Get over yourself

boardman's Avatar
Nothing wrong with standing up for yourself but I fail to see where you were even implicated. If it's on this board somewhere then I missed it. Sorry.

If it's not on this board then you've needlessly inserted your good name into it, on this board, of your own free will. That's drama and that's where the perceived point drop comes in.

The OP appears to either be smart enough to let it lie or she got the message. She posted what she had to say and hasn't come back into it. You'd do well to heed the same friendly advice that was given to her and if it's that important to you then seek to settle it off the board. Nothing good comes from trying to settle it on the board...EVER!
I get that. And yes. Like I said made a comment on the post in here called "I got punked" so yes. Anyone who saw that would know. I do not do drama and am not gonna let someone Call me out and talk shit about me. I've done nothing but be nice to her.
boardman's Avatar
I'm at a loss ZP. I don't see where you've been called out or talked shit about. Even in that non review that you commented in you didn't go off or anything and no one replied to your post. You simply stated that you had a similar experience.

You seem a little too worked up about this so it's easy to speculate that something else must be going on none of the rest of us know about. It's probably best that we don't know unless it is alert worthy. If you feel like some of your friends need to know more then I'd suggest sharing it back channel.

IMHO you've brought undue negative publicity to yourself in this thread. The good news is that you don't have a history of this kind of thing and you have a great rep so you'll recover quickly.
Only if she coming back on the thread.

I didn't relate it to Z either until Z spoke up.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-12-2019, 01:24 PM
i think it was a simple misunderstanding. ZP thought she was being called out so she defended herself. all good.
I said in my comment she bailed on a double and lied about why. Than she does this. Pretty obvious who she is referring to. And you are correct sir. I didn't go off. But it's pretty easy to put 2 and 2 together and see who one of the people is who this post was about. And no. I have never had an issue since I've been here. And as for negative publicity? Many emails and PMs from my comment all positive feedback. So yes she did talk shit about me lied yet again saying I bash her every chance I get. Not true at all. I comment on a post where she also no showed on someone else. Telling me to get a life or whatever.
So no. I will not let some girl tell lies about me. I will stand up for myself.
And recover quickly. Thanks but I'll be ok. I don't see a lot of people and the ones I do know me really well and they have seen this and they don't think less of me. You do not know me but I'm Very laid back and an easy going person and don't do fake. What you see is what you get. My regulars respect me and I respect them. Some have become amazing friends who I hang out with outside hobbyland. So if someone sees this and thinks less of me or I lose points because I wasn't gonna let PB make me look like a bad person use it to try to gain we sympathy points after all the neg stuff going around about her I'm ok with that. Like I said. Recieved positive emails and PMs from guys who saw it and some who want to see me.
You have every right to have your 0pinion as do I.
We will just have to agree to disagree.
Have a nice day.
I have to get back to work ( RW job BTW)
And I don't think I know exactly what she talking about it. She saw my comment on the punked post and decided to post this.
Chlorine's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
Wow...just Wow!
Regulus69's Avatar
Someone talking about being drama free in coed... now that's hilarious.
I haven't seen a drama free thread in coed since the "Hitler found out ..." series.
Poetray's Avatar
Your anger is needlessly sparked,
It really is not about you,
Bankshot is the one that remarked,
Unto her latest review.

She's a waste of time. She may show up and she may not. Always some drama or excuse with this one. Originally Posted by Bankshot
Funny cuz I also commented and I was the one she was supposed to meet up along with him. And in her post it clearly says they They implies 2. And him and I both commented. She stood both of us up. So yea. That means it’s about both of us. But thanks for the concern.
Bankshot's Avatar
Yeah she also no showed me the first time we were to meet. I feel like I'm justified to make any comment I want about her poor tcb.
Hope you recover from those lost points ZP. Hilarious.
Thanks. I’m sure I’ll Live lol. I guess cuz I have a vagina it doesn’t matter that she stood us both up and we both commented on the punked post and she clearly said “they” she was not talking about me Only you. Good to know.

I’m prob losing more points now cuz I’m still commenting. Lol oh no. The 3% of the Houston men who will actually see this won’t like me.
All good. I like me. Can't please everyone! Waste of time to even try.

I didn't realize that I was supposed to keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself and let someone talk shit about me. This is Co-ed correct?