Quotable Quotes from Joe's first Presser

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  • 03-27-2021, 08:29 AM
At least he wasn't painted pumpkin orange.

Sure are a lot of Drs on this board. Diagnosing dementia, drug use, all without one clinical exam. Originally Posted by royamcr
An egomaniacal orange psychopath....I'll take "Weekend at Bernie's " after Trumps Kardashian like shitshow.
the rigged election has sent america in a tailspin that i really don't think we can survive
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  • 03-27-2021, 08:36 AM
the rigged election has sent america in a tailspin that i really don't think we can survive Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
We can only hope ....some of you don't survive.
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2021, 08:38 AM
At least he wasn't painted pumpkin orange.

Sure are a lot of Drs on this board. Diagnosing dementia, drug use, all without one clinical exam. Originally Posted by royamcr

One forgot - "temperature is diagnostic Wuhan virus" - By Dr. 'a'!
One forgot - "temperature is diagnostic Wuhan virus" - By Dr. 'a'! Originally Posted by oeb11
cnn is going bonkers over the ex-cdc head saying the virus started in Wuhan

for you see trump was right again, and they hate that,

for they lie to thwart truth but truth has a way to finally sprout a tender shoot out of the dirt they pile on it
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2021, 08:42 AM
the rigged election has sent america in a tailspin that i really don't think we can survive Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

DPST criminal fiden cabal is doing its best to totally subvert Freedom and representative democracy in america

I fear you are correct - NGIT
and it means armed revolt.

yet - the DPST's seem to have subverted the military leadership as well to 'woke' idiocy.
They won't hesitate to use American military against American Citizens to preserve their hegemony.

a Bloodbath is coming - and teh DPST's plan on putting millions of Caucasian conservatives in teh ground, or in AOC concentration camps.
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  • WTF
  • 03-27-2021, 08:49 AM
cnn is going bonkers over the ex-cdc head saying the virus started in Wuhan

for you see trump was right again, and they hate that,

for they lie to thwart truth but truth has a way to finally sprout a tender shoot out of the dirt they pile on it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Who has denied that Wuhan was the epicenter?
my you are uninformed

of course i knew that, silly me

lets see, from America's left, to fake umbrage of the news media, to putting up a woman reporter to, in effect, call trump a racist for calling it the china virus, to renaming the virus itself, all this nonsense culminating in giving aid and inspiration to china, so much so they got the idea of accusing the American military of it, to the w.h.o. protecting china and biden rejoining the w.h.o. in spite

heres a quote from Bloomberg concerning the ex-cdc's statement about the wuhan lab

"The origin of the virus remains unclear and is a matter of dispute. Anthony Fauci, one of President Joe Biden’s top health advisers, said Friday that Redfield’s view isn’t held by a majority of health officials."
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2021, 08:58 AM
'w' - please get some professional help - Life is better when accepts Oneself as One really is!
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2021, 09:00 AM
"Science" - is just a 'talking word' used by XiNN/DPSTs to support their political POV - and has nothing to do with the Scientific method at all.

Groupthink and doublespeak at clear and on display in teh LSM and DPST criminal fiden cabal officials every day and hour.
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What concerns (scares) me about Biden's press conference is not any specific policy statement or comment. What sets off alarms in my head is that foreign powers see him presenting himself in public as a doddering old man that can be taken advantage of.

I am sure that the Chinese, Russian and Iranians leadership and security folks are delighted that Biden is president. I am sure that these folks are putting a lot of effort intyo figuring out who is in control or where the variolas strings of power actually lead in the US government today. I'll bet all our allies are too.
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  • WTF
  • 03-27-2021, 09:14 AM

heres a quote from Bloomberg concerning the ex-cdc's statement about the wuhan lab

"The origin of the virus remains unclear and is a matter of dispute. Anthony Fauci, one of President Joe Biden’s top health advisers, said Friday that Redfield’s view isn’t held by a majority of health officials." Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
The area is not in question. Wuhan.

The origin is not the same as the area.

Got that Einstein?

Fuck me....the god damn ignorance in this forum is amazing. No fucking wonder this country has gone to shit.
theres a glitch in your synapses
  • oeb11
  • 03-27-2021, 09:32 AM
NGIT - concise and correct.

A shame for those deluded by DPST LSM propaganda.

And a shame for the America the destruction of teh Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Rule of law the deluded and in denial DPST mnions are ushering in

They are placing themselves and all America in DPST /ccp political and legal handcuffs and prisons (AOC concentration camps).
cnn is going bonkers over the ex-cdc head saying the virus started in Wuhan

for you see trump was right again, and they hate that,

for they lie to thwart truth but truth has a way to finally sprout a tender shoot out of the dirt they pile on it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Senator Cotton was on Tucker over a year ago saying there was intelligence the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab. There was at least one Chinese doctor who admitted it.

Now some people are having this feigned moment of clarity.

What concerns (scares) me about Biden's press conference is not any specific policy statement or comment. What sets off alarms in my head is that foreign powers see him presenting himself in public as a doddering old man that can be taken advantage of.

I am sure that the Chinese, Russian and Iranians leadership and security folks are delighted that Biden is president. I am sure that these folks are putting a lot of effort intyo figuring out who is in control or where the variolas strings of power actually lead in the US government today. I'll bet all our allies are too. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Knowing that Biden had a cheat sheet of reporters faces. A person with a microphone running to specific reporters. Biden then reading directly from notes, A LOT.

Who asks "Will you run in 2024?" A plant. Who calls the President "A righteous man?" A plant. Who looks at their watch during the press conference and praises himself? The questions and responses were scripted.

It was all theater.

And Bidens pupils are so big his eyes look totally black.

Saw where he went directly to AF1 and went to Delaware afterwards after the presser. Why?