Most of Providers Won't Be In Business Five Years From Now

Rolo Tomassi's Avatar
Ooooh...lets hear some horror stories. I saw a lady in Cleveland that said she has been doing this about 6 months and she has been ripped off twice. She is a real sweet heart too.
herfacechair's Avatar
Great food for thought and I'm glad to see you also gave some advice for the guys too. I've heard quite a few horror stories from ladies, so a lot of guys could also use a reality check of where they stand from a reasonable provider's point of view. Originally Posted by vicinms
It's a self feeding cycle. Too many hobbyists ruin it for the rest of us. That's a part of the reason I left that up there too. I didn't put much emphasis on those. Providers have listed these nightmares via post and on their websites.

In the coming years, the providers would have to really rely on what I talked about earlier... and more.
An exceptional original post, with some exceptional summarizing and additional points.

Although somewhat new to the hobby, I feel it is also important for providers to maintain (discreet) communications with existing or potential clients. If you say you will call, email, or text later, be sure to do so. Additionally, not every provider is "GFE", nor does every client desire "GFE", however, (providers) don't hesitate to carry on a little light "banter" with your clients. I am well aware that this is a "business", but getting an occasional PM, email, or even innocuous text from a provider helps keep them in the front of my mind. When choosing where to spend my time and money, even the "fantasy" that a provider actually WANTS to see me factors GREATLY in the selection process. I'm not saying I need to hear "I LOVE YOU" or other obvious falsehoods, but a wink, smiley, or phrase that helps to remind of a private moment once shared is a tremendous incentive for re-scheduling with a provider. Yes, it's important to "Walk the Walk" as mentioned earlier, but sometimes even a little one-on-one "talk" can make all the difference. Someone once said "$xx is 90% mental and 10% physical". That may not be true for all, but almost EVERY business is highly dependent on open communiciations between "buyer" and "seller"

Fancyinheels's Avatar
Very interesting, thought-out, provocative thread, and validation of many things I've believed and practiced all along, despite cynicism and criticism. Thank you.

Spooky future, especially for us aging, aka "mature" gals. Hmmm, I might actually have to seriously consider one of those proposals from older gentlemen in financially secure and protected positions. MARRIAGE is the oldest profession for women, just more formalized than prostitution.
herfacechair's Avatar
You're going to be vindicated and validated even more when the crap hits the fan.

Take care of the hobbyists, and they'll take care of you. Other options are going to make us less tolerant of game playing in the future. When we do see you down the road, it'll mean more than it means now.

if you're getting cynicism and criticism directed at you, from other providers... keep your practices up. Five years down the road, they're going to regret reacting that way to you. Of course, that cynicism and criticism wouldn't matter much if the providers that lobbed them to you end up no longer in the hobby.

And speaking of the other competitive forms of the hobby... I ran into an ingenious idea to get women to "hobby" without being providers or dominas. It's consistent with one of the things I said here.
Wildkat's Avatar
Great Info. Sorry to chime in just took me a while to read through all the comments. My 2 cents would just go along with the sugguestion of using reasonably accurate pics and/or discription. There are many women of different ages, shapes, sizes, menus etc. We all have different preferences and there is something for everyone......but when I show up expecting a certain thing, and something else is available, the encounter starts off on the wrong foot, and I'm already dissappointed. If you advertise accurate info, you greatly increase the chance that your client will be happy with what he experiences. If I promised to pay a certain fee, or provide certain things, then showed up with less than I offered, I'm sure it wouldn't go over well.
This post is AWESOME, I LOVE it!!
herfacechair's Avatar
Thanks Miss America. It's a guide to shield yourself from the post economic upheavals environment that we're going to face a few years from now.

Wildkat, thanks for emphasizing one of the things that I mentioned in the original post. I made sure I covered as many of the things that I've either experienced... or from what I've heard from others.

