Making the P411 plunge

I love p411, I don't really hobby much, and like others, I like my privacy, b/c I am a really private person. Been a member what it seems like forever. I do find it tough sometimes to schedule since I don't hobby much.
shortblkguy's Avatar
I have consider p411, especially since I moved out of state but make trip to Dallas ever 2-3 months but have not take the plunge yet. I will probably do so in the near future.
Not that this plug for Gina is needed as her reputation supersedes itself but if you ever have any doubt whether or not to sign up just do a quick search and you will see what you are missing out on.

P411 has been one of the best contributions to all of this we do and a respected resource by thousands. Luckily for everyone it is run by a great group of ladies that have respect for both hobbyist and the ladies to make things easier and safer for all.
eewok's Avatar
  • eewok
  • 03-07-2010, 06:24 PM
P411 has made things so much easier for me.
P411 - best resource I have ever found in the hobby. You know the providers are legit - and they have the same comfort level with you as a member. I really can't figure out why anyone would choose not to use it. Of course you still need to do your research on reviews , etc.

Hey - why are we even having this discussion anyway? Get p411 it is a no-brainer!
Today is actually my 4 year anniversary from joining p411. I joined 3-8-06. p411 has got to be the best investment I have ever made in the hobby. Extremely professional and easy to deal with. Once you get a few okays it is extremely easy to set appointments with. It also helps as a hobbyist to have peace of mind

If you are on this board and dont have it, get it. It is a very good investment
pjpenner's Avatar
If you are moving to another part of the country, research provider ads to see which verification service is most preferred in that region of the country.

Example: I'm from Illinois and Room Service 2000 is the preferred and most widely accepted verification service, by far. Likewise, Date-Check is the most utilized service in many parts of the country.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I agree....a screening service is quick, easy and painless. Sometimes trying to get a reference from a provider is an extremely hard thing to do! Most of us ask for two or more from a reputable provider, because more often than not, some providers just don't or won't get back with you. I probably have a longer list of ladies who won't give references than those who will.

Having said that, thanks to all the ladies who conduct themselves in a professional manner and are able to "multi-task" by actually responding to the requests sent your way. Thanks to the ladies who are not insecure or jealous and promptly get back with the ladies who contact you. Ya'll rock and make the rest of our lives soooo much easier!
Well folks it has been a few days now and I have to say that it was easier and much more discreet than what I expected after reading their website. For me it was not the money it was the privacy. Already I can see the benefit of giving all of my info to one person/company vs every provider I want to see.

I already have an appt set with a provider that I had previously ruled out due to screening requirements.

As for Gina I paid for a 1year membership then I got a 6month ext. because i had two providers "oks" then I sent her a link of a eccie page regarding a fake provider and got another 6 month ext. I never had to ask for the extentions she just did and notified me.

Very pleased so far
Peach Pleasure's Avatar
411 is the best way to go if you like to be organized and know who you are talking to and who your going to be spending time alone with.
I can't say enough positive things about P411 and their staff. Their service is outstanding, discreet and perfectly geared for a hobbyist like me who travels to new areas all the time.
Introuble's Avatar
Just Do It.