The question of multiple fake reviews

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 08-16-2016, 11:59 AM
I think that for every proven fake review the person gets a 3 month ban. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
The punishment depends on the circumstances. The lightest sentence would be loss of the Premium Access credit for the fake review.

FirePhoenix's Avatar
And that brings up another question- how far should a hobbiest or provider go to prove that the reviews are faked? What evidence is needed to prove it's faked,written by the provider herself,or a provider knowingly it's a fake?
We've contacted the gentleman and apparently his review is of a BP lady either using your name or just "Shannon" from ECCIE. As soon as we get to the bottom of it, we will edit the review to correct the contact info.

As has been stated earlier, unless we can prove that it is a fake review (or the guy admits it) it ends up being a he said/she said issue which we can't do anything with.


Originally Posted by ztonk

Thank you!!!
russellevans's Avatar
How do other hobbiest feel about one of thier own posting lots of fake reviews just for the ROS access? I get it if it's just one fake one every once in awhile. Maybe the hobbiest just didn't have the hobby funds, or has a regular side chick,ect. Does it matter if the reviews from someone have been a fake for months? Providers,amps,strippers how do you feel if you have a good fake review on you. Would you say something or not? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Ban hammer if it's provable.

Fuck liars and cheats, there is no exception in my book.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
So I'm going to guess that 6 months of fake reviews would be a big no-no in some people's book?
SpiceItUp's Avatar
And that brings up another question- how far should a hobbiest or provider go to prove that the reviews are faked? What evidence is needed to prove it's faked,written by the provider herself,or a provider knowingly it's a fake? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Each party should provide as much information as they feel comfortable providing. Every situation is unique and so the question of "what evidence is needed" is difficult to answer.

Many times a provider tries to use the review date to "prove" the review is fake. "Aha! It's fake and I can prove I wasn't here that day!", she says. She thinks it's open and shut. Problem is that many guys purposely put the wrong date for their own reasons or they do so by accident or because they can't remember the date it happened when writing the review a few weeks later. Now imagine he also used a different name to contact her than his Eccie handle. It's often more complicated than the provider thinks it is.

Generally speaking from a moderation perspective it comes down to whether their stories match up, whose story has the most holes in it, which party has more or less credibility, and what staff consensus is. If we are less than 100% sure it is fake then we do nothing.

The vast majority of the time we simply do not have the ability to discern truth and we do nothing. That may be irritating to people but the reality of the matter is that the site exists for people to share information and the credibility is hampered if moderators selectively remove content without being 100% certain.

There are plenty of sites out there (TER is one) that remove content just because someone raises a stink. Eccie does not operate that way. We do not remove content but instead let the membership decide what to believe and what to disregard.

There are plenty of sites out there (TER is one) that remove content just because someone raises a stink. Eccie does not operate that way. We do not remove content but instead let the membership decide what to believe and what to disregard.
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Such is the benefit of the peer-review [no pun intended] process.
Whispers's Avatar
So I'm going to guess that 6 months of fake reviews would be a big no-no in some people's book? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

Why keep beating around the bush? Name the members you are fretting so much over
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Whispers I was truly hoping you had clear advice on some of the questions I asked. On some subjects you are very knowledgeable and know how to just toe the line. So I was disappointed after I hit the "view post" icon. If people want to know pm me and they can make thier own decisions. I got what I needed out of this thread. Let's just say its better therapy than money can buy.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
FYI, check today's Houston amp reviews. Can you pick which one isn't true?
The best way to stop bandles and other bs fake reviews and content is also the quickest way to get the site shutdown. Logging IP addresses and banning the IP would stop this. Unfortunately a list of said IP addresses would need to be kept. Holding data like that is a sure fire way to get a warrant executed and all of us exposed.

The community needs to self moderate with the official mods holding the power to boot offenders. As a community though we need to find a way to better report posts and maybe add a mod or two to keep the flame wars at bay.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Well people have been taking a look at the review because it's up to over 600 looks. Did anyone looking at the hobbiest past reviews? Notice that the reviews comes just a day or two after he "reviewed" a provider but at the time didn't realize he wouldn't get the back stage pass so to speak. I always say people have a repeated behavioral pattern and silly white rabbits sometimes just never understand this point.
FYI, check today's Houston amp reviews. Can you pick which one isn't true? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Please provide a link to the review in question. I have been following this thread, but don't have any idea who you are talking about. I looked at a multitude of Houston AMP reviews, and don't have a clue about what you are concerned about here in ATX.

Please be specific or stop wasting our time. Nuff said.

Whispers's Avatar
Whispers I was truly hoping you had clear advice on some of the questions I asked.

I think you have too much time on your hands and if you improved your business model you could work more, bank more and worry less about shit like this.

If you want clear advice, ask a clear question. Either send a link and ask or post it here. IF a guy is clearly faking reviews and the staff can prove it somehow they will take some action but it's extremely hard for them to prove.

On some subjects you are very knowledgeable and know how to just toe the line.

Why would one need to be concerned about crossing lines on this subject. Just call out whomever you suspect and let the chips fall.

So I was disappointed after I hit the "view post" icon. If people want to know pm me and they can make thier own decisions. I got what I needed out of this thread. Let's just say its better therapy than money can buy. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix

You are pretty fucked up if a thread like this is therapeutic for you. Run a special and suck some cock and pay for a real therapist if that is what you need.
Whispers's Avatar
Please be specific or stop wasting our time. Nuff said. Originally Posted by BugleBoy
I wasted 5 minutes on it and tend to agree....