I might have a part II coming up.
waydown's Avatar
So, let's break this down to the bullet points... good stuff just in outline form! Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Lea you did a wonderful job in taking the time and outlining! Always enjoy an intelligent woman who gets to the point! Keep up the great work!
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I like to think of it as Titles to Chapters in the book... still need to read the book! LOL


herfacechair's Avatar
I like to think of it as Titles to Chapters in the book... still need to read the book! LOL


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Well played, and you hit the nail on the head. If this is the same "Waydown" that posted on bjforums, then he didn't say that to compliment you. Check your PM.
waydown's Avatar
I have followed Leah's posts and spoken with her a time or two. I am the hobby buddy of one of her long time clients who unfortunately passed away. We talked of her often as she is one of the nicest ladies we know. Do not sully this place with your sensitivity and drama.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Okay... I am playing Mod here... no more exchanges between the two of you. Let's stay on topic.


herfacechair's Avatar
Speaking as the thread starter...

The original post, and the following replies... mine and the other hobbyists, are actionable advice. They're not complaints, sensitivity or drama, but concerns that hobbyists on this message board and others have brought up over and over again in the hobby.

This thread is about what providers should do to prepare for what I predicted in the original post to this thread. Anything not dealing with what the first post, my follow on post for hobbyists, or the responses before today, isn't relevant to this thread... as Lea indicates above.

So, to bring this back on topic, we'll address a hobbyist issue. A discussion in the national forums involves a hobbyist, with a math related username, talking about not getting a discount on the tribute.

For the provider...

I may be preaching to the choir on this one. But, there are many providers on p411 who aren't offering discounts. That's understandable given the economic conditions.

I don't know about the other hobbyists, but I've found myself becoming a regular for women that offer regular visits discount. Those women make more from a guy over a period of time than they otherwise would've made if they didn't offer that discount.

The "discount" offers the psychological advantage of getting used to lower fees. When the dollar collapses, and the market re-adjusts, today's tribute rates will be out of range for most hobbyists. Providers and Domina's that stick to the current rates won't be in business for long.

For the hobbyists.

It's up to the providers to offer the discounts. It's like the tipping process in restaurants, where tipping is at the customer's discretion. Women will have their reasons for giving, or not giving, discounts. It's their discretion. If they don't offer the discount, respect that decision. Not all women require the same amount of tribute.

A good way to "get a discount," is by visiting a provider that gives you more bang for the buck. Miss Mischief is an example. Judging by the reviews she has, her regular rates are virtually "discount rates."
herfacechair's Avatar
I like to think of it as Titles to Chapters in the book... still need to read the book! LOL


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
To build on what Lea said.

One could give a short outline of what to do. Like this...

How to welcome new people...
* Make them feel welcomed
* Leave them a special treat on their first day
* Give them a special birthday treat their first birthday with you

Simple enough? Too easy, right? Unfortunately, different organizations will have different interpretations of the breakdown. Let's take the old military. What I'm about to describe was prevalent when I joined a little over two decades ago... now it's rare, and exists mainly in the combat arms community.

"Make them feel welcomed"

You'd think this just entails hand shaking, name introductions... Ask a brand new Private how his first day at his unit went. There's a good chance that his NCOs smoked the living daylights out of him.

"So, how was your day squatting while holding a pen high in the air?" Front leaning rest doesn't mean that you're relaxing... far from it.

"Hey, welcome to the unit, here, do a function check on this M4.... *wait*... *wait*... what the *BEEP* Private?!?! Get into the front leaning rest *BEEP* Private!"

"Leave them a special treat for their first day."

This gets the prankster welcome. Hand him a welcome kit, including a snack. Watch him eat the snack, then wait till the next day to ask him how the doggie biscuit tasted.

Heck, that counts as "standard" treatment in some cases. We had a problem with a guy that helped himself to other people's snacks. We had another guy leave dog biscuits on his desk. Like clockwork, the snack thief snatches himself a couple and munches away.

"Give them a special birthday treat!"

In parts of the military, this means a birthday beat down.

So this is why the outline falls short, and why the rest of the post is needed. People have different interpretations of what each part of the outline means... clarifications are needed.

Given what we're looking at for our economic future, every word in the first post counts.