All about incalls

rekcaSxT's Avatar
It is one of the downsides to gentrification. In fact there has been a "reverse flight" in recent years. Living in urban centers in trendy again. For the first time in the history of man more than 1/2 of the world lives in urban centers. It is great for cities and for people. It allows culture to grow and be exchanged.

Gentrification does bring a lot of problems, like higher taxes in areas where taxes had been lower, higher rents, and some of this is done intentionally to squeeze out the poor. The rich don't like to see the poor, it reminds them of how selfish they are. (ducking from the flaming arrows) But suburbanites had to deal with this during White Flight. The rural and suburban areas grew, taxes increased etc...

Like with all civic development gentrification has its advantages and disadvantages. Austin should look towards Atlanta to see how they are doing it, it is pretty cool some of the initiatives there.
sixxbach's Avatar
very true but the funny thing is the house I have now is the one I grew up in (long story). one day people snapped that east austin is so close to downtown........ gas prices are going up.... hmmmmm east austin isn't such a bad place now lol

well guess what?? I knew that then! my opinion on this is that most of the "new residents" of east austin are really not rich. if they were most would be living in westlake hills where houses are much more expensive. I am just glad my home is family owned. they are trying to sell some condos by my house still on the market over a year for 280,000 and 300,000. good luck on making any kind of real profit when its time to sell. I am just glad when im ready to sell, I will have the full value as profit. maybe then i can afford to see a couple of 300-400 an hour gals!

sorry brit........ back on topic.........
rekcaSxT's Avatar
very true but the funny thing is the house I have now is the one I grew up in (long story). one day people snapped that east austin is so close to downtown........ gas prices are going up.... hmmmmm east austin isn't such a bad place now lol

well guess what?? I knew that then! my opinion on this is that most of the "new residents" of east austin are really not rich. if they were most would be living in westlake hills where houses are much more expensive. I am just glad my home is family owned. they are trying to sell some condos by my house still on the market over a year for 280,000 and 300,000. good luck on making any kind of real profit when its time to sell. I am just glad when im ready to sell, I will have the full value as profit. maybe then i can afford to see a couple of 300-400 an hour gals!

sorry brit........ back on topic......... Originally Posted by sixxbach
280,000-300,000 for how much size? probably pretty small.
sixxbach's Avatar
actually townhomes with NO YARD......... 1400 ......... narrow with that modern look. one good thing about all the newcomers to east austin is all those nice white girl booties shaking when jogging as i slow down to 10 mph lol
rekcaSxT's Avatar
actually townhomes with NO YARD......... 1400 ......... narrow with that modern look. one good thing about all the newcomers to east austin is all those nice white girl booties shaking when jogging as i slow down to 10 mph lol Originally Posted by sixxbach
Brit, don't move to Homie's hood... it is a traffic hazard!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Even though Austin "ghettos" are not dangerous by most of the world's standards, many hobbyists won't care -- they will worry about their car. I would also avoid anything that could be perceived as ghetto by people who don't really know much about the urban core, i.e., anything east. There are a lot of really nice apartments near Oltorf and Riverside. Many of them are high traffic, but personally, I see that as a plus in that your clients and you will blend right in and nobody will pay a bit of attention. The larger and less personal the community, the safer it is for a provider, IMO.

I have an incall in the Arboretum area and there are a lot of reasonably priced apartments around there.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
one good thing about all the newcomers to east austin is all those nice white girl booties shaking when jogging as i slow down to 10 mph lol Originally Posted by sixxbach
Was that you!? LOL
There are a lot of nice places popping up on the south side of downtown too. My main concern is staying in a location that is convienant for my regular guys. Guys feel free to pm me with your thoughts. Maybe I should do a poll?
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Polls are always fun!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 04-08-2010, 08:23 AM
Close to Mopac anywhere from Slaughter to Parmer is pretty convenient except during rush hour.
Brit, don't move to Homie's hood... it is a traffic hazard! Originally Posted by rekcaSxT

Yeah, especially as nice is Brit's bootie is! They would have to put in speed bumps to keep the residents safe!!!
rrrabbit's Avatar
As Kosher said, fancy incall is overkill, and most likely a waste of your $$$.

