Any Real Chips in Dallas?

Btw, if you are longing for the "chips" from your childhood back in the Isles; you might be disappointed to find out that even the best of places (across the Atlantic) are using vegetable oil in the cooking process - they are catering to the lowest common denominator, VEGETARIANS !

But here in the states, it is more common to find beef fat (or even better, Duck/Goose fat) .......
Papa Noel's Avatar
As an elementary school kid, growing up in western Canada, I remember fish and chips as the original fast food. We used to take either twice monthly or monthly trips to Edmonton to buy groceries. I always got fish and chips to eat. It was wonderful, wrapped in the rolled up newspaper. By the time you finished the newspaper was dripping grease.

I guess the fish was probably cod and the potatoes were not cooked crispy....they were fried sort of soft.......but oh so delicious. Thanks for the memories!!

2Nd fast food was souflocki (sp) in delicious. Then street tacos in Mexico.......
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
The quest for the Holy Grail continues. Still haven't found anything that looks like this in DFW:

Tried a new bar in Austin Ranch, but no go. Anybody finds anything, please take a picture and let me know!