Ladies, here is your chance; Gents, pay attention....POPCORN TIME!

Leslie Lane's Avatar
Gentlemen....and I use that word generously...why all the hate?? I can charge whatever I want. See whoever I want. Decline whomever I want. Whatever...Whenever...However. ..Wherever...I am woman...HEAR ME ROAR!!! R**O**A**R!!!!! LOL

Oh my, what's gotten into me?? Why, I declare!! Please excuse me while I go play with my little ball of yarn. I think it's feeding time and the bull dogs just got the bone they were waiting for. Enjoy.

Ladies..I sincerely apologize. But this Kitty refuses to roll over and play dead. Out of have my word I will refrain from commenting on this thread any further.

Btw...I was trying to make it my signature, but I didn't know how.

knotty man's Avatar
dang dudes !! let it go! this thread isnt the place to bust any ladies "balls". she made a valid point and stayed on topic. not WKing just sayin i love this thread and dont want it derailed because "you guys" havent resolved your issues. and have choose to bring it into a totally unrelated thread. ladies please let me know what i can do better to make your time with me more enjoyable and as relaxing and fun for you as i possibly can. just tryin to stay on topic
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Here is a weird one. I was on the phone talking to a GF and a call was trying to come in. I looked to see the number was a gent I was playing phone tag with. I was going to let it go to VM and finish a story with the friend.

I said a sentence or more and then asked if she was there..... a male voice said "Dagny". I D.E.W. not know what I was saying but please if you call and the phone answers but the person is talking on and on, please say, "hello! Hello! HEY!"

it is uncomfortable feeling to have this happen. Anyway I told him I would call right back. I thought my friend got dropped off but to be sure I didn't want to keep talking and have HER overhear.
"""" **Gentlemen, my introductory rate has now ended. My rate now is set at $700 for 90 minutes. If you are an existing client...have an appointment set...or you're currently in contact with me...your rate will remain the same and will be set at the introductory rate for future sessions. All others will have to pay the set fee. Non-Negotiable. Thank you. """"

this was not on topic.
this is not a signature.
this IS... just her placing another ad...this time an acutal the middle of a thread.

and she and everyone else is right...she can do what she wants, charge what she wants, and see who she wants....just like humpty can go running around giving everyone cream pies. best of luck to both of them. i dotn see the little smiley face with wave the white flag...but im done

sixxbach's Avatar
Ok, this thread needs to get back on topic. NO more hijacking from both sides please. Leslie has a right to post as well BUT Leslie, using your post in this thread as a place to plug your rates is not acceptable either.

Back on topic please, this is a very informative thread...

WyldemanATX's Avatar
Leslie at that rate why don't you go to the Bunny Ranch!
Damn...they charge that much at The Bunny Ranch? Really? Please do not ask for a discount or a deal if you are not a regular. I recently ran a special... a very good special I might ad. Some of the people that responded were people that wanted additional discounts. It really upset me. It made me wonder why I should even run such a special if it went unappreciated. Evryone talks about wanting lower rates then when you reduce them there aren't that many takers lol! It never fails when I advertise hh specials my business sucks!
cheater's Avatar
Good one keep em comming ladys . Plz let's get along and get it on. Smile everybody !!!
1. READ and take notes. I don't talk about ANYTHING on the phone. If you need to ask detailed questions when I call you back, then I'm going to refer you to the AD or WEBSITE where my info is POSTED. DON'T call and ask "how much" or "what do you offer". That won't get you any info OR an appt. Please know who you are calling and what the rates are.

2. 2 BELLS.......Even if you pay for an hour, multiple bells are not always on the menu. Let me tell you why. Some people are very disrespectful and manipulative. They will get their first one then later (when they are unable to reach their second one), try to stay FOREVER or act as if it's the provider's problem that it's not happening. VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. That is why there is a charge for 2 bells. NOW, after you become a regular and I know you can do that with NO problem, we can work out a discount. My rates are very plainly stated on my website. I had a client soooooooo entitled and cheap the other day that he waited until he was IN the parking lot to decide if he couldn't get free services, he didn't want to stay. BYE. Go to work on SAT and SUN for free and see how you like not being paid.

