Well I'm glad we got *that* cleared up!
Sorry to upset so many escorts on the toll roads. Have you ever heard of "risk reduction?"
Risk reduction is part of the game for clients as well as escorts. That's why I use google voice also. No phone records. I know many of you girls hate google voice also, but I don't care. I use google voice and avoid toll roads while hobbying. Phone records and toll records are admissible in criminal court and family court(divorce court). Despite these self imposed guidlines, I've been successfully hobbying for years. I also want to make sure other men are aware of the dangers of toll road hobbying. I'm sure there are still men out there who it hasn't crossed their mind. Anyway, love and peace to all of you. And remember, SAFETY FIRST
  • Sami
  • 02-18-2014, 05:56 AM
I never looked at his profile, THN is dead on correct.. Cheap Charlie you said in your last post SAFETY FIRST!! Being robbed isn't too safe is it? I could care less if you don't decide to come to my area. You don't anyway... But I can assure guys won't be robbed or hurt in my area. Now there are freak accidents everywhere & anywhere, but not high crime.

There are a few things that are confusing here. Based on your reviews you're partial to Lewisville anyway (which isn't even mentioned in your original post as a play spot as if you are trying to keep the focus off that glaring fact). Also, do you see enough providers to send out this mass notification to ALLLLLLL the ladies in the galleria and plano that you will not be able to see them anymore??? Wouldn't a quick PM suffice - or nothing at all since you wouldn't be the first guy to drop off the face of the hobby-earth for one reason or another. Providers know and realize they aren't on the need to know list concerning a gents whereabouts. This seems like more of a scare tactic really.

Concerned about tolls??? Don't take them. I actually use the side streets more during rush hours bc they are faster. Pretty simple.

Sorry, didn't mean to piss on your parade. Continue trying to funnel people over to 35-635 where one of your reviews says YOU GOT ROBBED!

jesus people..... Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Laura Lynn's Avatar
As a gent, your free to hobby as you wish and certainly within your comfort zone. But I don't understand why there is a need to make a formal announcement of your hobby plans and what's with repeating SAFETY FIRST??? Don't need to yell about it. I think most of us put safety first

Also, I don't think your "upsetting so many escorts". It sounds like they are just offering alternative methods of getting around town. Maybe this was just your way of giving a public service announcement.
On a related note:

No more smart phones. They have GPS.

No more hotel parking lots, they photograph and track license plates.

No more latex condoms. Might develop latex allergy.

No more cheating. Wife isn't stupid.
Let's face it. Getting your toll tag and license plate recorded 5 minutes before you commit a crime isn't the smartest thing in the world. But if others want to do it, be my guest.
Scare tactics about getting robbed is ludicrous. I'd rather get robbed than caught cheating to be honest. I've never been robbed or mugged but I know that can happen anywhere. The overwhelming escort backlash I've received on this subject only solidifies my argument.
Let's face it. Getting your toll tag and license plate recorded 5 minutes before you commit a crime isn't the smartest thing in the world. But if others want to do it, be my guest.
Scare tactics about getting robbed is ludicrous. I'd rather get robbed than caught cheating to be honest. I've never been robbed or mugged but I know that can happen anywhere. The overwhelming escort backlash I've received on this subject only solidifies my argument. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
Well, I'm not an escort so I can't speak for them, but I think the overwhelming feeling is that you're worrying about something that can be easily avoided. While at the same time, seem to be ignoring some other issues.

For the record and full disclosure. I avoid using my toll tag at times for privacy reasons, but I simply avoid the toll roads. It doesn't keep me from going anywhere I'd want to go.

Good luck to you.
Drive on the service dont have to take the tollway all the time
Damn Charlie!! If you're that worried about your "wife" catching you cheating, stop fucking cheating!! And spend that time and money on her ass! Problem solved
pmdelites's Avatar
My wife frequently logs on TO NTTA.ORG and checks my daughter's tolltag to see where she's been. If she ever checks mine I'll have a lot of explaining to do. "Why were you at George Bush and Preston at 1 a.m.?" I don't need this breadcrumb trail which could easily destroy my marriage. So I will no longer visit any of you girls with incalls on toll roads or turnpikes. I will limit my hobbying to 35 area, 635 area, and downtown from now on. Sorry, but I have to be more careful. SAFETY FIRST. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie
charlie, you mean you've never seen a cop/detective show where they get the records and/or videos of cars using tollroads?? :^)

also, wrt "GOOGLE VOICE IS AWESOME", while she might be able to easily see the logs, google voice is just another thing we can use, just like the toll roads and public roadways. remember, the next time you do a california stop at an intersection, there are red light cameras all over.

and if your car is unique enough, there's always the [lowprobability] chance that someone will see it [my biggest concern - just found out a civilian woman who knows me lives w/in 5 blocks of one of my favs!!!].

remember, you alone are responsible for being discreet - in what you do and in whom you visit.

"I will limit my hobbying to 35 area, 635 area, and downtown from now on."
btw, no need to cut off your hobbying nose to spite your hobbying face.
there are plenty of ways to visit providers w/out using the toll roads.
Just to clarify Charlie...has your name (handle) had any impact on your hobby time?
^^^my question, too.
Randall Creed's Avatar
For what it's worth, I think toll booths are bullshit anyway. Just charge a fucking extra nickel for everything and viola. Shit's too easy.
TexTushHog's Avatar
That's a hell of a lot of back and forth for something that seems to be pretty obvious should be a consideration, but not a huge one when selecting an in-call. May turn a few folks away, but apparently not the majority. Yeah, there are steps to minimize the risk, but they are a PITA. Seems pretty much what one would expect, no?
OK. Enough about this. We agree to disagree. I give up. You win. Let it die already.