Meet n greet....ladies n gents ...

No i meant a weds ...not specifically this weds..
My feeling is that it should best be semi-private. Rent a suite for the evening, or a pvt. banquet room in a bar/rest... I would gladly pay something to attend + help defray the costs - if every one kicks in 10 for admit & 10 for some basic refreshments I would consider it a well-spent 20... Members can RSVP, that avoids LE peeps that look here to just show up at a public bar. I am flexible, a Wednesday is as good as any. Happy Thanksgiving all!
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
My feeling is that it should best be semi-private. Rent a suite for the evening, or a pvt. banquet room in a bar/rest... I would gladly pay something to attend + help defray the costs - if every one kicks in 10 for admit & 10 for some basic refreshments I would consider it a well-spent 20... Members can RSVP, that avoids LE peeps that look here to just show up at a public bar. I am flexible, a Wednesday is as good as any. Happy Thanksgiving all! Originally Posted by hero47
Those are really good ideas
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
I'm in. Cocktails???
Great ideas. Best way for me get back in to the scene after a long hiatus.

Thanks SAB.

Does anyone have any thoughts where we could do this? I also agree semi-private is the way to go, especially for the first time.
Mr.hero n I ...are gonna discuss he says he's got some connections . .so yes I agree about renting a place ...we don't wanna let our guards down and say to hell with safety ....would everyone be ok with chipping in ten bucks at the door will be worth it ....
$10 American?! Whoa! jk, yea that sounds good, although I would be fine with a bar too, not like we'd be committing a crime or anything, just having a beer in public
Yeah but what if you wanna get room after

.I just think this event should be more controlled not just allowing any body to come....I'm sure you guys want to feel safe just as much as the ladies do...

So if you do want to come please message me .....
How's next weds?
This is a great idea; I'm down for it w/e.

How does RSVPing or a semi-private room protect us from LE?

My 2 cents:
My biggest fear isn't LE, it's the awkwardness of running into my pastor at on of these events. a public place would ease that a little.

I think a public bar attached to a hotel would be the best bet. that way if someone wants to get a room for 1-1 or if a couple of peeps want a gb everyone has options.

Either way, I'll see you guys there!
What time of the day or night are we talking about on a Wednesday? Many of us work during the day and may have trouble leaving early, although it sounds like one hell of a reason to use up a vacation day!
I agree with some of the previous comments on having such a gathering in a more public space as it would provide some possible cover for anyone who might run into someone they know. Private gathering provides no such cover. If LEO is watching this board and wants to attend, they will attend either way. Of course a public gathering also brings with it the potential for people not involved with this hobby to drift into our little gathering wondering why all these attractive ladies are hanging around together. Not sure if that is a good thing as it would confuse the situation. The ladies not knowing if they are talking to randoms or potential clients (or one in the same I guess) and how that changes the conversation. I guess my take on it is that a public gathering benefits the gents, we'll recognize most of the ladies from their profiles or previous visits. While a private gathering benefits the ladies because they will know who they are talking to. A public venue that is maybe normally less crowded provides perhaps the best of both. Hotel bar may be just the right fit. Maybe we wear some sort of discrete identifier (American Flag pin)!
How about the first M & G lasts for a couple of hours say from 7-9 some Weds.....not too early, not too late.........enough time to meet people we've read about, but my not have had the nerve to contact....this will give us the last little shove to meet new friends....I'm all for it !!
So you guys want a public place ....what about the casino up in saratoga?
Madame X's Avatar
The casino sounds perfect - I have been to M&G at other casinos and they are my favorite venue. That way I can go down and roll dice if I need a change of scenery

Hmm... $10? The parties in NYC ask ten times that, and are very well attended. I can't imagine having an open bar with any quality liquor for that price.

Like most of the other parties though... discussion should probably be kept off of the public boards other than initial announcements. I don't know how long you guys have been around, but the board that this one replaced was brought down that way... I know people seem to have a penchant for forcing history to repeat itself (especially the worst parts), but a little memory and foresight goes a long way.

Probably a good time to start an email list to keep interested parties up to date

~Mme X~