Do You Believe In Coincidences?

Has mata gotten control of trees' account. It sure looks like it lately!! Matas' normal pattern- misspelled words, lack of sentence structure, and an overall lack of sensibility gives it away.. Maybe we can get a two-fer this time RR. Getting rid of two trolls at once......... This would be very sweet!!!!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Pretty sure Treetop is playing the ol' "I am Spartacus" routine.
He does a good Mata though.
Ya know, they see that if'n ya took a room full o' monkeys wif typewriters they wuld ee-vent-shoe-ah-lee write tha werks o' Shakespeare if'n ya gave 'em enuff time. Mebbe sumbuddy took a roomful o' ree-todd-id monkeys an' set 'em up wif an eccie account. Didja e'er thinck o' thet? Didja? Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Wonder if it works with one monkey with a room full of monkeys in his head?
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Pretty sure Treetop is playing the ol' "I am Spartacus" routine.
He does a good Mata though. Originally Posted by rockerrick
It's purdy easy fer tha lit'rate ta immy-tate tha ee-lit'rate, butt tha ee-lit'rate cain't all uvva sudden bee-cum li'rate

Ah shuld know. Ah'm an 'xpert!
winn dixie's Avatar
It's purdy easy fer tha lit'rate ta immy-tate tha ee-lit'rate, butt tha ee-lit'rate cain't all uvva sudden bee-cum li'rate

Ah shuld know. Ah'm an 'xpert! Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
God bless you DD, your posts are sometimes a good pick-me-up!!!! Keep it up
DogCatcher's Avatar
I was reading your respond ROCKERRICK on another post where you called me Mata , which I am not. But what concerns me if you are such a badass and this guy threatened you and apparently called you out, then why post the threat and just meet him and deal with it?. It looks like your very scared of Mata and the only way to get back at this guy is to try and get him banned . The sad truth is, I am not this guy and reading his reviews I wish I was. Maybe you should either submit to the fact your scared of him and you want so much to be like him instead you just stalk this guy. Why dont you just review girls and move on. Looks like this guy Mata is a hobby God. Jmo
Read again Mata... you'll see where you named a place and didn't show, because you're a pussy.

So you were reading my response? And got that huh?
The more you post, the more you show who you are.

I didn't try and get him banned, I did get you banned pussy!

Really wish you would learn when to use your and you're, you prove yourself an idiot every time you post.

Nobody wants to be like you Mata, fuck I'll bet even you don't want to be that retarded.
winn dixie's Avatar
Hey mata my hat is in the ring!!!! Do you still have coffee at the same place and time everyday! Let me know!!!!!!!!!!
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 07-31-2017, 04:26 PM
Rick...PM me...
Lhoppy's Avatar
Non-combatant here,,and please, I'm not looking to be flamed,,,

As an observation there only seems to be less then six "handles" saying a person raped someone, that's hardly a community effort.

Is there any substantive proof that this happened--
DogCatcher's Avatar
From what have read it's all make believe. They hide behind women are scared. I think the truth is they envy this guy so much and fear him that they just cant stand to be on the same board. Sorry RR i really don't think you had anything to do with banning anyone unless you call posting something out of fear. I have read all post and it's funny how he shammed you guys. Maybe the same way that Lexi Marie did you?
Sure thing Mata.
No one SHAMED me idiot.
You sent a threatening pm via the messaging system that I rtmed, and that is why are gone!
Got to learn not to fuck around when you have 20 or more points dummy!

Pretty sure you're not allowed to bring up
GUESTED handles dummy.
winn dixie's Avatar
Non-combatant here,,and please, I'm not looking to be flamed,,,

As an observation there only seems to be less then six "handles" saying a person raped someone, that's hardly a community effort.

Is there any substantive proof that this happened-- Originally Posted by Lhoppy
Yes, there is absolute proof of what HE did. The girls are so scared of him they will not come forward! A great many more have suffered from made-up reviews by this person that cast them very poorly. When in fact he was butt hurt because they would not provide BB or greek, and they stood up to him at the time! Other girls have not been so fortunate. If only a very casual examination of mata's posting history, what has been said by respected ladies on the board, and his reactions towards anyone who does stand up to him. This should no less confirm he is a danger to all.. And should face a lifetime ban--WD
Lhoppy's Avatar
Yes, there is absolute proof of what HE did. The girls are so scared of him they will not come forward! A great many more have suffered from made-up reviews by this person that cast them very poorly. When in fact he was butt hurt because they would not provide BB or greek, and they stood up to him at the time! Other girls have not been so fortunate. If only a very casual examination of mata's posting history, what has been said by respected ladies on the board, and his reactions towards anyone who does stand up to him. This should no less confirm he is a danger to all.. And should face a lifetime ban--WD Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thank you, and I have read his post, his replies to most everyone is how fantastic of a person he is,,that is not a well received message on a forum board,,feels more like some college football player bragging about giving some girl 'what she really wanted'
I was reading your respond ROCKERRICK on another post where you called me Mata , which I am not. But what concerns me if you are such a badass and this guy threatened you and apparently called you out, then why post the threat and just meet him and deal with it?. It looks like your very scared of Mata and the only way to get back at this guy is to try and get him banned . The sad truth is, I am not this guy and reading his reviews I wish I was. Maybe you should either submit to the fact your scared of him and you want so much to be like him instead you just stalk this guy. Why dont you just review girls and move on. Looks like this guy Mata is a hobby God. Jmo Originally Posted by DogCatcher

Are you a tockstar?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Yes, there is absolute proof of what HE did. The girls are so scared of him they will not come forward! Originally Posted by winn dixie
So there's NO PROOF then, right?