who were so regular that they were weekly-- it worked well for them.

Some guys are looking for the lowest possible price Some guys are looking for something else. I'm pretty sure those guys don't care about what you pay for your arrangements, so why do you care about what they pay for theirs?
Rodrigos's Avatar
He is asking for an exclusive arrangement, meaning-- the lady is not seeing anyone else. At 300/month, I can assure you that you don't have an exclusive arrangement. Of course, if you mean 300 per visit, then you don't have a sugar baby, you have an escort. That is not the same thing.

$4000 is actually on the lower end for this level of relationship. I've seen ladies who have been given 200k for a year long arrangement, no joke. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I overlooked that part, but true Grace. An exclusive relationship would then be in that range. I stand corrected.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-11-2017, 01:52 PM
Ze. You must have a magic pussy if you can get an SD to pay you that much per month without exclusivity. If there is no exclusivity, then why not just have a normal SD/SB arrangement for half that? Originally Posted by Tapper69
Didja ever think that what I offer is beyond pussy? -_- Discretion costs more than pussy any day...

*puts on her white gloves and does a card trick*

^thanking the fella that taught me these. I KNEW they would come in "handy" some day.
Say What's Avatar
A female friend of mine received $17,000 per month to be exclusive AND at his beck and call. I'm not sure if it's still going, but I know it lasted more than a year.

To each his own.
That’s what’s happening to some of y’alls ATF’s...they’re sugar babies now making no less than 10 G’s a month.
I went to college with a really hot girl,Mormon in fact,whom lived in an apartment paid for by a SD and was in an " exclusive" arrangement with him......

He probably wouldnt have been too happy knowing I was having sex with her for free in that bed he paid for.

There aint no such thing as EXCLUSIVE in the world of PTP
You’re sure right Butch! Lol
Lucas McCain's Avatar
If he wanted to end it he had to give 30 days notice with one month severance. Originally Posted by casey_carlin
I guess I am the only person who thought this shit was funny. Hooker/SB severance and 30 days notice? Huh? Some of the shit I read on this board just cracks me the fuck up so much so that I have to read it twice to make sure I read it correctly the 1st time.
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I guess I am the only person who thought this shit was funny. Hooker/SB severance? Huh? Some of the shit I read on this board just cracks me the fuck up so much so that I have to read it twice to make sure I read it correctly the 1st time. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
30 days notice? Fuck That. Tell her this is a Right to Work state...LOL

I'd love to see the guys face at the unemployment office when she files for unemployment.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^Now that was funny. I really thought I read that 30 days notice and severance wrong the first time. I didn't read it twice. I read it 4 fucking times because I thought I had too many beers last night and just assumed that I read her post wrong the first 3 times I read it.

Edit: I quit a job years ago on the spot. I was there for only 7 months. The head of HR called me and tried to convince me to give notice. I laughed and told her that I didn't give a shit because it wasn't like that job was going to be on my resume so what the fuck do I care. I was there for 7 fucking months. Who puts that shit on their resume? I also told her to be sure to send me a check for the 14 days of PTO that I had accrued. The job sucked. I wanted payment for the 14 days I should have taken off. They paid me for 21 days. The fucked up thing is that I went and worked for that firm again. I lasted a year before I quit again.That was years ago and didn't give any notice again. Now I'm just curious to try to go back to see if they are stupid enough to hire me back for the third time.

Anyway Casey, thanks for those job memories. I forgot about that fucking job until now.
Why not just help all the single moms you can? There are a lot of fun lovely ladies on here.

If exclusive is your thing, you need an SO. You know, a lady that will help you run your life lol and take away the freedom you've earned and enjoy :-)
That’s what’s happening to some of y’alls ATF’s...they’re sugar babies now making no less than 10 G’s a month. Originally Posted by Ssjdawg
No, they're not, at least most of them, and not on a long term basis. Just look at the math:

At $4K/m, ~$50K/yr AFTER tax. At those tax rates, that's about $90K/yr taxable and EXPENDABLE income. That's after he has spent on his home life (or alimony). That probably means $300-400K/yr. Not many guys in THAT pool. At 10K/m its probably $400-500K/yr minimum. At $17K/m its probably $600+K/yr. Even fewer guys in THOSE pools. Of course there are those that inherited money, but again very few at those rates. Retirees, possibly, but that's a pretty big retirement fund with current interest rates.

Are there a few? Sure. And the numbers get exponentially smaller as you go up. The few that you hear about are the vocal tiny minority, and probably quite a few myths in there, too.

I've had 5 over the years that I got to know well enough to trust what they told me (yes, I know!). Of those 4 out of 5 would have been SD-exclusive (meaning they may have a RW bf/SO) for a lot less, probably $1000-1500/m. ALL the SBs I saw had RW jobs, and just wanted a bit of fun (and funds) on the side. And I believe that's the norm for most SBs.

Sure, they/we all WANT that kind of big, exclusive arrangement, but I think you'd find that's an incredibly tiny percentage, even of those that could get an exclusive arrangement.
4000 a month..Thats insane cash. maybe my ceo could afford that.. but geeze. i make 170k a year and cant afford that.. lol.
I like the idea of a regular at 300-500 a month. thats doable and fair.. and also builds a relationship.. without getting another wife.
Guys that have over 4k to spend a month on hobbying.. really could be attracting talent other ways