Trump Org headed to trial for improper use of inauguration funds

lustylad's Avatar
Trump's inauguration? Seriously?

To quote odumbo's beer-ponging NSC advisor Tommy Vietor... "Dude, that was like 5 years ago!"

Precious_b's Avatar
When was Obama in office?

*pb holds mirror to above post*
Jacuzzme's Avatar
OMG! This is IT! Trump is really really really really really finished this time.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Not if the investigations are tried and convicted in the next 9 months. DOJ is led by the president anyway not congress. Originally Posted by CaptainTruth

And hear I thought the DOJ was independent of the President, at least that is what the Democrats said Trumps DOJ should be and continued to call Barr, Trumps wingman! Sorry, that's actually what Holder called himself to Obama.

While the game of who will be indicted and possibly convicted is fun to talk about, there are a half dozen more import issues for the voters come Nov. Open borders, inflation, crime, education etc.