3. This is a job, there are bills to be paid. Childish people should stay at home. We do not offer dating, romance, or love, though most of us are affectionate and care a great deal for our clients. Don't try to date or pry in our personal lives, not cute.
mastermind238's Avatar
I understand that this thread is for the ladies to vent, but may I post one for a provider who doesn't have a computer at the moment?

A new client booked an hour appointment with her, but was through and ready to leave after 45 minutes - his choice. On his way out he went into the donation envelope and removed part of the donation. That's right, he felt he was entitled to prorate - only used 45 minutes, so only paid for 45 minutes. And he had the balls to schedule another hour appointment a few weeks later. She agreed to see him again, and he did the same damned thing on the second appointment. Yes, she declined to see him when he called for a third appointment.

Earth to cheapskates: Money is tight, guys, but there's a limit to how cheap you can be and expect top-drawer service from any provider.
Damn...they charge that much at The Bunny Ranch? Really? Please do not ask for a discount or a deal if you are not a regular. I recently ran a special... a very good special I might ad. Some of the people that responded were people that wanted additional discounts. It really upset me. It made me wonder why I should even run such a special if it went unappreciated. Evryone talks about wanting lower rates then when you reduce them there aren't that many takers lol! It never fails when I advertise hh specials my business sucks! Originally Posted by BritneyBangs

Girl u set ur own rates at the bunny ranch... usually it is that high or higher because the house gets half. Also the Gents that attend are usually very rich business men or just men rolling in cash!

Back on topic, please guts be aware of the rate before the session. If u don't know it ask before u get there. It's UN comfortable to be asked "so what do I owe u" while getting

Also... bareback is not on the menu... if its not offered then please don't ask over & over. U will be politley asked to leave. U don't know us, just like we don't know u. Be safe!
Ladies, what have you encountered that really ruined the session for you? Originally Posted by maxieryan
Stubble, scratchy beards and coarse mustaches!
It's near impossible to enjoy what pleasures you are trying to bestow on us when it also comes with the feeling of being worked over with 100 grit sandpaper or a scrub brush! OUCH! Most of us have soft tender skin and very much appreciate a freshly shaven face.

Fortunately I've not had to deal with hagglers or unclean gentlemen but those would be uncomfortable situations as well.

Great thread Maxie, thanks!
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Ladies, I know that I promised not to post on this thread, however, I feel this is something that should be brought to light....

I had a gentlemen (I will NOT disclose his identity, as he is a well known and established hobbiest) who offered to write a five star glowing review for me in exchange for a free session. Not only is that wrong on many levels, but it undermines the integrity of the board. I obviously declined.

Gentlemen using their "status" on the board to get discounts, reviews for free sessions, using the threat of a bad review to manipulate or take advantage of a provider are wrong. And in my book...they're Poopy Heads.

That's all I got.

Ladies, I know that I promised not to post on this thread, however, I feel this is something that should be brought to light....

I had a gentlemen (I will NOT disclose his identity, as he is a well known and established hobbiest) who offered to write a five star glowing review for me in exchange for a free session. Not only is that wrong on many levels, but it undermines the integrity of the board. I obviously declined.

Gentlemen using their "status" on the board to get discounts, reviews for free sessions, using the threat of a bad review to manipulate or take advantage of a provider are wrong. And in my book...they're Poopy Heads.

That's all I got.

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
that is just as wrong as trying to get around the rules of getting verified...
knotty man's Avatar
dude! LET IT GO!! everything she says you gotta bust her balls on. shes staying on point and on topic. but with every comment she makes you gotta take it back to a thread that has no bearing on THIS thread. we all had our say in that thread. its done now.dude, i get it. you dont like her. but thats no reason to hijack every thread just cuz shes posting on it. if its that big of a problem for you start your own thread about her. not WKing for her(hell i dont even know her) just gettin tired of readin eveery thread and havin you remind us of her other posts evertime she says anything. LET IT GO!!!