Tell Me About Pussy Reponse ;)

  • Chloe
  • 01-05-2010, 11:03 PM
WOW BOYS! I love this response . . .as you have told me of the womans response

I like offshores asking of my preference With a man . . .it depends on what he likes and wants. I love it all down there on men and women But a man who desires going way down . . .balls . . .need to be shaved. I am very good and like to use my toungue, getting caught up in hair may make me gag honestly so I will do less with those who are less groomed down there. . . .adventure more with those cleaned and shaved and open

I am lol with normal bobs comment, I agree on some level lol, I kept form shaving all the way for a while thinking of myself as being too youthful lol. Obviously from his reviews of me he is not upset with me being shaven lol. I got used to it and am addicted now and enjoy my . . . lol . . . area being totally exposed for pleasure . . .

As you guys explore and find out more of yourself and desires . . .so do I. I even asked if I could book an appt and do a review lol, yes penis envy all the way lol. . .
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  • GP
  • 01-05-2010, 11:07 PM
Chloe, I was actually curious what are your preferences when you are with another woman? I think everyone is curious about this!
  • Chloe
  • 01-05-2010, 11:11 PM
And OMG I love Normal Bobs post!!! I'll save some definate juices for you when we see eachother this week That's a hot post!!! mmmmmmmmmmm...................
TexRich's Avatar
clean, shaved and sweet tasting.
  • Chloe
  • 01-05-2010, 11:14 PM
I seem to be open to different women, tasteless, taste . . .feeling the clit responce is amazing with the tongue

I love the full exploration of the amazing woman body. Tit's any size yet responsive, sensual kisser, hot and encouraging for more . . .shit you guys are getting me hot again!!!
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  • GP
  • 01-05-2010, 11:17 PM
Maybe a visual would help? It is not real, just body castings LOL

  • Chloe
  • 01-05-2010, 11:20 PM
I love just diving in there and mmmmmmmmmmmm. . . I go in deep and intrequit. Loving and enoying . . . exploring and employing . . . no more questions!! I am gonna go off and be all alone and wet!!!
  • Chloe
  • 01-05-2010, 11:23 PM
number 10 on your pussy lineup is the one i wanna lick . . .
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I like offshores asking of my preference With a man . . .it depends on what he likes and wants. I love it all down there on men and women But a man who desires going way down . . .balls . . .need to be shaved. I am very good and like to use my toungue, getting caught up in hair may make me gag honestly so I will do less with those who are less groomed down there. . . .adventure more with those cleaned and shaved and open Originally Posted by Chloe
I had a review where hunter gave me a haircut and a shave of the bozzzzz, that got lost. I would like to retry that. Are you manhood safe with a razer?

and find out what . .. .that there may be something new to learn or experience? . . . bring it on!!! mmmmmmmmmmmm.................. Originally Posted by Chloe
from another thread
Chloe wrote: I kept from shaving all the way for a while thinking of myself as being too youthful lol. Obviously from his reviews of me he is not upset with me being shaven lol. I got used to it and am addicted now and enjoy my . . . lol . . . area being totally exposed for pleasure

Chloe dear, you could make your pussy look like a box of crayons and I'd still go down on you for a few hours.

You've nailed just about every criteria to the point where nailing you is a very tasty, delightful treat.

I don't know where you young people got this idea about hairlessness though. It is the norm now. I am adaptable though and I remain...

...always yours,


PS Chloe, if you did make your pussy look like a box of crayons, it would be the 128 crayon box complete with the crayon sharpener. That's my gold standard for material jealousy because all my parents would buy me when I was a kid was the box of 8 fat crayons.

That image should be permanently pinned in the review section. As a society, we have failed to fully develop our vaginally oriented vocabulary.

That picture doesn't paint 40,000 words as much as it points out that there are 40,000 words that remain uninvented.

Maybe in the showcases, the provider could list a number 1-40 in her physical description?

On second thought, bad idea.

That first reveal of the underwear peel has far too much appeal to have the surprise popped before you have.

[Note: Speaking of hairlessness, I had to drag a comb through my pussy description this morning to get a few of the knots out.]
  • Laker
  • 01-06-2010, 05:31 AM

You're correct there, is like opening a present, the wrapping starts your imagination wondering what will be found! And sometimes the wrapping poses a challange :-) But anticipation can drive you crazy as Carley Simon once sang !
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save the vidio
  • Chloe
  • 01-07-2010, 12:28 AM
note to self . . . One. . .shave my pussy into an artistict rendition of a box of crayons . .. Two . ..get toys and try them . . . Three . . .use video equiptment . . . Four . . talk other girls into doing it too!!!!!
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Chloe just let the forest grow