Trump says he's coming after you

winn dixie's Avatar
Trumpf is literally making the govts case for them. Trumpfs too stupid a0nd vein to realize it
Redhot1960's Avatar
Trumpf is literally making the govts case for them. Trumpfs too stupid a0nd vein to realize it Originally Posted by winn dixie


Deception used to achieve an end.

VitaMan's Avatar
... Actually, what Trump said was "In 2024 it'll be OUR turn!"

Meaning that as President - it will be time to make
HIS political rivals who lied and did Him dirty to
NOW be indicted.

You must have missed that.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty stooping awfully low.

Substituting different quotes...for his beloved Trump.

We know what he wrote in CAPITAL letters. And now a protective order had to be requested.

Trump...intimidation, lying, lawsuits. That's the man you want as our next President
... They don't want Trump posting anything about the case.
Showing where the prosecution against Him is wrong.

... There's a Free Speech issue here.

Either your country has a First Amendment protection or it don't.
No in-between. ... Same rules for everybody.

Though we're surely NOT seeing the same rules for everybody, are we?

The rules for the Democrat politicians seem drastically different.
No wonder Trump is promising the SAME treatment - the continuation
of a "two-tiered system of Justice" once He's President again.

Don't that seem fair? ...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
It's well known that courts ask that folk don't talk about cases.
Trumpf is using scare tactics again.
This judge ain't having it.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Salty, threatening retribution is not exactly what I would consider to be free speech. But what do I know? I'm neither a lawyer nor do I play one on a whore board. That's for the courts to decide and not me.

The best thing Trump could do is learn how to STFU. If he knew how to do so, he would still be president.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The best thing Trump could do is learn how to STFU. .... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Isn't that pretty much the point? Censoring the opposition to the government's position. Remember when we were just a regular Republic??
winn dixie's Avatar
Tune in 4pm central.
VitaMan's Avatar
... They don't want Trump posting anything about the case.
Showing where the prosecution against Him is wrong.

... There's a Free Speech issue here.

Either your country has a First Amendment protection or it don't.
No in-between. ... Same rules for everybody.

Though we're surely NOT seeing the same rules for everybody, are we?

The rules for the Democrat politicians seem drastically different.
No wonder Trump is promising the SAME treatment - the continuation
of a "two-tiered system of Justice" once He's President again.

Don't that seem fair? ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Protective orders in court proceedings are often done. Absolutely NOTHING here regarding different rules or free speech.

Trump brought this on himself. What is really needed is a gag order.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Protective orders in court proceedings are often done. Absolutely NOTHING here regarding different rules or free speech.

Trump brought this on himself. What is really needed is a gag order.

Gag orders seem ridiculous to me . Unless you can issue the prevents anyone including the press to not talk then what exactly have you accomplished? I would wager at least half the country under the age of 35 have no idea that Trump has been indicted. Let them talk, Trump isn’t going to get a fair trial in DC. They should just go ahead and save that money and declare him guilty so we can move on to the appeal, if it makes it to the Supremes it a dead issue.
winn dixie's Avatar
4pm central

Hope we get that restraining order
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So is there to be a gag order against the LambSCREAM media?
Is there to be a gag order against DOJ leaks to above?
How about FJoeBiden? Gag order that too?
Have a Banana with your Republic much?
VitaMan's Avatar
Isn't this thread topic about the court proceedings in the Trump 4 count indictment case ?

You keep posting "aboutisms".
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So get this, 'scuce me while I laugh my ass off, the frick'n brilliant idea heing to suppress the free speech of a candidate during a trial about suppressing free speech of candidates. That's Inception level doltology.
Salty stooping awfully low.

Substituting different quotes...for his beloved Trump.

We know what he wrote in CAPITAL letters. And now a protective order had to be requested.

Trump...intimidation, lying, lawsuits. That's the man you want as our next President Originally Posted by VitaMan

For the past Seven years Trump has been going toe to toe with the Federal Government. All those enemies surrounding him waiting to take a shot and they haven't got him yet. That takes guts to endure all that. Yeah I think I do want that as my President.