Did I say life support? How about a self induced coma?

nobody is blaming anyone ... just the facts. Originally Posted by CJ7
Yeah but did that fucked up Company ever complicate our lives during the Bush Administration, just saying.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Typical, quibble over the details in order to ignore the main point. This website, the hallmark of Obamacare, the crowning achievement of Barack Obama's presidency is a disastor. Either Obama didn't care enough to check up or his people didn't care enough to make sure or worse, they are just all so incompetent that they couldn't pour piss out of a boot. This is the president who was said to be so tech savvy just six years ago. He was a master of all things electronic and virtual. This is what he produces. This thing is going down and all the money (not just for the web site) is going to be wasted. Tens of thousands of people lost their healthcare getting ready for this. The net result so far is MORE people are without healthcare than when Obama took office.
Some idiot said that the GOP doesn't have a plan which proves how out of it that person was or how gullible that they believe EVERYTHING that Jay Carney tells them. There were 12 million people who could not afford or because of pre-existing conditions could not get healthcare. The GOP proposed a high risk pool subsidized by the federal government for those people. They get healthcare and the rest of us 285 million could chose whether to get our healthcare or not. Obama has little choice with the Senate democrats defecting. Obamacare will have to be delayed and then it becomes more of a campaign issue next year. An issue that the democrats can't win on. If you can get it the price will scare you off.

Obamacare is slipping into a deep sleep from whence it may never awaken and Obama goes out with not a bang, but a whisper.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
$96 million and Obama didn't make the choice ..now go blow IB

after you wipe off your chin, read this.


even Glen Beck is more honest than JDturdstuffer

almost forgot, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Originally Posted by CJ7
LMAO! You are still touting that 96 million figure as the cost of the Obamacare website. This figure is 2 weeks old. The latest estimate of the cost of this website runs somewhere around 300 million. And this estimate could very well escalate beyond this. The truth is we don't know for sure what the total cost of this clusterfuck of a website really is. The Obama administration is not saying, just like they are not saying what the total enrollment figures are. How much more will the Obama administration need to spend to "fix" this fucked up website?

You also say Obama didn't make the choice to award this contract. Are you fucking kidding me? You need to wipe "Obie's" giz off your chinny chin chin!


LexusLover's Avatar
You also say Obama didn't make the choice to award this contract. Are you fucking kidding me? You need to wipe "Obie's" giz off your chinny chin chin! Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
The company's "brass" testified yesterday before Congress. From the snippits I caught they are not interested in in being prosecuted for lying ... and openly discussed warning the administration ("white house") that the website was not ready to be open for business.

Did anyone of you all ....

...... have problems contributing to Obaminable's campaign on his website?

Wasn't he getting contributions from the Middle East ...

.... (a world wide effort to "get it done" seemed to work well for HIM).
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 10-25-2013, 07:48 AM
The company's "brass" testified yesterday before Congress. From the snippits I caught they are not interested in in being prosecuted for lying ... and openly discussed warning the administration ("white house") that the website was not ready to be open for business.

Did anyone of you all ....

...... have problems contributing to Obaminable's campaign on his website?

Wasn't he getting contributions from the Middle East ...

.... (a world wide effort to "get it done" seemed to work well for HIM). Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, I didn't have any problems contributing on his website during the campaign, but he wasn't using a Bush approved contractor for that. The campaign was run with donations and without all the crap that goes with government contracting.
Anyway, once they get it fixed, this will blow over and when everyone has healthcare, they will be happy and vote in Democrats for the next 50 years!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Still missing the point that Obama outsourced the gateway to his hallmark legislation to a foreign company. On a no-bid contract. American companies didn't get chance at the contract.
LexusLover's Avatar
Still missing the point that Obama outsourced the gateway to his hallmark legislation to a foreign company. On a no-bid contract. American companies didn't get chance at the contract. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Of course he did. That way our medical and financial information will be safe!!!!!

Damn sure isn't in this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 09:11 AM
LMAO! You are still touting that 96 million figure as the cost of the Obamacare website. This figure is 2 weeks old. The latest estimate of the cost of this website runs somewhere around 300 million. And this estimate could very well escalate beyond this. The truth is we don't know for sure what the total cost of this clusterfuck of a website really is. The Obama administration is not saying, just like they are not saying what the total enrollment figures are. How much more will the Obama administration need to spend to "fix" this fucked up website?

You also say Obama didn't make the choice to award this contract. Are you fucking kidding me? You need to wipe "Obie's" giz off your chinny chin chin!


http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/1...n_4114116.html Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
93n was the bid and the amount awarded .. read the entire article I posted, it explains it, even the part about the department in the administration the awarded the contract.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 10-25-2013, 12:25 PM
Still missing the point that Obama outsourced the gateway to his hallmark legislation to a foreign company. On a no-bid contract. American companies didn't get chance at the contract. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I have to admit, that part doesn't make any sense.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-25-2013, 03:17 PM
I have to admit, that part doesn't make any sense. Originally Posted by Bert Jones

the company was an American company, subsidiary of the Canadian parent company
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
93n was the bid and the amount awarded .. read the entire article I posted, it explains it, even the part about the department in the administration the awarded the contract. Originally Posted by CJ7

New reports are that there was no bid. It was awarded to a friend of Michelle from college. Of course you can say that you were talking about so and so because there are so many moving parts at play here. Anything to get past the car wreck of this roll out. http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/25/mi...acare-website/
LexusLover's Avatar
Anything to get past the car wreck of this roll out. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well they could start talking about the "Syrian Car Wreck," but ....

... why keep looking for more wrecks to distract the disgusted public.

They are running out of ... err... distractions.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Too many distractions and the public becomes "bored".
Biggest stretch at blaming Bush ever! Looks like BigKotex has a new friend. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That's Liberal thinking for ya. Don't ya know Liberals just can't move past adversity. Something or someone is always in their way, and somehow they look for a better tomorrow.
New reports are that there was no bid. It was awarded to a friend of Michelle from college. Of course you can say that you were talking about so and so because there are so many moving parts at play here. Anything to get past the car wreck of this roll out. http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/25/mi...acare-website/ Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
this too...kick backs galore...oh shit http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/26/co...-sandy-relief/