Biden International PoliTicking

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump lost. That is enough for me.

So far Biden has:

Pushed for an extensive Covid relief package. Anyone planning to turn down the $1400 gift?

Has worked hard to get the COVID-19 vaccine to as many people as possible.

Gotten us back into Paris Accord.

Pledged support for WHO.

He is doing away with the xenophobic Trump policies -- e.g. expanded the refugee admissions program and did away with Trump's "muslim ban".

Stopped the funding for "the wall".

With Executive Orders has undone many of the Trump Executive Orders.

Most of the actions taken by Biden were promises made prior to taking office. He was elected and now is fulfilling many of those promises. In November 2024 voters will have the opportuniy to vote Biden, or whoever occupies the office of POTUS, out.
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2021, 07:42 AM
"Come on man" you know better than that
Trump's big mouth got him out of office. Originally Posted by littlerichard
A shitty Democratic Presidential Candidate got Trump elected in 2016.

Trump's big mouth didn't help him stay in office but if you want my opinion...Trump's handling of Covid was the blow that did Trump in.

Had he encouraged folks to wear mask and open back up the economy, he'd probably gotten reelected.

But there were many many factors
LexusLover's Avatar
Anyone planning to turn down the $1400 gift?
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Have you read the fine print?

How about the regs that have yet been published?

You won't be receiving a "check."
The fact that biden "did away with Trump's Muslim ban, "expanded the refugee admissions program", and "stopped funding for the wall" certainly aren't things that he should necessarily be proud of ..... just because you put out orders to reverse Trump's policies doesn't make him any less an idiot .....
LexusLover's Avatar
The CommunistSocialistRacists, who are now in POWER, have a clever little administrative recapture ..... Federal/State tax collection .... which Party runs the States with an "income tax"?
LexusLover's Avatar
The fact that biden "did away with Trump's Muslim ban, "expanded the refugee admissions program", and "stopped funding for the wall" certainly aren't things that he should necessarily be proud of ..... just because you put out orders to reverse Trump's policies doesn't make him any less an idiot ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
.... especially since he doesn't have a clue what he signed.
Trump lost. That is enough for me.

So far Biden has:

Pushed for an extensive Covid relief package. Anyone planning to turn down the $1400 gift?

Has worked hard to get the COVID-19 vaccine to as many people as possible.

Gotten us back into Paris Accord.

Pledged support for WHO.

He is doing away with the xenophobic Trump policies -- e.g. expanded the refugee admissions program and did away with Trump's "muslim ban".

Stopped the funding for "the wall".

With Executive Orders has undone many of the Trump Executive Orders.

Most of the actions taken by Biden were promises made prior to taking office. He was elected and now is fulfilling many of those promises. In November 2024 voters will have the opportuniy to vote Biden, or whoever occupies the office of POTUS, out. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

So far Biden has:

Pushed for an extensive Covid relief package. Anyone planning to turn down the $1400 gift?
The plan tha'ts more than 50% "Pork" How does funding Pelosi's rapid transit in SF or Schumer's bridge
between New York and Canada, etc. provide Covid relief

Has worked hard to get the COVID-19 vaccine to as many people as possible.
Trump got him the vaccine. Please review how Biden/Obama bungled the H1N1 virus as quoted by Biden's current Chief of Staff

Gotten us back into Paris Accord.
And who is going to monitor China's compliance, Joe's Ho

Pledged support for WHO.
The organization that's been covering for China since the pandemic started

He is doing away with the xenophobic Trump policies -- e.g. expanded the refugee admissions program and did away with Trump's "muslim ban".
LOL didn't he institute an "African Ban"

Stopped the funding for "the wall".
As a US citizen you cannot enter the United States without a passport, why hold anyone else to the same standard right Bet you don't live in Texas, New Mexico or Arizona

With Executive Orders has undone many of the Trump Executive Orders.
Put 8,000+ pipe line workers jobless and now the oil will arrive by truck or train which is much more dangerous
Maybe he will do a pussy Biden/Obama move and reverse NATO countries paying their fair share.
Maybe he will reverse the 2 Trade agreement Trump fixed and return to "screwing " American workers that he supported.

And of course NBC, CBS, CNN won't discuss Biden locking up migrant children CAGES oops I mean shipping containers




Can't do either one!

But he CAN look stupid!!!

The duffus had to pick someone dumber than he is to be his VP ..... He surely didn't pick her because she is "Black" .... or did he? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bless his heart!!

When VP Kamala speaks it sounds to me like she's drunk. Anyone else has the same impression?

Well you can blame the stupidity of the voters for that one, no way in hell biden had can claim he had anything to do with Trump losing, and most definitely NOT one of his political "accomplishments" ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
It's partly stupidity of the voters. It's more "voter fraud" and "Ballot fraud."

"Come on man" you know better than that
Trump's big mouth got him out of office. Originally Posted by littlerichard
Again, it was voter and ballot fraud.


Pushed for an extensive Covid relief package. Anyone planning to turn down the $1400 gift?

Has worked hard to get the COVID-19 vaccine to as many people as possible.

Gotten us back into Paris Accord.

Pledged support for WHO.

He is doing away with the xenophobic Trump policies -- e.g. expanded the refugee admissions program and did away with Trump's "muslim ban".

Stopped the funding for "the wall".

,,,,, Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Again, where's the $1400/$2000 check? Biden said it would be sent out "immediately."

The Paris Accord is a joke.
WHO is a joke.
There was no "Mulsim ban." There was a ban on a few countries that were predominately Muslim and harbored terrorists. Many of the most populous Muslim countries like Indonesia and Malaysia had free access to the US.
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Thinking is HARD