However, clients being able to discreetly enter/exit apt, cleanliness and, of course, location of apt are paramount.

This is what goes through my mind (a client's perspective) as I approach a new incall location:

1) how noticeable is the high foot traffic in/out of apts, and does it raise mgt/neighbor suspicion
2) is parking nearby and safe (also connected to above Q, as cars pulling in and out can also generate a lot of interest from nosey residents)
3) location, and ease of access (as opposed to being in BFE, or access is hindered by deadlocked traffic; think about how deadlocked I-35 traffic is Fri or Sat evening near downtown; and we all know about rush hour on I-35, Mopac, 183, etc)

For reason #3, I'd avoid downtown area. I-35 and Mopac traffic is just too prohibitive to make timely rendezvous. For example, a 3pm downtown appt means that I'm sitting in traffic for an hour on I-35 or Mopac when I leave around 4:10pm.

Recommendations: Hyde Park area, West Campus (off UT), Endfield (West of Mopac), Far West off Mopac/Arboretum areas.

All of these areas would have multiple access routes. Find a quaint little efficiency, and put some nice sheets on a decent bed and keep the place clean.

And now you have a license to bang away :-)

Additional two cents: try to find an apt complex w/ mostly students (as opposed to families/couples - families will be more nosey... esp if the parents have kids, and so mom/pop are likely to be more "observant"; additional benefit to student community is that the young buggers are always in and out going to/from class throughout the day, and in the evening they also pop in/out very often (opposed to family based residents - who leave for work once in the day, and come home once in the evening); therefore, in a student community, foot traffic will be much less noticable due to the already high volume of foot traffic.

To me, the ideal incall location would be apts at The Domain off Mopac and Barker. I have no idea what rent is over there, but :
- central location, easy access from south, north, east, or west Austin
- multiple routes to get there
- safe & discreet garage parking
- shopping on 1st floor level - means foot traffic galore; my azz is not going to be noticed unless it is nikkid and on fire
- entrance to each apt building is protected w/ access codes

My 20 cents. Hope I did not rant too long ...

P.S. While looking for a place, take a moment to listen for ambient sounds while in the apt. Apt and hotel room walls are notorious for letting sound through, and there is no better giveaway than the sounds you are making during your wild rumpus.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
As Kosher said, fancy incall is overkill, and most likely a waste of your $$$.

To me, the ideal incall location would be apts at The Domain off Mopac and Barker. Originally Posted by rrrabbit
Well the DOMAIN would def be overkill. Yuppie New Urbanist lofts above retail are not known for being economical! LOL. I imagine that would double her current rent and the girl is trying to save.
AidanRedd's Avatar
"If you build it, they will come!"

I've seen guys drive great distances to see a person they REALLY want to see.
blenderhead's Avatar
Even though Austin "ghettos" are not dangerous by most of the world's standards, many hobbyists won't care -- they will worry about their car. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Most incalls I've been to have been nice, but I have been to some that were not great. Too small and ghetto. Not in the sense that I was worried that something might happen to me, but as a clean cut guy in a luxury car I felt I would attract too much attention if someone saw me. I can only imagine what people would think if they see a string of guys like me coming and going. I felt uncomfortable enough that I won't be repeating for that reason alone.

I would also avoid anything that could be perceived as ghetto by people who don't really know much about the urban core, i.e., anything east. There are a lot of really nice apartments near Oltorf and Riverside. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
I used to live down there when I was a broke student, and I have no particular need to see that area ever again. A nicer apartment in a better area can't be that much more, so why choose something that might put people off? A bad incall detracts from the experience even if there are no safety issues. It doesn't have to be fancy, but I like a decent incall.