Idea-How to Quickly Grow Your Hobby "Slush" Fund...Seriously!

No worries people. Was just being creative. Wasn't the get rich scheme that would secure my future. Felt it had possible win-win potential.

RoundPound-you didn't actually pose any questions or make any good points--but I think you're reading comprehension level must be WAY low if after reading my initial post and response to your "pondering"-you felt the need to suggest people "run-not walk" from the offer. Read both out loud and S-L-O-W.
FY dude, you are an idiot, and just mad that I ruined your scheme. Feel free to PM me for a private meeting.
Yes-I'm absolutely furious that you ruined my scam. What will I do now???

OH-and how am I gonna sleep? I mean-with you all puffed up big, chest bowed--offering a "private meeting." Would you show up or send your former bodybuilder wife?

Grow up.

MODS--feel free to close this any time you want.
Thread closed per OP request.