Taking a break

bistraight69's Avatar
A little break sounds plausible, at least you didn't post a retirement message, those never last......retirees just can't resist anything but temptation.
gomezaddams59's Avatar
The part that scares me about his vacation is that with a little R&R he might come back stronger, more bombastic and more obnoxious! We have been following the life of MrSmith 1.0. Any observations on the possibilities of the 2.0 version? El Gato????? Will the pent up essence blow his brains out of his ears? Will all of the women that claim him as their ATF (shudder) forget all about him?
Elgato69's Avatar
Maybe place odds on how long this "break" will last, one day, two days, three days, one week, two weeks...........Not to worry, Smitty is Smitty. Who knows, he may become a UTR.
SofaKingFun's Avatar

I love all of the convenient "outs" you've given yourself, Smitty.

"just taking a little break". ..."stopping for a little while"...
"not quitting"..."just a little vacation"

Just what we needed.; another "end of month/rent is due" threAd.


But seriously, best of luck, my friend.



I love all of the convenient "outs" you've given yourself, Smitty.

"just taking a little break". ..."stopping for a little while"...
"not quitting"..."just a little vacation" ...etc.

Just what we needed.; another "end of month/rent is due" threAd.


But seriously, best of luck, my friend.



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Well, it's about day two or three of this vacation and my money is stacking up like you wouldn't believe.
Of course I left myself some outs buddy. I'm liable to crack at any time. LOL
Nikki, call me when your ready for that drink.
It's gotta be said........

I'm sure beds throughout South Texas are breathing a sigh of relief, knowing they are safe from being broken - if only for a short while.
rgvlocokid's Avatar
"just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in"
Ytestme's Avatar
Been thinking the same thing. But so far taken the slowing down part.
capitan1962's Avatar
I have decided after a long spell of constant hobbying to take a little break. First I was going to limit the amount I would spend on any one girl, but then decided to pretty much stop for a little while. A man can only take so many hot sessions with beautiful girls. I'm not quitting, just on vacation for a while.
Sorry to the ladies who count on my income. I will still be posting my normal smart ass crap in here, so don't think you have gotten rid of me altogether. Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
This is like total Bullshit! Who am I supposed to hang out with now? And even more bullshit is now I have to keep all of these providers in business. Some friend you are Smith!........................ "SHARKEY WHERE ARE YOU YOU'RE IT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
take care sweet man! It was so nice to meet you!
Thanks for all the well wishes. Technically I am still on my break, but I did see a girl today. I don't really consider her a provider though, and we are friends, well ok, money was exchanged,,,, and she does have a showcase,,, and reviews, but other than those minor details..... Ok, I cracked after 10 days. LOL, but now I'm back on my break.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Don't be so hard on yourself, Smitty, we all slip every once in a while.



capitan1962's Avatar
Thanks for all the well wishes. Technically I am still on my break, but I did see a girl today. I don't really consider her a provider though, and we are friends, well ok, money was exchanged,,,, and she does have a showcase,,, and reviews, but other than those minor details..... Ok, I cracked after 10 days. LOL, but now I'm back on my break. Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
sympleman's Avatar
I have now lost my entrie hope for all humanity.

If a FOUNDATION of self control like Mr. Smith can crumble.

What hope is there for the rest of us???

Sympy --->*Drinking Tequila shots and playing Russian Roulette*

Well I'm taking a break too! After the day I had today, I don't think I could bust a nut for at least .............. 3 or 4 ........... Days