How was y'all valentines.

Russ38's Avatar
So your saying I shouldn't douse the poon in Sriracha sauce before eating?

Had a nice picnic with baby.

Some wine and some good time outdoors enjoying ourselves.

Totally forgetting about my past hobby lifestyle.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-18-2015, 05:53 AM
Spent the better part of the day getting to IAH, flying to Orlando, getting to the hotel, checking in, etc.
This place has to be the most No Pussy Getting place on the planet. If it wasn't for spring training, I'd fucking never come back here.
kerwil62's Avatar
Worked. Was too tired to fuck.
I don't celebrate Valentines Day
A special friend took me out for dinner at our favorite sushi place and in lieu of chocolates he gave me a fit bit flex because he knows I dont eat processed sugar anymore and Im living healthy now..but it was fun
Naked and lonely....

Had to put on the good looking mitt, and cheap porn...
Naked and lonely....

Had to put on the good looking mitt, and cheap porn... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies and no drama.
This fake holiday (celebration....observation... whatever) totally sucks. It needs to be erased from the calendar completely. It's an oddball mixing of an ancient Roman-pagan celebration and the observation date of two martyred saints (both oddly enough shared the name, Valentine). So what's the big deal?

I get Christmas....and New Year's....and Halloween.....and many other holidays observed and celebrated worldwide. But this effin' BS holiday just puts unnecessary stress on people for no other reason than to ring the cash registers for companies like Hallmark cards, Godiva Chocolates and that have turned this into an $18.9 Billion dollar windfall (ie: over 50% of the males polled celebrate this date with the S.O. simply out of obligation and to "stay out of the doghouse".)

My 2 cents....until next year and I'll just repeat my rant.
Roxane's Avatar
Had surgery on the 10th. So spent the holiday being fed pain meds instead of cock. But my sweetheart did spoon feed me chocolate pudding and had roses everywhere. So I got exactly what I wanted.
LadyMoxie's Avatar
My valentine was just another day for me... /-: spent the day working in my yard, cutting a tree down. (-: cooked my mom a nice dinner. That's about it. Oh! And I broke 3 nails in the process. Just priceless.
animitasenthe's Avatar
Best Valentine's day EVER!

Got the best BJ I've ever had.I know that gets tossed around a lot, but this was really the one.